Armor Frenzy

Chapter 930: Skyhook fishing

At dawn, Ye Han took his team out of the base.

Looking up, Ye Han barely saw a small bright spot in the distant sky. He turned on the telescope and zoomed in several times in a row. The small bright spot suddenly turned into a clear transport ship, and the main engine nozzles on both sides of the spacecraft were downward. , the flashes in the reaction chamber followed one after another.

"Sky Hook, I have seen you, very clearly."

"Received, ready to release the cable, pay attention!"

"Understood!" Ye Han agreed, turned off the telescope and looked left and right, and simply rolled over and lay on the ground, so as not to look up and get too tired.

A few people around saw Ye Han's behavior, and they also lay on the ground together.

Ye Han is Lin Yi on the left and Ouyang Ping on the right.

Lin Yi's responsibility is to control the rocket for escape. According to Beidu's requirements, this rocket must be able to lift off at any time, so he usually stays in the base and can't come out. Wei Ling's risk assessment is also getting lower and lower. After a long time, he finally relaxes a little and can come out to let the wind out.

Because he was unfamiliar with the situation, Lin Yi simply followed behind Ye Han's buttocks and acted as a follower with peace of mind.

The closer the Sky Hook flew, the slower the speed. The frequency of flashes in the engine became higher and higher. When it flew directly above the advancing base, the flashes were already connected together and could not be counted.

Ye Han knew that it was Sky Hook's main engine against Io Zero's gravity!

Aerospace is all about making speed against gravity. The slower the relative speed, the stronger the gravity the spacecraft is subjected to.

Ordinary spaceships can't resist the planet's gravity even if their engines are overpowered, but Skyhook is different. It is specially designed for this mission. The same type of spaceship has only two engines, and Skyhook has eight!

Eight engines are running at the same time, and the power must reach more than 90% for the Skyhook to be suspended in the same position.

In theory, the Skyhook can completely land on the surface, and then return to space with super-high engine thrust after take-off. However, suspension is a very fuel-consuming behavior. Taking off from the ground burns more fuel than suspension, which is completely worth the loss.

After the Sky Hook stabilized, Ye Han heard a voice: "Base, the cable has been released!"

Ye Han immediately replied: "The base understands and is observing!"

Through the telephoto function, it can be seen that a cable is released from directly under the spacecraft, and the end of the cable is connected to a sinker with a hook, which is extending down from the bottom of the ship.

"Sky Hook, I saw the cable, everything is normal!" Ye Han said.

Earth has been planting carbon fiber plants for a few months after they got them. Although they don't grow as fast as aliens here, and don't collect as much as aliens, it's not a problem to get a few cables.

"The Sky Hook understands that the three-second countdown is accelerated—three, two, one!"

As soon as the voice fell, the sinker that was slowly descending suddenly fell down like a kite with a broken string, and the speed was getting faster and faster, and it soon penetrated into the atmosphere.

Ye Han's eyes were fixed on the sky, and suddenly there was a very strange feeling in his heart. He felt that the hook with the hook was like a fishing hook, the cable was like a fishing line, and the sky hook was naturally a fisherman.

The high-speed winch on the Skyhook was extremely fast, and the sinker's descent speed was not even as fast as the winch's release speed.

Ye Han silently estimated the height of the sinker, and estimated that when the sinker was only five kilometers away from the ground, Ye Han decisively shouted: "Sky hook, slow down!"

The Sky Hook hurriedly complied, and the speed of the sinker was immediately reduced by half, and the cable straightened immediately, pulling the sinker below, like an oversized pendulum, swaying erratically in mid-air.

"Slow again!"

The pendant slowed down by half again, falling only a quarter of the speed just now, but it swayed even more.

Ye Han continued to watch, and when the height of the sinker dropped to about one kilometer, the sky hook was slowed down again, and half a minute later, the fall hook the size of a car fell to the ground.

"Okay—" Ye Han stretched his voice, and the Sky Hook immediately got stuck to understand the rope. At this time, the height of the falling hook was only a little over two meters, and it swayed more joyfully from side to side.

Ouyang Ping's eyes widened: "Boss, this can't be depended on?"

The hook swings too fast, even wearing power armor, it's hard enough to smash this thing.

Ye Han frowned: "Sky hook, put three meters down!"

"Skyhook received!" As he spoke, the cable was put down for another three meters, and the heavy hook fell heavily on the ground. Because the speed was too fast, the heavy hook jumped and rolled on the ground, carrying a large piece of turf and soil, and plowed out a line. It stopped after a few tens of meters of earth ditch.

The hook stopped, but the cable above it was buzzing like a string that had been hooked by a urchin.

Ye Han breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head and said, "Ouyang, bring a few people to carry the hook over."

"Okay!" Ouyang Ping waved his hand, and several soldiers quickly followed, and a total of seven people rushed over and lifted the hook without much effort. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

Ye Han jumped to the top of the container in a few steps, beckoned and shouted, "This way!"

The soldiers lifted the hook to the side of the container, and Ye Han said on the radio: "Sky hook, rise two meters!"

"Sky hook received!"

The cable straightened immediately, and the hook that touched the ground rose slowly, but it was a little lower than Ye Han expected.

Ye Han didn't shout anymore, but called the soldiers to hand over the hook. Ouyang Ping quickly jumped onto the container and caught the hook with Ye Han. Together, the two of them worked hard to hang the heavy hook on the container.

Ye Han first made a gesture to let Ouyang go down, then he checked the hook and made sure that there was no problem before turning around and jumping down, and while his feet touched the ground, he shouted: "Sky Hook, after it is mounted, it can be raised! "

"Sky hook received!"

The spaceship in the air immediately increased the engine power, the suspended spaceship gradually rose, and the cables that were still a little loose were suddenly tightened, and then the container was tightened, and then the container was lifted off the ground.

The container was thrown out at once, almost missing Ye Han's body. He was so frightened that he hurriedly fell on the ground and turned over to look at the swaying container. He couldn't help but be glad that this place was far from the base.

Just like this, if it is on the edge of the base, the base must be smashed.

The power of the winch was not enough, and the Skyhook couldn't hang there all the time to waste fuel. After the container was off the ground, the spacecraft accelerated immediately, dragging the container forward and raising the height.

The container flew higher and farther in Ye Han's eyes, just in time for the rising sun, but it didn't take long to see it.

Sky Hook rose more than 100 kilometers in one go, and finally dragged the container out of the atmosphere. After that, the spacecraft flew directly to the space station, handed over the cable to the space station and slowly dragged it back. Sky Hook went back and continued to hook the second container.

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