Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1232: full speed return

"Understood, I'll confirm their situation as soon as possible!" Luo Qi fluttered a little and made a continue gesture to the soldiers beside him.

The soldiers immediately moved up and continued to dig the hole. The chiseled powder flew around, and after a while, the small hole was expanded to the size of a fist.

The soldier suddenly exclaimed: "Batch commander, look!"

"What's wrong?" Luo Qi hurried up, and as soon as he probed, he saw seven bright people floating neatly in the hole!

Why do you say that? Because the seven people were neatly bundled like seven chopsticks, probably because the temperature was relatively high, they were particularly bright on the night vision device.

It may be due to airflow interference caused by the loss of air, and the seven people are still spinning slowly in the air. As several people slowly turned, a bright red light leaked from the gap in the armor.

"What is this?" Luo Qi blurted out in shock.

"What's wrong?" Ye Han asked anxiously.

"I don't know how to say it, you can watch it yourself." Luo Qi immediately sent the video signal to Ye Han.

The light sources of the No. 1 base are all scrapped, and there is no light inside the asteroid. How dark is it here? Even low-light night vision devices can't work!

The low-light and infrared dual imaging night vision devices are used on the power armor, but in this ghost place, I can't see my fingers!

In other words, not only was there no light in the asteroid, but even the temperature was extremely low. In the end, the soldiers had to use the light source on the armor to solve the problem of sight.

The light source on the armor is a special weak light source, which is invisible to the naked eye, but it can provide the most basic working light for the night vision device.

In this case, it was found that the temperature of the seven people was not low, and there was an unknown light source in the middle, so Luo Qi was not surprised.

Ye Han was equally surprised when he saw that ray of red light: "Go in and have a look!"

"Okay!" Luo Qi agreed, and in a flash he planned to call the soldiers over to continue expanding the hole. At this moment, his armor suddenly sounded an alarm and detected alpha rays.

Luo Qi and Ye Han were stunned at the same time, and Ye Han immediately said, "Go back!"

Luo Qi immediately complied, and after the detector left the hole, the radiation readings dropped rapidly.

A flash of light flashed in Ye Han's mind: "It's plutonium, it must be plutonium 238!"

"Yes!" Luo Qi also responded, "It must be plutonium!"

"Quick, get them out!"

"Yes!" Luo Qi stopped calling anyone, and opened the door himself.

Ye Han breathed a sigh of relief, the situation was very clear, the thing among the seven warriors was definitely plutonium 238!

Plutonium 239 is usually used to make nuclear weapons and is one of the most important nuclear raw materials, while plutonium 238 is mainly used to make isotope batteries,

When there was a problem with the reactor, the entire No. 1 base lost power supply, and the life support equipment failed. The soldiers could only survive by injecting hibernate.

But hibernation is not human freezing. Hibernin can cause the body temperature to drop, but it must not drop below 12 degrees, otherwise the body will be greatly damaged.

In order to maintain body temperature, the soldiers must have removed the plutonium in the isotope battery and used the temperature generated by the decay of plutonium 238 to prevent hypothermia during hibernation. (PS: Have you watched The Martian?)

To be honest, Ye Han really didn't hold out much hope before seeing the situation in the cave, but the actual situation is much better than expected. If all goes well, the soldiers only need to be released from hibernation, and it won't take long for them to return to normal. .

This is the best news Ye Han has received after Leishan left Beiyuezhou.

Luo Qi dug out a gap a few times, couldn't wait to climb into the hiding hole, and dragged the seven people tied together to his side.

At this time, he saw more details. In addition to a glowing thing tied between several people, there were also several isotope batteries fixed on the ground, and several messy wires connected the batteries and the armor together.

This is for fear of the armor being cut off!

Luo Qi didn't have time to look closely, and checked their armor for the first time.

Ye Han heard Luo Qi's surprised voice: "The armor is still working, their armor is still working!"

"That's great!" Ye Han was excited, "Quick, let's take a look at their situation!"

"I'm watching!" Luo Qi randomly selected a person, pulled a data cable from his armor, and then put it on that person's armor.

Immediately before his eyes, there was a floating screen, and all the data of this armor were listed on it.

Luo Qi didn't care about the situation of the armor at all, and jumped directly to the most critical position, but no matter whether the heartbeat, blood pressure or breathing were all zero: "Master?"

Hibernation is not freezing. Although the metabolism is slow, it is not at all. Generally speaking, the heartbeat after injection of hibernin is about 0.15 to 0.25 per minute.

Ordinary heart rate monitoring equipment can't measure such a low heart rate at all, but the armor used is a special model, let alone 0.15 per minute, even if it is ten times lower, it can't escape the monitoring of the equipment.

Ye Han was also a little confused when he saw this scene: "Is the armor broken?"

"It's possible!" Luo Qi immediately pulled out the data cable and inserted another power armor.

The result is still the same.

Both of them are getting hairy now, Ye Han said anxiously: "Isn't your data cable broken?"

"No!" Luo Qi called an innocent person, and immediately found evidence, "The armor data is normal, but the heartbeat and blood pressure are reset to zero."

Luo Qi experimented one by one, and all seven people tried it again, and none of the people in the armor still showed signs of life.

A bad premonition welled up in his heart, Ye Han's face was gloomy: "Send the person out immediately, and quickly dig the remaining holes!" Right now is just a preliminary inspection, before the final confirmation, even if it is a dead horse, To be used as a living Malay medicine.

The landing craft parked at Base No. 1 only had first aid kits, and there was no rescue condition at all. Only Leishan had medical equipment suitable for rescue.

"Yes!" Luo Qi agreed, and immediately sent the person to the entrance of the cave.

At this time, people are more important than anything else.

Ye Han temporarily cut off the communication: "He How long will it take to get there?"

"About an hour."

"Adjust it, the sooner the better."

"Yes!" He Lu made arrangements immediately, and quickly replied, "Captain, it can only be up to ten minutes in advance."

"Ten minutes is ten minutes, let's start." Ye Han said.

At the same time, Luo Qi in the No. 1 base had rushed to the second hiding hole.

The closure here has been opened, and a soldier is crawling on the hole and looking in.

Luo Qi patted the soldier's shoulder: "What did you see?"

The soldier quickly stepped aside: "Nine people, and some equipment."

Luo Qi leaned over to Mu to take a look, and the situation inside was basically the same as the previous hole. He just had the idea of ​​getting in, and stopped abruptly: "Take the people out as soon as possible, and send them to the entrance of the cave to wait for the battleship."

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