Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1217: where is the difference

After half an hour, the aliens finally withdrew, and the two alien warships sandwiched the chubby spaceship in the middle and left the asteroid like a threat.

Ye Han's first reaction to the news was to worry that they would fly to Ceres.

Although the course of the alien battleship was not Ceres, Ye Han was still uneasy and asked Luo Qi to arrange manpower to observe the orientation of the alien battleship 24 hours a day.

However, I was afraid of what was coming. Those alien spaceships actually flew behind Ceres!

Although in terms of distance, when they were blocked by Ceres, they were already far away from Ceres. The question is, who can guarantee that they did not deliberately play a trick, first fly away to confuse Leishan, and then turn around and fly back after flying behind Ceres?

Ye Han didn't feel relieved until they passed through the shadow of Ceres.

But when his eyes fell on Xiaoxing, the whole person was not good.

Just withdraw the **** aliens, if you don't get rid of them in one breath, why don't you leave a battleship to dry? Isn't this just deliberately disgusting people and making people feel blocked?

Ye Han gritted his teeth with hatred, if you have the guts, just keep waiting and see if I beat you to death!

As long as you still have a brain, you know that it is not a good thing for the aliens to leave a battleship. Ye Han's brows wrinkled a deep word, staring at the enemy ship, wishing to get into the screen and talk to the aliens. People fight you to death.

As expected, after a few minutes, the alien warship no longer hovered, but flew to hover near the asteroid.

That's a very dangerous distance. It's so close that a few shots can dismember Xiaozhixing, and it's so close that anyone who picks up a torpedo can fight to the death with an alien battleship.

What do they want to do?

Ye Han's brows furrowed even tighter, and the whole person was surrounded by a deep sense of powerlessness.

A few seconds later, the inconspicuous pixels of Yikunling drifted away from the alien battleship and toward the asteroid that was close at hand.

"Damn!" Ye Han secretly shouted badly.

At this time, is it necessary for aliens to send people to land on asteroids? There may be, but it is more likely that they find that there are humans on the asteroid.

If so, the warriors still hiding on the asteroid are in danger.

"Luo Qi, contact Base No. 1 immediately and tell them that aliens are coming."

"Yes!" Luo Qi quickly informed Base No. 1, but everyone's mood was heavy.

Leishan is too far away from the asteroid. The picture I see now is from a few minutes ago. It takes a few minutes for the radio waves to fly to the asteroid. No one knows what will happen during this time.

A few minutes later, Luo Qi received a new message. He opened it like an electric shock, and the sound from the asteroid sounded in the bridge: "What sound?"

"What's the matter, are you nervous?"

"No, there is movement, you listen!"

"I heard it too, it seems to be digging a wall!"

"No way?"

"Listen carefully..."

"There is news from Thunder Mountain, they say aliens have landed!"

"No, it's been a few minutes..."

"Shh, shut up for me!"

The voice from Base One stopped abruptly.

At this time, Base No. 1 is like a submarine hidden in the depths of the ocean. Any unnecessary noise may reveal the location of the hiding hole.

Ye Han glared at Luo Qi: "What's the matter? Our news is late?"

Luo Qi said in her heart what would you do if you stared at me? Quickly check the timeline: "Yes, according to the time, before our news arrives, they will find out that something is wrong."

Ye Han let out a sigh of relief: "It's okay, it's okay!"

It is better for the soldiers to find out the problem themselves than to control the sound after the Thunder Mountain warns.

Luo Qi couldn't help but ask, "What do the aliens want to do?"

"It's either looking for something or someone, or else it's a dove occupying a magpie's nest." Ye Han's eyes were firm. In any case, he would not sit back and watch the asteroid fall into the hands of aliens. Even if he couldn't get it back, he would completely destroy it. .

Luo Qi suddenly shouted: "Master, there is news again!"

Before Ye Han could speak, Luo Qi couldn't wait to open the file, and a low voice appeared: "Leishan, the situation is not right, there are always sounds of digging things outside, aliens may dig in at any time, we have done it. After the battle is ready, when the aliens dig in, when is the time for the decisive battle."

The voice stopped, Luo Qi said anxiously: "Master, didn't you set so many traps? Why is there no movement at all?"

Ye Han shook his head: "Maybe it worked and didn't say it in the communication, or maybe the aliens bypassed it."

Aliens are best at digging holes. If they find an ambush in the original passage, there is a great possibility of digging a new passage!

Doing so avoids pitfalls without wasting time, and it just kills two birds with one stone.

Luo Qi whispered: "If there is a little movement, you don't have to be so careful."

When you think about it, this is really the case. It doesn't need to be too much. As long as it rings three or five traps, the action of the aliens will definitely be delayed for a while.

Although the delay will not be too long, let alone the arrival of Thor, it is still much better than the current situation.

At this time, another lowered voice appeared in the communication, and he said carefully: "Listen, there is no movement!"

"It's broken, where is this dug? Why is there no movement at all?"

"I don't know, we're fine here."

"Neither do we here."

"Not here!"


After talking for a while, there is no problem with any hole. The soldiers have considered all the worst situations in advance, but they have never thought about the current situation.

"Where did they dig?" asked a voice.

"Have you dug through a hole?"


"Wait, wait a while and see!"

The communication was quiet, but after just a short while, a surprised voice broke the silence: "Why did you replace it with a battery? Hole No. 1, what mode is your device?"

After a brief silence, another voice appeared: "Like you, it's on battery mode."

"So are we."

"And us."

"What's the matter, is there something wrong with the reactor?"

"No way?" The voice was full of doubts and Aliens dug up the reactor? "

"how can that be?"

"Nothing is impossible. Hole No. 1, what's the situation with the reactor?"

"There's something wrong with the controller, I can't see anything here."

"Then you say it's a problem with the controller, or is there a problem with the reactor?"

"I think it's a reactor!"

"Did the aliens cut the wire?"

"It's also possible."

"Are there any problems with you? Does it make a difference whether we have a problem with the wires or a problem with the reactor when we are out of power?"

"Yes!" said a voice. "If there is a problem with the wires, we can sacrifice a hole to save everyone. If the reactor is finished, we are all finished!"

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