Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1205: General, please respect yourself

The counter resets to zero, the beeping sound of DiDi and the red flash appear at the same time, and the experimenter on duty immediately rushed to the side of the culture tank to observe the situation in the culture tank.

"Okay." An experimenter nodded, and several people immediately got busy, draining the base liquid in the culture tank, preparing to release the people inside.

Ye Han slowly moved to the edge of the cultivation tank, the corner of his mouth raised an upward arc, and collided with Gao Kai's eyes across the hatch.

The base fluid was quickly drawn out. The hot air dries the residual fluid on Gao Kai's body from head to toe. The hatch cover was opened, and Gao Kai sat up naked, raised his arms and clenched his fists, released and clenched again, disappointedly. Mumbled: "It's not that different."

Ye Han smiled happily: "That's the way you opened it wrong, what's the matter? I'm still reluctant to come out. When do you want us to see with such hot eyes?"

Gao Kai sneered: "It's all big men, what am I afraid of?"

A very neutral-looking experimenter immediately turned black.

She was the only woman among all the experimentalists. Although she was from a clinical background and was well-informed, she didn't care much about that lump of flesh, but being ignored in person still made her very annoyed.

No matter how neutral the old lady dresses up, the size is also a beauty, okay? If it weren't for Gao Kai's level there, she would have to go crazy on the spot.

Except for a very small number of experts, all the people in the experimental group were from the military, and their rank and position played an extraordinary role.

Gao Kai stretched his arms, turned over and jumped out of the cultivation tank, standing in front of Ye Han with the lump between his legs dangling.

Ye Han handed over the clothes with a dark face: "Hurry up, don't get in the way."

Gao Kai took the clothes and said mischievously, "You didn't say that last night."

Everyone who heard this sentence felt bad, and several experimenters fought a cold war.

They all know that Gao Kai was in the cultivation tank all day yesterday, but they couldn't help but say that these words were too connotative and lethal, which made people feel the urge to hide away from the bottom of their hearts.

Ye Han was so angry that he raised his leg and gave Gao Kai a kick: "Get out!"

Gao Kai laughed and dodged, but he had just come out of the cultivation tank, and his strength had already increased to a certain extent. This dodging was not well controlled, and his feet immediately stumbled.

That's okay, his reaction speed and balance ability have improved, and he could have regained his balance in time.

But Ye Han has already completed the fusion, no matter the strength and speed, he is much stronger than Gao Kai, how can he escape?

This kick hit Gao Kaiguangguang's **** firmly, kicking him out more than two meters away, right on the female experimenter in neutral dress.

Gao Kai stood up by pressing the experimenter's shoulder: "You really kick!"

"Kicking you is still light, can there be a door in your mouth?" Ye Han glared angrily, wishing to beat Gao Kai on the spot.

The gravity of the moon is low, and kicking a person out two meters is like playing. If there is reasonable support, it is not a problem to kick out ten meters or eight meters, and the kicked one has no problems at all, just pat on the buttocks Can get up.

From a certain point of view, human beings here are all martial arts masters.

"I'm too lazy to know you in general!" Gao Kai looked like I was very generous, "Let's go, don't let people see jokes here, it's your place, I'll be waiting for you to arrange it!"

"Let's go, this is your place, okay!" Ye Han counterattacked without hesitation.

At this time, a voice that was indistinguishable between men and women suddenly sounded: "Comrade General, please respect yourself!" The female experimenter angrily pushed Gao Kai's arm away, "If you move again, I will sue you for sexual, harassment, harassment! "

Gao Kai was stunned: "Female?"

The experimenter's face was even more ugly: "Why do I look like a man?"

She just dresses as neutral as possible for convenience, but if you look closely at the eyes, the eyelashes, and the skin, it's not difficult at all to distinguish between men and women, right?

He did it on purpose, he absolutely did it!

The female experimenter shouted in her heart, staring at Gao Kai fiercely.

Gao Kai's gaze first lingered on her face for a moment, then fell to her chest to observe carefully, almost staring out her eyeballs, only to barely see a clue, and couldn't help grinning: "You're too hidden, aren't you?"

The experimenter almost fainted from anger, what does it mean to be too hidden?

An experimenter next to him quickly smoothed things out: "Sir, she is also trying to avoid embarrassment... After all, it's all men here, and it's too inconvenient for her to be a woman here." While saying that, he turned his attention to other cultivation tanks.

Gao Kai suddenly realized, smacking his lips and sighing: "I'm sorry, little comrade, you've worked so hard... Do you need me to transfer you to another department?"

"No, this is my battlefield," said the experimenter.

"Good comrade!" Gao Kai decisively sent a good person card, and then looked around all the experimenters, "You have worked hard, I thank you on behalf of all the officers and soldiers of the fleet..."

Ye Han almost couldn't help laughing, and his stomach hurt.

This guy Gao Kai is really quick-witted. If you follow common sense, no matter whether you apologize or pretend to be nothing, you can't avoid being inferior, but it's different when you play the official tone directly. I can remind everyone that he Gao Kai is the head of a general. , and secondly, it can avoid the female experimenter's pursuit. This skill must be learned!

Moreover, Ye Han felt that he should pay more attention in the future. In the special situation where he can't distinguish between men and women, it's not bad to regard the target as a woman for the time being, at least it won't make a joke like today.

Having said that, if the experimenter wears military uniforms, he will definitely be able to distinguish male and female from the clothing style, but here, the experimenter wears fluffy sterile clothes. It is really difficult to distinguish the gender from the clothes alone. I noticed that there was a woman at the scene.

This guy, Lao Gao, is really not very lucky.

After shaking the experimenter, Gao Kai sternly turned around and gave Ye Han a wink: "Let's go, it's rare for us to see each other, it's back to your place, I'll be waiting for your arrangement."

Can't stay here any longer!

"Don't make trouble, this is your site, okay? Speaking of Beiyuezhou, who dares not to mention your Director Gao?"

"Don't put on a high hat for me, and you can tell me if you are safe!" Gao Kai squeezed out a sentence between his teeth viciously, his eyes flickering fiercely.

This kid did it on purpose, this kid definitely did it on purpose!

"That's not what I said, rough tea and light rice, just don't dislike it!" Ye Han accepted it when he saw it, and immediately changed his face.

Gao Kai raised his legs and left, his face as black as the bottom of a pot.

Ye Han kept up with a smile, thinking about how dark Gao Kai's face would be.

Others watched the two leave, and an experimenter suddenly seemed to remember something: "Director Gao? Isn't that Commander Gao?"

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