Armor Frenzy

Chapter 936: 1 set back to earth

Ye Han could hold back when there was no news, but after getting the news of the transfer from Bian Ge, she couldn't stay still, and it was like an arrow to her heart.

He grabbed Bian Ge and ran back to the forward base in one breath, shoved Bian Ge into the office, and roughly stroked his finger: "It's all here, it's all yours!"

Bian Ge quickly pulled it back: "What do you mean, it's all mine, make it clear and then go, are you so unreliable?"

"There's nothing to say, can't you read the file yourself?" Ye Han's heart burned so badly, how could he have the intention to waste time here?

"No, make it clear before leaving!" Bian Ge didn't let go at all, and dragged Ye Han into the office, "The car has already left, what are you worried about?"

Ye Han stared: "I still have to pack my things?"

"Pull it down, how many things can you pack? Hurry up and hand over the work, and I won't be bothered to keep you after handing over." Bian Ge did not back down and resolutely kept the bottom line.

Ye Han also knew that he was too inauthentic, so he could only bear his temper and explain his work like Bian Ge.

Earth culture propaganda, bioengineering technology, planetary engine research, carbon fiber vine reception, orbital elevator maintenance, and various fixed asset details... These are all on the surface.

There are also secret tasks attached to cultural infiltration, public opinion orientation, enemy situation reconnaissance, etc., after talking for more than two hours in a row, all the tasks are explained in a general way. After listening to Bian Ge, one of the first two is big.

After explaining the last task, Ye Han showed a simple and honest smile: "Hey, I have done a lot in the past six months..."

"Don't be good to me, I can't understand all these things for a while, you stay for two more days, and then I'll straighten it out." Bian Ge said half-truths.

"Don't, don't!" Ye Han immediately jumped up like a rabbit hit by an arrow, "Brother Bian, dear brother, please forgive me!"

Bian Ge's name is inherently cheap, and you can't tell the difference without adding a big character in the middle.

Bian Ge hated that iron could not be made of steel: "Look at your potential, go go, go go, don't bother me here!" After that, he signed his name on the handover list.

"Okay!" Ye Han clasped his fists, imitating his posture on the stage, and ran out, "Let's contact by radio if anything happens!"

After a while, the next train will leave, and if you don't hurry up, you must miss the train.

Bian Ge was angry and funny, and reluctantly sat behind the desk. Looking at the table full of documents, he started to have a headache again. He couldn't help but sigh, he really shouldn't let this kid go now.

Ye Han didn't know what was going on in Bian Ge's mind, he rushed out of the base in one breath, jumped more than ten meters high like a rabbit, jumped at a fast speed, and arrived at the ground station not long after.

The soldiers who had returned to Beiyuezhou with him were already waiting on the platform. As soon as Ye Han landed on the platform, the soldiers suddenly surrounded him.

Luo Qi handed over a travel bag: "Boss, your luggage."

"Thank you." Ye Han took it in his hand, opened the travel bag and simply counted it. Everything was in the bag, so he closed the backpack and stood up, "Are you all ready?"

"Okay!" The soldiers roared excitedly, with joy in their roars.

Beiyuezhou is not the earth, but back to Beiyuezhou, is the earth still far away? At the beginning, the first brother personally promised that he would give everyone a holiday when he went back.

At this time, the sky train just fell from the sky.

Ye Han was in high spirits and waved his arms like a great man: "All attention!"

Everyone stood at attention at the same time and looked at Ye Han with awe.

Ye Han smiled slightly: "Get in the car, let's go home!"

"Roar—" The soldiers cheered and ran into the carriage with flowers.

Ye Han was at the end, stopped Luo Qi and asked, "Is it arranged over there in the center of the earth?"

"It's arranged." Luo Qi said, "When the replacements arrive at the center of the earth, they will come up. Now there are many cars and ships. The return journey is not a problem, or it will be a while later than us."

Ye Han nodded: "Explain to everyone that after I go back, I will find a way to give them a few days off."

"I said it all." Luo Qi said.

"That's good, get in the car." Ye Han said and walked forward.

The incoming train rushed out of the ground station and glided silently on the magnetic levitation track, with the gust of wind that brought a piece of dust.

Ye Han walked through the dusty carriage, which was the first section of the sky train. The carriage was already full of vines, leaving only a gap of more than two meters in the front. Everyone squeezed into the gap and faced The front is backed by vines, but unfortunately the front is a thick compartment panel, not a transparent glass porthole, so you can't see the outside.

The dispatcher's voice came from the radio: "Captain Ye, are you ready?"

"Okay!" Ye Han replied.

"Received." Before the dispatcher finished speaking, the door of the car had been slammed shut, and then a seemingly non-existent vibration came from under his The carriage suddenly jumped up.

This is the phenomenon of starting the maglev and the train floating.

Immediately, everyone felt that the train was gradually accelerating, and after a while, they felt an obvious tilt. Everyone was originally standing in the carriage, but only a few minutes later they became lying on the vines.

This is the sign that the train has entered the ascending stage. Ye Han sat up with his arms supported, and after thinking about it, he lay down peacefully: "Don't get up, just lie down and sleep."

The vines are very tightly packed, but no matter how tight they are, there are still gaps. It's okay for everyone to lie still. If they walk back and forth, they may step on the vines.

Anyway, they couldn't see the situation outside, and everyone didn't want to get up and move around, so they just lay still as Ye Han said.

However, the news that they were about to return to Beiyuezhou made everyone very excited, and no one could sleep at all.

Ye Han turned out the calendar and counted. He left the earth on February 8, 2027; now it is July 31, 2029, which is two full years, five months and twenty-three days.

Bai Xiaoting was just pregnant when she left, and now the child is one and a half years old. Although Bai Xiaoting has the care of the base and the help of other military members, for a woman, no one can replace the role of her husband.

Pregnancy, childbirth, parenting, he was not by his wife's side during the hardest and most difficult times, and the guilt in his heart was like a tsunami that rolled up the sky and drowned his body and mind... Until today, his unqualified father I haven't had a chance to meet the child, let alone hug the child and kiss the child's little face.

Thinking about it, Ye Han suddenly felt that his heart had flown back to the earth, to his wife and children.

He secretly made up his mind that this time he would go back to Earth no matter what, he must go back to Earth!

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