Armor Frenzy

Chapter 916: attempt

It was already a little late at local time, but it was just right when converted into Earth time. A group of people rushed into the restaurant to cook meals separately. Ye Han greeted Luo Qi with his own share, and sat at a table with the mechanical expert dialect. superior. (ps: Friendship of the book friend Crimson Crescent Moon - the word count is not counted here.)

Putting a mouthful of rice into his mouth, he chewed it twice without taste. Ye Han raised his eyelids and glanced at the dialect. Seeing that the dialect did not mean to speak, he could only lower his head and continue to deal with the food on the plate.

Luo Qi took a sip of rice into his mouth, and stuffed two chopsticks with shredded pork to fry leeks.

Ye Han couldn't help but persuaded: "Slow down, no one robs you, there is not enough."

He really wanted to ask about the task immediately, but after thinking about it, he had to endure it and wait until he had almost eaten.

Luo Qi smiled, unable to speak at all.

When the base was first built, everyone's non-staple food was space food shipped from Beiyuezhou, and that stuff was okay to eat once in a while, and everyone was tired of eating three meals a day.

However, the base has a special planting cabin, which refers to the experience of Beiyuezhou and uses multi-layer soilless cultivation to grow vegetables.

When the team set off, the vegetables in the planting cabin had just sprouted. Unexpectedly, within ten days, the first batch of fast-growing vegetables had already been served on the table, and it was not far to achieve full self-sufficiency of vegetables.

Dialect commented while eating: "This planting cabin really solves a big problem. It's not bad to be able to eat fresh vegetables here!"

Luo Qi finally swallowed what was in his mouth, and said with a smile: "I heard that Beiyuezhou has also developed a breeding cabin, why didn't it match us."

Dialect said with a smile: "Well, if you raise chickens without laying eggs, if you raise pigs without laying cubs, you can also raise fish, and everything else is pure bullshit."

"Why?" Luo Qi asked curiously.

"It seems to be because of weightlessness... Hey, we have a good gravity here, so don't try it." Speaking in dialect, he cast his hopeful eyes on Ye Han, "But that thing uses frozen embryos, and the breeding cycle is not short."

"You can try." Ye Han said, "We can't tell how long we will stay here."

Luo Qi's eyes widened: "Vegetable seeds are used in the planting cabin, and frozen embryos are used in the breeding cabin. Good guy, it's quite economical."

Even if the cost of aerospace has been greatly reduced today, aerospace is still a money-burning business, and Beiyuezhou is definitely doing this to reduce costs.

"Have you eaten yet?" Ye Han squinted at Luo Qi.

Luo Qi nodded: "It's almost there."

"That's good." Ye Han put down his chopsticks, "What's the situation?"

Although there are people coming and going in the cafeteria, the base is all my own people, so there is no need to worry about leaking secrets.

Luo Qi didn't speak, and his first reaction was to look at the dialect.

Dialect scolded dissatisfiedly: "See what I'm doing, you can say whatever you need to say."

"That's what you said!" Luo Qi pushed the responsibility cleanly, then looked at Ye Han and said, "Boss, our professor Fang said that if we want to study planetary engines, we must build a new underground base!"

Ye Han was at a loss: "What is this, let's start from the beginning."

"Oh!" Luo Qi agreed, recalling what happened these days, he picked up his chopsticks and ordered it on the table, "This is our base, this is the entrance to the underground passage, and after entering it is a ramp passage, from here all the way to You can go down to the center of the earth, and there is a fork in the middle, and I saw aliens in the fork, which should be a dungeon."

The dialect interface said: "I have observed carefully, the closer to the ground, the more aliens there are, not a single alien can be seen in the fork near the center of the earth, and many forks are dead ends, I don't know if the passage has collapsed. Or deliberately block it." Speaking of which, the dialect paused, "From the ground to the center of the earth, there are dungeons everywhere, I don't know how many forks there are on this road, this is just a passage, these days I have been Thinking about how many people Io can live in when full."

Ye Han said: "The political work team has exchanged some information from the aliens. According to the intelligence, Io has never been fully occupied."

"What else?" Fang Yan widened his eyes in surprise, "What else? What else?"

Ye Han nodded: "It's the same thing as a history book, I don't know if it's true yet."

"Then find a way to prove it, using carbon 14 determination, or something else." Dialect quickly came up with an idea.

Ye Han smiled bitterly: "It's just a few verbal messages, how to measure it?"

Dialect's eager expression immediately froze, and he took a mouthful of rice in disappointment.

Ye Han looked at Luo Qi: "What's the situation in the passage? How long and how wide?"

Luo Qi quickly replied: "It's basically a perfect circle, very straight, no less than ten meters in diameter, and the **** is very large, almost 60 degrees. Our car almost overturned when we drove in."

Ye Han frowned: "Then why didn't you report it?"

The two engineering vehicles at the base are refitted with armored The maximum climbing **** is 35 degrees. The zero gravity of Io is lower than that of the earth, and the climbing angle can be slightly increased, but the maximum cannot exceed 40 degrees. The second degree, otherwise the center of gravity of the construction vehicle will cross the support point of the rear wheel, and there is absolutely no discussion about the rollover.

Weighting the chassis to shift the center of gravity, or installing auxiliary wheels can improve the grade, but several methods he can think of require technical and equipment support, which cannot be done on Io Zero.

"It wasn't that steep at the beginning, and I lost contact before reaching the steep place." Luo Qi explained.

"Then how did you get down?" Ye Han asked in astonishment.

Luo Qi grinned, and his hands were dragged one after the other: "The aliens sent two bugs to bite the tail of the car, and just kept going down."

"Drag all the way to the center of the earth?" Ye Han asked in disbelief.

"No, I changed it a few times in the middle, and the gravitational force got lower as I went down. At the end, I was almost weightless. I could drag the car away with one hand." Luo Qi said.

The dialect added: "If it weren't for gravity being so low, we wouldn't dare to say that the planetary engine is in the center of the earth."

"Oh!" Ye Han was stunned, "How many times did the passage turn?"

The planetary engine is in the center of the earth, so the channel leading to the engine must be perpendicular to the horizontal plane. Since the inclination of the channel is 60 degrees, the channel must not be able to go straight to the center of the earth.

"Ten times, and a few times in the middle of the dungeon." Luo Qi said.

Ye Han frowned deeper: "Luo Qi, from your perspective, what can you use to fly directly to the center of the earth? Individual aircraft? Rotorcraft? Helicopter? Or a fighter jet!"

Luo Qi thought for a while and said, "Fixed wings are definitely not good, and gyrocopters are a bit difficult, and armed helicopters should be fine, but they can only be lined up and fly one by one."

Fang Yan was stunned when he heard the words, and couldn't help but ask, "Director Ye, you mean... sneak attack?"

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