Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1235: News from Beiyuezhou

Not long after Ye Han returned to the bridge, Luo Qi dug up the last hiding hole in Base No. 1, and all the survivors and soldiers whose life and death were unknown were rescued successfully.

Luo Qi checked the situation of the personnel immediately, and kept comparing the identities of the personnel. As soon as he came out, he couldn't wait to open the communication: "The bridge, I'm Luo Qi, is the division commander here?"

"I'm Ye Han."

"Master, everyone has been dug up. Four of them have physical signs. All conditions are the same as before, no one is an exception."

"It's hard work, bring people back... everyone."

"What about Base One?"

"Nothing to do, just leave it alone." Ye Han said.

Base No. 1 let the aliens scourge like this, and it must not be used anymore. According to his intention, it is best to blow it up directly, so as not to leave the first and last.

However, whether it will explode or not depends on the meaning.

"What about the equipment?" Luo Qi asked again.

"Where did you come from so much nonsense? Come back quickly."

"Yes!" Luo Qi didn't dare to say any more, and quickly conveyed the order.

Ye Han remembered something again: "Are the numbers right?"

"No, but all hiding holes are open."

Ye Han sighed: "How many are missing?"


"Okay, I understand, let's take a break first."


Luo Qi immediately organized the withdrawal, and after a while, everyone returned to the Thunder Mountain with their rescued comrades.

The Thunder Mountain did not leave Base No. 1. After more than two hours, the rested soldiers flew away from the battleship and began to search the surface of the asteroid.

The order Ye Han gave them was that anything suspected to be the remains of a martyr must be brought back, even if it was just a piece of minced meat.

This is a very troublesome and time-consuming job. All the soldiers on the Thunder Mountain who have free time all actively participate in the search, even Ye Han is no exception.

Everyone scraped the ground inch by inch and found more than 400 pieces that were suspected to be broken bones and meat. After careful preservation, all the pieces were returned to the Thunder Mountain.

These fragments will eventually be sent back to Beiyuezhou to confirm their identity through DNA comparison, and finally be buried in the Martyrs Cemetery.

Ye Han knew very well that some people were smashed to pieces during the battle, and all the pieces of their bodies were lost in space. Even if an entire fleet was sent, it would be impossible to find the remains of the martyrs.

But he and the soldiers have done their best, and if they still can't find it, they really can't find it again.

However, Leishan hadn't received the above order, and stayed still, Ye Han simply ordered the troops to search the No. 1 base again.

After the battleship was stranded at Base No. 1 for a whole week, Ye Han received a communication from Beiyuezhou. It was still Professor Qin, and he still had a laboratory background, but Professor Qin's face was obviously tired: "Ye Han, the result is out, Our modified mice were injected with hibernin, and then placed in a simulated environment of Base 1. After 16 hours, the mice's signs began to slow down. After 28 hours, all vital signs returned to zero. With more sophisticated equipment, lower vital signs were detected."

Having said this, the professor took a breath: "Your guess is right, there is indeed double hibernation, but the time is too short, we must hurry up to study how to remove the double hibernation, there is no time to study the causes of double hibernation, so I must warn You, no matter what time it is, you can't inject hibernin, 100,000,000... Regarding the problem of sleep relief, we already have an idea, and if everything goes well, it won't take long to find a way."

At the end of the communication, Ye Han was very pleased and looked forward to Beiyuezhou finding a solution soon.

Two days later, Ye Han received a communication from Professor Qin again: "Ye Han, the solution has been found, but the side effects are very serious, and there are still many problems to be solved. You have to wait a little longer."

Ye Han has nothing to wait for, just let him wait.

As a result, the next day I received new news from Professor Qin: "Ye Han, the solution to sleep has been found, but the situation is not very good, the side effects of double hibernation are very large, how can I put it, the blood flow is very slow during hibernation, It is easy to form blood clots, so we added some components to prevent blood clots in hibernin. Autonomous hibernation is also true, but the blood hardly flows during double hibernation. Seven of the twelve mice found a blood clot, and other mice were also at risk of blood clots. , you said that you have already moved a soldier, I hope you will arrange manpower as soon as possible and check it carefully."

Ye Han was so shocked that his jaw couldn't close, how could this happen?

He hurriedly contacted the medical cabin, and after giving the order, he was not relieved, and rushed over in person.

When they arrived at the medical cabin, the military doctors had already begun to check, and there were bursts of harsh noises from the equipment.

"What is this?" Ye Han asked with a frown.

"NMR, this is the most advanced equipment on our ship."

"Why so noisy?"

The military doctor was a little embarrassed: "Master, I don't quite understand this, I just know that this thing is so noisy at work."

Ye Han bared his teeth: "How long does it take to get the results?"

"According to your request, the whole body has to be checked, about ten minutes."

"so slow?"

"It's very soon."

"Okay, don't worry about me, go with your own business." Ye Han waved his hand and waited patiently aside.

After more than ten minutes, the inspection was over, and the military doctors were divided into two groups. One group sent the soldiers back to the hibernation chamber, and the other group left the research and inspection results.

Ye Han leaned up and asked, "How is it?"

Several people look at me, I look at you, no one will speak.

Ye Han immediately had a bad feeling: "What's the matter, what do you think?"

The military doctor appointed by Ye Han frowned and said, "Master, the situation is very bad. Judging from the test results, the blood in his whole body has coagulated..."

Ye Han was shocked, and before he could speak, the military doctor said again: "But we all feel that something is not right."

"What's wrong?"

"We found very slow myocardial contractions What does that mean? Is his heart still working?"

"Almost." The military doctor said, "During hibernation, the blood is slow. During the examination, it is no different from a blocked blood vessel. It is to see if the blood is moving. As long as the blood flows slowly, it can be concluded that there is no problem."

Ye Han understood now: "You want to say that his blood flow is too slow to judge, right?"

"That's it." The military doctor said, "Master, can you ask Beiyuezhou if the blood clot was discovered after the sleep was released? If so, we have to release the sleep first, and then examine it in detail."

"Don't ask, Beiyuezhou has already found a solution, but told me that the side effects are very serious. Could it be because of the wrong way to relieve sleep that caused the thrombosis?"

Several military doctors looked at each other and nodded at the same time: "There is such a possibility!"

"Understood, business as usual, waiting for news from Beiyuezhou."

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