Armor Frenzy

Chapter 918: wartime efficiency

After leaving the restaurant, Ye Han reported the relevant situation to Beidu as soon as possible. Just one hour later, the advance base received a reply from Beidu. In principle, the construction of the geocentric base was approved. Communicate with aliens about the construction of .

Ye Han originally thought that the aliens would not agree easily, but what surprised him was that the delegation only mentioned a word, and the aliens agreed immediately, and took the initiative to contribute to the construction of the geocentric base.

However, the aliens also put forward some requirements. For example, the research of the geocentric base must be supervised by the aliens throughout the process, and for example, the personnel in the geocentric base can only move in a limited area and so on.

Beidu's response is also very straightforward, as long as the request does not affect the research, the green light will be given.

In the end, it took only half a night for both parties to discuss a series of issues concerning the geocentric base, and the efficiency was a mess.

As a result, the next morning, Beiyuezhou began to make the "containers" needed for the geocentric base.

The reason why it is said to be made rather than manufactured is because these things are all ready-made, as long as they are modified according to the specific needs of the geocentric base, they can be sent to the space city for loading and shipment.

The specific requirements for the modification are drafted by the dialect, revised by the expert group in the forward base, and then checked by experts from the Northern Capital Organization.

The final draft fully considered the special environment of the center of the earth, so the transformation process that originally only took a few days was dragged on for more than a week and was not completed.

It's not that Beiyuezhou doesn't work hard, it's really that the requirements of the geocentric base are different, and it is even said that it is completely opposite to the design concept of the combined camp!

This situation is so rare that the original plan had to be cancelled, and the design department worked overtime overnight to come up with a new set of combined design plans, and then send it to Beiyuezhou to start manufacturing.

The original purpose of the combined camp is to use it in outer space, regardless of whether it is the moon, Mercury or Mars, it can be used immediately when it is sent, even if you find a small asteroid, or simply use it as a space station.

Anyone who knows a little bit about space can infer the functions of this equipment after knowing the functions of the combined camp, such as cold protection, heat insulation, pressure protection, and radiation resistance.

But this time it is a geocentric base, which is completely different from the space environment. In terms of pressure, space has low pressure on the outside and high pressure on the inside, which means that the combined box must be kept pressurized inside.

The center of the earth is different. The air pressure there is a bit higher than the standard air pressure. It is meaningless to maintain the pressure internally. Of course, there is no need to maintain the pressure externally, because the air pressure there has not exceeded that of human beings. To adapt to the scope, it is enough to directly balance the inside and outside.

However, after the air pressure increases, the equipment installed in the box should also be adjusted accordingly, especially the sensitive equipment related to pressure.

In addition, lighting needs to be enhanced, energy supply needs to be strengthened, drinking water supplies must be guaranteed, and safety needs to be reconsidered.

In short, except for the basic design concept, all other aspects can be changed. Fortunately, human beings have a lot of research on high-pressure environments. Both the theory and the equipment are readily available, and Beiyuezhou only needs a new design scheme.

The design department did not give it for nothing. It only took three days to come up with the preliminary plan, and a week to come up with the formal design drawing. Beiyuezhou immediately constructed according to the drawing. As a result, it was officially completed in only two days. The next task is to transport the project. To Io Zero, and then sent to the center of the earth for assembly.

After the geocentric base components were sent away, the relationship between Beidu and the resistance organization entered a stable period, and the cooperation was orderly, but the cooperation had just begun, and no one expected to achieve results so soon.

Moreover, Beidu has a cooperative relationship with the resistance organization. The advance base has been built, and the geocentric base is also ready to be built. The resistance organization has shown full sincerity. Therefore, Beidu must also fulfill its obligation of cooperation and gradually increase investment at the military level.

So Beidu launched four amphibious landing ships in one breath, two medium-sized and two large, all of which were tested for carrying aliens.

These two types of warships are improved according to the use of Yushan, which can be said to be the descendants of Yushan, but these warships are prepared for aliens, so they have carried out many times with the resistance organization during the design. Communication, to get to the bottom of the living conditions that aliens need.

There was also a small episode when the two sides communicated. Beidu means the most capable of transporting dormant aliens. Otherwise, the air and supplies consumed along the way will be a terrifying astronomical figure. A large landing ship can put a few Hundreds of aliens are sent to Jupiter and they are in the sky.

However, the resistance organization disagreed with life and death, and they were killed without hibernation technology.

It doesn't matter whether the resistance organization has hibernation technology, the important thing is that getting on the spaceship is equivalent to handing over your life to human In case of an accident, the awake servants can resist, the dormant servants can resist. People don't know how to die.

The problem of consumables must be solved, otherwise, with the industrial capabilities of human beings, they will not be able to build so many spaceships in the next life.

Therefore, the resistance organization submitted a minimum consumption standard for the servants to Beidu. The main idea is to maintain this standard, so that the servants can survive. When the destination is approaching, the minimum standard is raised to the normal level in advance, and the servants can be in the return to normal within the shortest possible time.

I don't know if I don't see it, but I was startled when I saw it. The standard of the resistance organization is too low. Good guy, a meal for an ordinary person is enough for a servant to live for half a month without turning around, and there is no toilet in the middle.

With the amount of food served by the servants, it is not a problem to eat one meal for a month. It really saves water and materials and is easy to support!

Of course, this refers to the consumption when you are not active. If you have nothing to do, get up and move, even if you just take a few steps, this stipend is definitely not enough.

Not only supplies, but also air consumption. As long as the servants remain motionless, the oxygen demand can be greatly reduced.

This hand can shake the northern capital a lot. Is this the minimum consumption? It's the hibernation halo that comes with it, okay?

The more you know about aliens, the more Beidu feels that aliens are suitable for spaceflight, at least dozens of streets stronger than humans who have a lot of thieves as soon as they go to heaven.

Moreover, the servants are all made, and then connected to the super biochemical technology of the aliens, Bei has reason to believe that the servants are the biochemical people specially created by the aliens for spaceflight!

It's a wild guess, but everyone thinks it's probably very high.

Moreover, this speculation has also aroused a high degree of vigilance in Beidu. If the servants were created by aliens using biochemical technology, then there must be no problem with loyalty. In that case, where did the resistance organization come from?

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