Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1193: Tasks that can only be given to the elite

Ye Yang didn't exaggerate at all. After a few hours, all the open spaces were joined together, and a thick concrete wall bisected the open space on the west side of the highway.

Not only that, the engineers also installed various defense facilities on the top of the wall. There is a firepower point every 20 meters. Each firepower point has a multi-barreled machine gun. Below the firepower point is the ammunition delivery device, which can drive the ammunition truck directly below the firepower point. , to feed the machine gun at the top of the wall.

This is the ammunition feeding method used on warships. As long as the ammunition truck is empty, it can continuously feed the machine guns. Ordinary machine guns simply cannot withstand the high-intensity shooting of this feeding method, only multi-barreled machine guns.

In addition to the fire points, there are a large number of firing positions on the top of the wall, and a large amount of ammunition is prepared on each firing position. All the bullets are pressed into the magazine drum, and they can be loaded on the gun and fired.

The distance between the firepower points is not chosen randomly, twenty meters are just enough to put down a class!

Not only are all kinds of firearms prepared at the top of the wall, but each section of the wall is also equipped with a set of flame throwers. With one shot, a huge fan with a radius of tens of meters can be found, turning all the insects within the spray range into burning flames. candle head.

Not only are there various arrangements on the walls, but there are also various methods under the walls. There are an average of 2.4 mortars behind each section of the wall. If the time is not too short, this number can be at least tripled!

Such a wall dare not say that it is impregnable, and it is enough for the bugs to drink a pot.

Facing such a wall, Ye Han couldn't tell what he was feeling in his heart.

If it is here, let alone an elite airborne division, it is not a problem to block the insect swarm even if it pulls up the recruits who have just finished training.

However, Ye Han is very suspicious of the function of this wall. Don't the bugs know to go south, bypass the high wall defense line and then go north?

Also, even if the bugs don't want to go south, can't they go north directly?

To be honest, Ye Han really doesn't know why the boss is so confident. Could it be that he has mastered the pheromone of the swarm?

The questions in his head couldn't be answered, and Ye Han didn't have the heart to get to the bottom of it. In short, just follow the order above and guard the wall.

However, new questions emerged. Even in order to deal with the swarm, there is no need to waste manpower and material resources, building such a wall, right?

He couldn't think of the reason, and it didn't take long before he got the answer to the matter from Ye Yang.

The situation is actually very simple. After the swarm leaves the territory of Asan, it is almost straight to the east. If it is not stopped, after the swarm passes through northern Myanmar, it will cross the border and enter Dianzhou, and then use Dianzhou as a springboard to invade Shu. Qianzhou, Guizhou, and Yuezhou to the east. At that time, the entire southwest will be messed up by insect swarms.

Of course, it is impossible for the military to turn a blind eye when the swarm enters, but the military's siege and interception will take time, as well as human and material resources. It is difficult to say when the swarm will be eliminated.

On the contrary, it would be different if the swarm was kept out of the national border. The north side of the high wall defense line extended all the way to the west side of Dianzhou, where there were mountains with an altitude of about 3,000 meters. The probability of the swarm crossing the boundary from there is very low.

But behind the high wall defense line is different, where the altitude is mostly less than 1,000 meters, and the insects can cross the border line without much effort.

The high wall defense line just blocks this border. If the swarm goes south, after bypassing the southern end of the high wall defense line, it will continue to the east until the sea is the territory of other countries.

As for whether the swarm will go north after bypassing the high wall defense line, it is not something that Ye Yang can control. Ye Han is extremely doubtful that Bei Du has arranged some backhands.

However, Ye Yang knew that all the rivers near the southern border were under the control of the military, and strategic nodes such as bridges and dams were the key areas for defense. There must be some way to prevent the swarms from entering.

It was getting dark, and the engineers installed a group of special lamps on the wall before it got dark. When it was dark, the lights had illuminated the west side of the high wall defense line as bright as day.

According to Beidu's instructions, the swarm will arrive at the high wall defense line within two hours. After Ye Han received the notification, he wanted to arrange for the troops to go to the wall ahead of time, but the soldiers had just made a move when they were stopped by Ye Yang, who came in a hurry.

According to Ye Yang, the military has arranged a large number of troops on the high-wall defense line, and even the engineering soldiers under his command will be defended against the wall after the arrival of the insect swarm.

Hearing what he said, Ye Han felt strange. Since there is a high wall, and troops are arranged, what is the purpose of pulling the airborne division over?

Ye Yang continued to speak, and Ye Han understood.

The reason why the Airborne Division was sent here is because all the troops on the high-wall defense line are second- and third-line troops. Even if a batch of weapons and equipment is urgently replenished, the military cannot avoid all kinds of worries.

Call the Airborne Division First, to be able to stand on top to suppress the swarm at a critical moment, and second, to boost the morale of the troops on the defense line, and finally, the most important point is to let the Airborne Division stand on top of the most insects. The lot, acting as the mainstay.

Therefore, the airborne division does not need to go to the wall for the time being, and must wait until the main attack direction of the swarm is determined.

If you think about it, the length of the high wall defense line is tens of kilometers at least, but the first and fourth divisions that are not full of personnel can only occupy the top of the wall for five kilometers. Only ten kilometers.

The Airborne Division is indeed an elite unit, but no matter how elite the unit is, it will not play much role in a battle of this scale. The real main force must be a large number of ordinary troops.

Seeing Ye Yang leading the troops to go up and down, Ye Han had a very novel feeling.

All along, he has brought the kind of troops that are charging ahead, and this is the first time that he stayed behind and idled.

After more than an hour, Beidu finally determined the main attack direction of the swarm. While ordering the high-wall defense line to be on alert, he also ordered the airborne division to move 12 kilometers north.

Ye Han didn't even have time to say goodbye to Ye Yang, so he led his troops into the truck heading north.

When the convoy was about to arrive at the destination, Ye Han received a new order, asking Ye Han to lead the troops to capture a few giant insects alive. To be more specific, at least one of each type of giant insect can be missing arms and legs, but the body cannot be incomplete.

And one is the bottom limit, it is best to catch more, ten or eight are not too many.

Seeing this, Ye Han probably understood. It should be that Bei didn't know the situation of these giant insects, and planned to catch some giant insects to study.

This task is indeed not suitable for ordinary troops. Only troops such as the Airborne Division, which often perform special tasks, have the ability to catch a few back after angering the swarm.

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