Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1229: are you playing with me?

After listening to Ye Han's words, He Lu nodded thoughtfully, still not agreeing with Ye Han's actions.

It can't be said that his idea is wrong, because he also thinks about how to defeat the enemy, but He Lu pays more attention to the victory or defeat in front of him, or it is purely from a tactical point of view, as long as he can defeat the enemy, everything else can give way.

Ye Han, on the other hand, thinks more and more comprehensively. His eyes are not only on the battle in front of him, but also on the many problems behind the battle. That is to say, not only consider tactical issues, but also take a strategic view of the overall situation.

No one is right or wrong at this point. It can only be said that the two have different perspectives and levels, and naturally think differently.

However, Ye Han is just doing it instinctively, without thinking too much.

But this step is very crucial. After taking it, you can complete the transformation from the tactical level to the strategic level and become a true general.

As for the road... he still has a long way to go.

While speaking, Leishan had circled the battlefield, and no live enemies were found, nor large pieces of enemy ship debris. Until this time, the battle was completely over.

After receiving a report from his subordinates, Ye Han did not hesitate to order Leishan to head for Ceres.

The enemy ship came from the direction of Ceres, and it was necessary to go over and take a look.

He Lu had a different understanding of this, and reminded kindly: "Captain, if the enemy occupies Ceres, we will fly over like this..."

"The sheep go into the tiger's mouth, right?"

"I didn't mean that..." He Lu quickly denied it.

Ye Han waved his hand: "I'm not the kind of person who has a lot of taboos, it's okay to say it straight."

He Lu immediately stopped talking.

Ye Han smiled slightly, then sighed: "Ceres is too close, I don't feel at ease if I don't check the situation."

"What if you run into an enemy?"

"Don't get too close, okay?" Ye Han asked back, "Look at the situation on Ceres, you can feel at ease if you don't have any enemies. If you find aliens, just take a look at their strength, you can fight if you can, but you can't. Immediately go back to Base No. 1 and connect people to Shem people."

"Understood." He Lu said.

"Alright then." Ye Han glanced at the time, "The bridge is handed over to you, I'll rest for a while."

"Don't worry." He Lu said.

Base No. 1 is said to be located near Ceres. In fact, the distance between the two is hundreds of thousands of kilometers. If Base No. 1 is successfully completed as planned, the first thing is to start the engine and get close to Ceres.

Because the enemy ship appeared in the direction of Ceres, Leishan had already flown a certain distance to Ceres before the battle, but the direction was not discernible during the fight, and the position was a little off. It would take about an hour and forty minutes to fly from its current position to Ceres. about.

Some people may say, didn't Leishan fly to the asteroid belt in more than 40 days, and is it too slow to fly 100,000 kilometers in nearly two hours?

Thunder Mountain's engine does use alien technology, and the acceleration, deceleration and maximum speed are far higher than before, but no matter how the engine is improved, the flight of Thunder Mountain must follow the physical law of first acceleration and then deceleration.

The distance from the battlefield to Ceres was too short. Before Leishan had reached its maximum speed, it had to start to slow down. Half of the distance was used to accelerate and the other half to decelerate, exactly one hour and forty minutes.

After Ye Han left, the bridge was officially handed over to He Lu. He knew that the enemy ship had nowhere to hide in the open space, but he couldn't help worrying that aliens would suddenly jump out from somewhere.

In order to stabilize his mood, he first called up the previous battle video to study for a while, and then counted the amount of ammunition in the inventory.

When there is something to do, time flies very fast. When He Lu stopped, Leishan was only ten minutes away from Ceres.

At this distance, no aliens have been found. Is there really no aliens on Ceres? impossible?

In order to prevent being attacked by the enemy, He Lu did not dare to get too close, but circled behind Ceres from a safe distance. Even if the enemy ship suddenly rushed out, it would not threaten Leishan.

With only a few minutes left to cut into the orbit of Ceres, He Lu informed Ye Han in time, and Ye Han returned to the bridge and took over command again.

Taking over is no different. After going around the back of Ceres, not a single hair was found. No trace of aliens could be found on the ground or in space. Now Ye Han is finally at ease. After flying around Ceres from a distance , and returned the ship with satisfaction.

Only ten minutes after leaving Ceres, Leishan suddenly received an urgent communication from Beiyuezhou, and it was a level of urgency that must be executed immediately.

Ye Han was inexplicable for a while, and all the enemy ships that jumped out took the initiative to kill. What does this communication mean?

I clicked on the communication and found a video in the communication, and in the middle of the screen was a very familiar desolate planet... Uh, it seems to be Ceres!

Quickly call up the photo of Ceres, it is exactly the same!

At this moment, a battleship flew into the edge of the screen, and Ye Han recognized at a glance that the battleship was the Leishan under his command.

Leishan circled far behind Ceres, obviously checking the passage of Ceres not long ago, Ye Han was even more confused, what is going on?

Not having the patience to look down slowly, Ye Han chose to fast forward. After skipping a few paragraphs in the middle, Leishan had already flown to the right side of Ceres.

Ye Han was about to continue fast-forwarding, when suddenly he felt that something was wrong, and his fingers froze in the air.

On closer inspection, there seems to be something more on the left edge of Ceres.

With the finger click, something jumped out piece by piece from the back of Ceres with the click of the and then a second one appeared.

After pausing the playback to enlarge the screen, two familiar shadows came into Ye Han's eyes - an alien warship and a chubby alien spaceship!

Ye Han's whole person is not well, and his face is burning badly.

Co-authoring the alien is playing hide-and-seek with him. He flew over with Leishan, and the alien battleship was hiding behind Ceres. It was obviously near Ceres, but there was no trace of it from beginning to end.

He thought that there were no alien warships near Ceres. If Beiyuezhou hadn't been monitoring Ceres all the time, I'm afraid Ye Han would still be in the dark.

Inadvertently fell such a big somersault, Ye Han almost bit his back molar with hatred, and squeezed a few words from the gap between his teeth: "Turn around, I don't believe it anymore!"

Ye Han is not the only one who is filled with righteous indignation. This is not the problem of Ye Han alone, but the shame shared by the whole ship. There is one on the Thunder Mountain. Which one is not the root of hatred?

The Thunder Mountain immediately made a 180-degree turn, reversed direction and flew towards Ceres again.

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