Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1242: Seeing the essence through appearance

Leishan continued to pursue, and the alien warships continued to surround.

Ye Han was very calm. His confidence and confidence infected all the bridge officers, and then the whole ship. In this way, the entire Leishan followed Ye Han calmly.

But Beiyuezhou couldn't calm down. At present, there are only three or two human battleships in the entire asteroid belt. If this is to let the aliens sink one, or the most advanced Leishan, the loss will be big. .

The bosses of Beiyuezhou were very worried, and they didn't know what happened to Leishan.

The bosses are senior generals who don't have to go to the battlefield in person. Although they are full of strategic theories, practical experience is not their strength.

In order to determine the situation of the Thunder Mountain, the bosses found Gao Kai, the space war master, and asked him to judge the situation of the Thunder Mountain.

Gao Kai's judgment is completely consistent with the bosses, but Gao Kai deliberately emphasized his understanding of Ye Han, thinking that Ye Han would not do this for no reason, and suggested that the bosses first ask Ye Han's thoughts.

The bosses ignored Gao Kai's suggestion and sent a message directly to Leishan, reiterating the situation of Leishan, and suggested that Leishan break through as soon as possible.

Ye Han, who received the news, didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while. Why break through as soon as possible, Lao Tzu is breaking through now, okay?

The reason why the Leishan has been silent is because there is only one enemy ship in front of it, and the Leishan is used to deal with an enemy ship. Is this not a breakthrough?

Co-authoring and not flying to an empty place is not considered a breakthrough? Co-authoring and breaking through the encirclement is not considered a breakthrough? What is this logic called?

After thinking about it, the bosses in Beiyuezhou didn't understand the situation, and misunderstandings were normal, so Ye Han sorted out his thoughts and reported it to Beiyuezhou.

After receiving the report from Leishan, the bosses hesitated for a while, and finally agreed with Ye Han's idea, but also reminded Ye Han to be careful and asked Ye Han to ensure the safety of the battleship.

Ye Han, who received the news, couldn't help laughing and laughing. It was the first time he had received such a strange order.

According to the speed of the Thunder Mountain, it should have encountered the enemy ship in front of it four hours later. After the Thunder Mountain defeated the enemy ship, it could calmly escape the encirclement.

But how could the aliens let Ye Han break through so easily? The enemy ship on the front was flying in the same direction as the Thunder Mountain. Seeing its meaning, it wanted to wait for enemy ships from other directions to arrive.

The situation was a bit passive. Ye Han thought about it for a while, and after simulating it several times with the biochip, he finally decided to give up the target and speed up to get rid of the enemy ship.

As soon as Leishan moved, the enemy ship that was originally located on the side immediately moved towards Leishan. At the current speed, blocking Leishan would definitely not be a problem.

Ye Han was very surprised: "He Lu, what do you think the aliens want to do?"

He Lu blinked in confusion: "Captain, I don't understand what you mean."

Ye Han pointed to the screen and said, "They should know that a battleship can't stop us, right?"

"That's for sure!" He Lu said confidently.

It wasn't that he was blindly arrogant, it was the confidence that Thunder Mountain had fought in a few battles.

"Except for the front, how far is the rest from us?"

"The nearest one is also three light seconds, and the far point is about five light seconds." He Lu said.

"This is interesting." Ye Han stroked his chin and smiled, "The front is the same direction as us, right?"

"Yes, the same as before."

"This is determined to surround us." Ye Han glanced at He Lu, "What do you think?"

He Lu shook his head: "No idea."

"Talk, talk!" Ye Han encouraged, "Old Gao praises you a lot, there's no need to hide your clumsiness here."

"Then let me tell you?" He Luyi forced a very emotional look.

Ye Han stared impatiently: "If you want to say it, just say it, how can you be like a bitch?"

He Lu pursed his lips: "I want to say, we don't have to do anything, just keep flying forward."

"Why?" Luo Qi asked curiously.

"Because I think they seem to regard Leishan as the old ships of the past." He Lu said, "The old ship can't accelerate well, but Leishan is similar to the enemy ship, and it is not so easy for them to catch up."

Luo Qi suddenly said, "I seem to understand."

Ye Han glanced at him: "What do you understand?"

Luo Qi chuckled: "I understand that the aliens can't catch up with us. Fortunately, we encountered this. If we change a boat, we may not know what the outcome will be."

In the past, the maximum speed of human warships was fast, and the acceleration of alien warships was relatively good. Now the new engine makes up for this shortcoming of acceleration, and the tactics of aliens are naturally ineffective.

Ye Han laughed: "You kid, we haven't jumped out yet!"

"Hey, sooner or later, sooner or later!" Luo Qi said carelessly.

Ye Han put away his smile: "This direction is not good, wait a while, and then we will turn back to the direction of the earth. I don't believe it, they dare to fly over there."

"It should be dragged down after flying for a while." He Lu said, "I think the enemy must know that they can't surround us, and they set up such a big battle just to scare us away, to scare us, and they will be in the future. It's best if you don't dare to come here."

"It makes sense!" Ye Han said, "The aliens must be looking for a target. It's not No. 4 or other asteroids. It is easy to destroy and difficult to build. Maybe the aliens are afraid that we will find them and destroy the asteroid, so they take the initiative to attack the No. 1 base. ."

"You mean, the purpose of the aliens is not to destroy the No. 1 base, but to cross Chencang?"

"It doesn't need to be so euphemistic, the aliens are just to find something for us, so that we don't have to take the initiative to find them trouble." Ye Han said.

Luo Qi said: "If this is left to me, I'm also worried, we'll only fight Jupiter four times."

He Lu touched his head: "Then we can't go back Why can't the aliens be so happy to occupy the asteroid."

Ye Han sighed faintly: "I think so too, but we don't even know which asteroid the aliens fancy..."

On the one hand, Beiyuezhou kept asking Ye Han to ensure the safety of the battleship, and on the other hand, aliens were attacking, chasing, and intercepting. It was impossible for the Leishan to go deep into the enemy's territory to search for the target.

He Lu and Luo Qi also sighed, unable to come up with any idea.

"It would be nice if there were more battleships," Luo Qi said.

"How can it be that easy?" He Lu smiled bitterly, "In the current situation, it will take a month at least to dispatch the battleship."

"Why so slow?" Luo Qi puzzled.

"What else can it be, overhaul! I have to change the engine, and it's fast in a month."

"Forget it." Ye Han said, "It's useless to say flowers, report them."

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