Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1240: with full force

With a single order, hundreds of missiles flew away from Leishan, some flying straight and some in arcs, heading towards the enemy ship from all angles and in all directions.

Ye Han was in pain for a while, how could he use so many missiles against an enemy ship? This is so special, it doesn't hurt to sell Ye Tian!

I regret the order I gave before, but the missile can't be taken back after it is fired, so I can only endure it calmly.

This was not over yet. After a while, He Lu ordered the naval guns to slam, and then ordered the electromagnetic guns to fire a wave, adding up to at least hundreds of shells.

Ye Han's eyes twitched and the corners of his mouth twitched, what a prodigal!

There is only a lot of inventory in the Thunder Mountain, can it withstand such a disaster? It's not that he can't attack himself with saturation, does he need this kid to show off?

He secretly made up his mind that he wouldn't let this kid command the battleship next time.

A few minutes later, the two waves of artillery shells arrived at the target almost at the same time, and the alien warships evaded ahead of time, and each of the artillery shells flew past the alien warships, but none of them hit. .

At this juncture, the missile swarm also flew. This thing is not as easy to hide as cannonballs. Seeing that it is about to be submerged by missiles, the alien warship suddenly burst into mercerized light, intercepting it like a hedgehog. Big wave missile.

The swirling shells and missiles are intertwined with the dense mercerized light, which is too chaotic to describe in words.

The alien warship seemed to be able to handle it with ease, but in fact, it had tried its best, but in the end, it made a mistake, and was hit by a cannonball on the bow of the ship during the rollover, smashing a huge hole.

The accidental shot disrupted the rhythm of the alien warship, and was hit by several missiles one after another. I don't know which missile hit the key point, and the speed of the warship plummeted.

This is good, without the speed, there is no place to hide, and the shells never hit again, but the missiles flew past a large group.

Although the silk light blocked more than half of it, the remaining missiles were enough to kill the alien warship, so after a round of explosions, the alien warship was full of scorch marks and shattered holes left by the explosion, just like using a hammer It has been smashed thousands and hundreds of times, and it is in disrepair.

He Lu quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and reported to Ye Han in a straightforward manner: "Report to the captain, the mission is completed, whether to destroy the enemy ship, please instruct!"

Ye Han sighed helplessly: "Destroy it... It's done well, don't waste it like this next time."

He Luna is called a grievance, and I said in my heart that you told me as soon as possible?

After removing the last stumbling block in the way, Leishan accelerated its pursuit. According to the current speed and distance of both sides, Leishan should be able to catch up with the target within a week.

Ye Han even began to imagine the gorgeous scene of Leishan rushing towards the enemy ship, full of firepower, and destroying the enemy ship in one go.

He Lu suddenly said: "Captain, the enemy ship is turning, fourteen degrees to the left and seven degrees down!"

"Straight up, keep up!"

When the spacecraft changes direction, the trajectory must be a curved line, and the straight line between the two points is the closest.

"In front of the left of the route, there is an asteroid with a diameter of 0.7 kilometers."

"The closest distance!"

"Thirty-three kilometers." He Lu tapped twice, and a camera on the port side immediately aimed at the asteroid, and the asteroid image appeared on a small screen on the bridge, and the asteroid was always displayed.

That's one of the military's tactical guidelines—focusing on celestial bodies that come into alert range, especially when the battle isn't over.

There are many similar tactical criteria, such as the shortest safe launch distance of nuclear bombs, the working time limit of nuclear engines under different powers, the maximum acceleration of warships, the maximum firing frequency of laser guns under various powers, and so on.

He Lu acted completely according to tactical principles. This situation happened many times in the past and did not attract anyone's attention.

But as the Thunder Mountain approached the asteroid, the camera suddenly caught an unusual reflection.

The warning system immediately marked the location of the reflection, and at the same time, a red flash of warning appeared on the screen.

Because the specific situation could not be determined, the early warning system only issued a warning, but did not sound the alarm.

He Lu was startled, and hurriedly adjusted the image in front of him, carefully observing the reflection that caused the alarm.

The biochip completed the analysis and judgment in a very short time, and He Lu suddenly raised his head: "There is a problem with the asteroid, prepare to fight—"

Ye Han subconsciously shouted: "All turrets turn to the left, fire smoke bombs, and missiles are ready to launch—" The speed of the battleship is too fast, and the distance to the asteroid is too close, there is no time to change direction to avoid it, the only way is to Breathe in!

The end of the shout was still floating on the bridge, and a group of alien fighters had rushed out from behind the asteroid. They were like a group of crazy wild dogs, rushing towards the Thunder Mountain regardless.

With only alien fighters, Ye Han couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "Damn, I'm scared to death..."

Before he finished speaking, two alien warships circled behind the asteroid. Ye Han was completely blown away: "Fire, fire, missiles, hit me hard!"

There was no need for Ye Han's command at all. The moment the alien fighter appeared, the port side of Leishan was full of fire, laser cannons, artillery, and various close-in defense guns scrambled for each other. Lasers and rounds of shells escaped from the gun barrels and spewed out of the barrels. The smoke of gunpowder spreads everywhere.

All kinds of lasers took the lead in contacting the enemy, and the beams of light from the main guns and the beams from the near-anti-aircraft guns accompanied each other and rushed into the alien aircraft group together.

The distance is really too close, the power of the laser is almost not attenuated, the beam of light swept across the aircraft group, and all the fighter planes that were swept melted as quickly as ice and snow under the scorching sun, but in just a short while, the beam of light destroyed no less than two enemy aircraft. ten.

The weapons on a warship each have their own purposes. Using the main gun to attack an enemy aircraft is the same as using a cannon to attack mosquitoes.

The real anti-aircraft gun is the close-range anti-aircraft gun. The firing speed of this thing is extremely exaggerated. However, the beams emitted by the eight guns are extremely dense. Hundreds of beams per second are like a round of light rain, and the enemy aircraft destroyed are more than the main gun. more.

Just one round of laser destroys no less than half a hundred fighters.

At this time, the long-awaited shells finally arrived, but before they touched the aircraft group, they exploded in advance in waves, big and small explosions one after another, it seemed quite lively, but the alien aircraft group exploded in advance before they came , what kind of thing is this?

But this is not a mistake, but one of the standard air defense tactics!

The battle happened suddenly, but the Thunder Mountain responded very quickly, and replaced the main gun with special anti-aircraft shells immediately.

This shell does not rely on explosions to injure the enemy, but fights by shrapnel.

Because the relative speed of the two sides is extremely high, it will be too late for the shells to penetrate into the aircraft group and then explode, so the shells must be detonated in advance to form an overwhelming rain of shrapnel.

The shrapnel have no fixed direction, but they inherit the speed of the shell, which is surprisingly fast for an alien swarm.

Countless shrapnel smashed into the aircraft group like a storm. The high-speed flying shrapnel was no worse than electromagnetic cannonballs. As long as it hit an alien warship, it would be destroyed in one fell swoop without any suspense.

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