Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1190: totem

In this way, the secret procedure finally got off to a difficult start under the vigorous promotion of Beidu, but no one knew how much it could play in the future wars.

Many years later, when Ye Han looked back on this past event, he was full of sighs.

The security program has been improved many times since then, adding many special functions that play an auxiliary role, such as judging the host’s environment through visual nerve signals; another example, through auditory signals, judging whether the sound heard belongs to human beings; and Through tactile nerve signals, determine whether the host is wearing power armor...

All in all, all kinds of judgment programs written according to this idea, through intelligent comprehensive judgment, get the result closest to the answer, and judge the host's situation through the result.

In this system, comprehensive evaluation is the most important part.

For example, both vision and hearing can tell that the host is surrounded by aliens, but through touch, it can be determined that the host is still wearing power armor, and then through various nerve signals, it can be judged that the host is breathing violently, adrenaline is soaring, or there is Other signs of strenuous exercise can conclude that the host is in the midst of a fierce battle, and the final result of standing still.

Of course, the actual situation is much more complicated than this, but the principle is the same.

At that time, secrecy procedures were a must in all biochips.

At this point, the dispute over the confidentiality procedure has come to an end. Although the soldiers' discussions have never stopped, as long as they are not out of line, the base will not interfere indiscriminately.

After all, this thing is related to the lives of the soldiers, who hasn't been rebellious? It's not a problem to complain a few words, you can't even leave a channel for venting this, right?

The military has never been a reasonable place, but when it comes to humanizing it, it's not really that rigid and old-fashioned.

After all, the times are changing. If you can't keep pace with the times, you will be eliminated by the times sooner or later.

The core of the Qiongzhou base during this period is the confidentiality procedure, but everything outside the base is still running according to the original trajectory and has not been affected by any unexpected factors.

The aliens who landed on the earth have never stopped. In addition to southern Europe and Oceania, local conflicts have also been created in many regions, but all conflicts have ended in the failure of the aliens.

This is not how strong human beings are, but that human beings have always mastered the air dominance of the earth, and it is absolute air dominance from the sky to the space. No matter how much troops and determination the aliens put in, they can't stop the ruthless blow from the sky.

The tactics of the human side are very simple. After discovering the insect swarm or insect man, it will immediately destroy the traffic network in the incident area with long-range firepower, and then mobilize troops to intercept it at the fastest speed, forming a local absolute advantage.

Next is the home ground of the air force and long-range firepower. Various air strikes and long-range strikes are emerging one after another.

This tactic is simple and crude, but the effect is unexpectedly good.

However, the location chosen by the aliens is often unexpected, and the troops of various countries have no time to transfer to the location of the incident, and even the air force cannot reach the land in a short time.

Whenever this time is the highlight moment of the space fleet, the firepower coverage from space is more cruel and ruthless than the air force. If the moon happens to hang in the sky, then congratulations, the aliens have won another big prize, and the death light from the super cannon will be ruthless. Destroy everything on the ground, and only by hiding in the ground can you get away with it.

A general sighed: As long as we stand under the moon, human beings can be invincible!

The soldiers were more straightforward: as long as there was a moon on their heads, the battlefield belonged to humans.

The people are more down-to-earth: as long as they can see the moon, they don't have to worry about bugs.

In fact, the impact of the space fleet on the ground is also remarkable, but the audio-visual effect of the space fleet is really not as good as that of the super cannon. The result is that the super cannon has become a psychological pillar similar to a totem unconsciously, which is beyond everyone's expectations. .

Under the joint strangulation of the ground and the sky, Southern Europe, which was once caught in the enemy's hands, was taken back by humans without much effort, but the war destroyed civilization, and the whole of Southern Europe was almost in ruins. Insects, even the most persistent people, are unwilling to return to their homes at this time.

So it returned to southern Europe in the hands of human beings, and it became a huge military camp. Fortresses, trenches and barbed wire divided the huge southern Europe into layers, and every open space was covered with mines, turning the entire southern Europe into an oversized mine. There is not even a safe road left in the military area, and the external traffic depends on helicopters.

In order to prevent the insect swarms from developing from underground to Central Europe, the European side also buried a batch of high-yield nuclear bombs on the ground, and monitored the underground situation 24 hours a day. Earthquake, preventing the swarm from continuing to dig.

Domestic netizens can't help but admire that the Europeans' cage policy is much more thorough than that of a small book!

However, no matter how thorough the European can only contain the giant insects on the ground, and can do nothing to the underground insect swarms.

This is not only a European problem, but also a common phenomenon all over the world. The insect swarm and the insect people dig into the ground as soon as they disagree. As a result, the ground is basically controlled by humans, and the underground is basically occupied by aliens. The dividing line is at peace with each other.

This situation is not only unexpected by humans, but also not expected by aliens. Both sides are depressed about this strange balance, but there is no way to break the deadlock.

The deadlock is not unbreakable. Poison gas, flooding and other means can indeed break the deadlock in some areas. The problem is that the speed of insects blocking the hole is too fast. As long as a clue is found, the hole will be blocked immediately to prevent the spread of poison gas and floods.

In Xiao Yuan's words, this is the development of the battle of wits and courage between the two sides to a new stage.

It is incredible to think about it. The human fleet has been able to fly to Jupiter to attack the alien's lair, but it has been unable to clean up the swarms hiding underground.

Using a nuclear bomb can indeed destroy the underground cave network, but it only destroys the underground cave. Even if the insects are pressed by the collapsed soil, they will not die immediately. As long as they are dug out in time, there will be no sequelae of hypoxia.

Moreover, with the speed of the worms, it will not take long for the new insight network to be dug out. Destroying the underground cave is not very effective. In addition, the nuclear materials are relatively tight, and humans can only temporarily maintain this strange balance.

The aliens also thought of some ways to break the situation, such as sending giant insects to ride the mine, or digging through the foundation of the fortress directly from the ground.

At the beginning, these measures did achieve a little effect, but after the thunder was over, there were still charged barbed wire; the fort was dug through, but the layer was not crowded at all... Various battles of wits and courage were repeated, and the result was the defense of mankind The means are getting more and more perfect, and the two sides eventually return to the original point.

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