Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1219: belated confidence

Ye Han was also looking forward to the follow-up news from Base No. 1, but for some reason, after the last news, Leishan never received any news from Base No. 1.

Some people believe that no news is the best news, but for Base One, no news means anything can happen, including the annihilation of everyone.

The situation was not optimistic, and everyone speculated about what happened at Base No. 1.

Ye Han also had conjectures in his heart, such as turning off the communication equipment to save power, or the wrong direction of the antenna. The worst case is that the aliens destroyed the communication equipment of the base.

If the base equipment is damaged, even if Leishan arrives at Base No. 1, the communication equipment cannot be repaired, unless the equipment on Leishan is removed and replaced on the base.

But that is simply impossible!

A few hours later, Ye Han finally received the news that the aliens were evacuating. He almost put his eyeballs on the screen and stared straight at it for a while before finally confirming the news.

The entire Leishan was restless, eagerly looking forward to new news. Luo Qi called base No. 1 every few minutes. It wasn't until more than half an hour later that he received a few vague voices, but after it was released, it was not at all. I can't hear clearly.

Ye Han called up the analysis software, and quickly separated the first audio track, but the most clear thing in the entire audio track was a word, and it was completely impossible to hear what this sentence originally meant.

Continue to separate, the other audio tracks are not as good as this one. In the end, only one is slightly more complete, but the only content that can be heard clearly is the five words of reactor and battery. The real content of this sentence is also unknown.

In desperation, Ye Han could only order Luo Qi to continue to pay attention to Base No. 1.

One of the observations soon confirmed that the communication antenna of the No. 1 base was intact, that is to say, the reason for the loss of contact was not the antenna damage!

This discovery aggravated Ye Han and everyone's concerns.

Since this day, Leishan has never received any news from Base No. 1, and Ye Han can only report the loss of contact to Beiyuezhou.

However, contrary to Ye Han's expectations, Beiyuezhou actually forwarded a few messages from Base No. 1!

The situation is really a bit strange. I asked Beiyuezhou carefully to find out that since the No. 1 base issued an alarm, the radio telescope placed on the surface of the moon was aimed at the No. 1 base. The news that the Leishan could not receive, Beiyuezhou had a new look. Clearly.

The monitoring records of Beiyuezhou are like this.

"Is this... No. 2... ready to open...?"

"Okay... zi...!"

"I wish... zi... luck!"

"It's not... we... zi... it's me."

"I wish you... zi... luck!"

"I hope... zi..."


"I'm going... zi... be careful."

The communication records show that there was a pause for a while, and after a few minutes, the voice reappeared: "The second hole...Zi...!"

Recorded here, there is an obvious fault, and the remaining communications are only slightly more obvious.

One of them was: "I rely on..."

This sentence is one more word for me than what Thunder Mountain received.

Then there's another sentence: "The reactor is finished...Zhi...Same position...Zi...Battery."

Ye Han's first reaction, the original sentence should be: the reactor is finished.

But if you think about it, it's also possible to say: the reactor is intact.

However, the latter should refer to isotopes. According to the relationship before and after the sentence, the original meaning of the whole sentence should be: the reactor is finished, and then the isotope battery must be used.

Anyone who knows aerospace knows that isotope batteries have an extraordinary position in aerospace engineering. Although there is a reactor in the No. 1 base, before the completion of the reactor, the power of the base was provided by isotope batteries.

Some devices simply have built-in isotope batteries. Due to the low power of a single isotope battery, these devices are not powered directly by isotope batteries, but use one or several isotope batteries to charge aerospace batteries, and then use the electricity stored in the batteries to drive the equipment.

Even if there is no reactor, these devices will not be a problem for ten or eight years, but they cannot be used continuously, and sufficient charging time must be left for the battery.

Ye Han judged that the meaning of the words is likely to be that the isotope batteries and accumulators must be collected, and then the isotope batteries, accumulators and life-sustaining equipment must be combined, so that the life-sustaining equipment can continue to work.

Ye Han carefully glanced at the communication records, and found that all the news was discovered after the aliens evacuated the asteroid, and it was only then that he breathed a long sigh of relief.

The No. 1 base is not a big problem. What he needs to do now is to get to the ground as soon as possible and rescue the trapped soldiers.

Two days later, just when everyone thought that there was no more news from Base No. 1, Leishan actually received a new signal!

Luo Qi couldn't believe his eyes. After double-checking it three times, he reported the unexpected news to Ye Han.

Ye Han was also very surprised, and quickly asked the content of the message, but what Luo Qi received was not a voice at all, but a piece of text!

The message said: This is the No. 9 hole of the No. 1 base. The power was interrupted two days ago. The No. 2 hole confirmed that the reactor was damaged. After switching to a nuclear battery, the power was restored, but it was very unstable from time to time. Preliminary speculation, the reason should be The total power of the nuclear battery is insufficient.

Seeing this, Ye Han immediately documented what he had overlooked.

He called up the equipment list of the No. 1 base, calculated the number of nuclear batteries, and simply compared them, and found that the total power generation of the nuclear batteries only kept one-third of the equipment running.

The following content of the news also proves this continue to reluctantly, all the hiding holes cannot last until the arrival of the Thunder Mountain, so the No. 9 hole collectively decided to turn off most functions of the life support equipment and reduce the The air circulation speed keeps the temperature control function, and then everyone injects hibernate to reduce consumption in this way, waiting for the arrival of the Thunder Mountain.

After hole 9 announced the decision, other holes immediately responded, but some people suggested that not everyone should be injected with hibernin, and at least one person should be left to take care of the equipment.

This suggestion has also been approved by everyone, so there is the paragraph sent to Leishan.

Ye Han also agrees with this decision very much. Since he can't afford to consume it, wouldn't he have everything to reduce the consumption?

At the beginning, he and the surviving comrades of the First Fleet also depended on this method to last for a few months, and were finally rescued by the Second Fleet.

Ye Han had hesitated, despaired, and felt helpless before. Until this, he had the confidence to successfully rescue Base No. 1 for the first time.

I hope the soldiers can persist until the Thunder Mountain arrives, and I hope the aliens don't come back!

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