Armor Frenzy

Chapter 938: Gravity acceleration

Tang Bei instructed the soldiers to unload and load the trucks. It took more than an hour to fill the transport boats in the airport. Then everyone evacuated the airport, closed all the airlocks leading to the airport, and emptied the air in the airport.

Ye Han in the transportation boat couldn't help but feel a little bit of anticipation, but after waiting for a few minutes, there was no sign of starting.

Ye Han frowned dissatisfiedly: "Luo Qi, go ask."

"Dele!" Luo Qi agreed and walked behind the pilot in a few steps, "Brother, why haven't you set off yet?"

The pilot quickly turned around, saw Luo Qi's military rank, and politely replied, "Chief, isn't it time yet?"

"Isn't it all finished? When are you waiting?" Luo Qi asked in surprise.

The pilot said: "The installation is complete, but the transport ship hasn't arrived yet, we have to wait a while!"

Luo Qi turned to look at Ye Han, Ye Han nodded to indicate that he could come back.

Luo Qi patted the pilot on the shoulder and smiled: "Make a move when you go."

"Don't worry." The pilot also smiled.

When Luo Qi returned to Ye Han, he had already figured out the reason.

Everyone waited for ten minutes in nervous anticipation, and the pilot suddenly shouted: "Come on!"

Before the voice fell, a flashing red warning light appeared above the airlock in front of the boat. Because there was very little air left in the airport, only a faint warning sound could be heard in the traffic boat.

A few seconds later, the row of metal airlocks on the curved outer wall rose up at the same time, and the only air left in the airport escaped in a blink of an eye.

With the rise of the airlock, a starry sky appeared in the eyes of everyone, with half the sun hanging directly above, and a small piece of blue directly below, which was a corner of Io Zero.

Looking far into the distance, a quiet and vast breath blows.

The airlock was fully opened, and the mechanical devices behind all the boats were activated at the same time, pushing the boat out of the airport. After half of the boat was pushed out of the airlock, the boat suddenly tilted forward forty-five degrees, which originally only occupied a small piece of wood below the line of sight. Wei Ling suddenly zoomed in, the blue ocean and taupe land occupying all sight.

The pilot suddenly said: "Tower, number one is ready to go!"

"Number one, you can go!"

The pilot's hand counted on the touch screen, and suddenly shouted: "Go!"

The transportation boat suddenly left the airport, followed by a row of transport boats, one every three seconds. After all the dozen or so boats left, they just lined up in a sharp diagonal line.

Everyone just felt flickering, the sudden weightlessness was like a cold knife scraping through the spine, the cold air started to rush up from the tailbone, and even the internal organs were blocked in the throat.

This is nothing, the traffic boat is descending rapidly, and the speed is getting faster and faster, and Io is rapidly zooming out of the porthole, as if it will rush into the atmosphere in the next second!

Faced with this situation, even the marines who used orbital airborne as a meal couldn't help but feel a little scared.

The transportation boat is not a landing craft, and has no ability to enter the atmosphere. If it plunges into the atmosphere, the only result is that the boat will be destroyed!

Everyone's hearts were raised, and everyone's eyes fell on the pilot.

The pilot was engrossed, staring at the altimeter and speedometer.

After the traffic boat descended for more than 100 kilometers in one go, the speed finally broke through the predetermined value. The pilot immediately tightened the control lever, the engine behind the boat worked at full strength, supported the hull, and changed the drop at a forty-five-degree angle to a flat level. fly.

When the traffic boat leveled off and the speed just reached the speed of Io Zero, the boat formation began to fly around Io Zero.

The pilot let out a long sigh: "Low-Earth No. 1 calls Fast Seven, Low-Earth No. 1 calls Fast Seven!"

There was a rustling noise on the radio: "Low Orbit One, I'm Quick Seven, please speak!"

"Quick No. 7, the low-orbit formation is approaching, please report the orbit data!"

"I will receive it on the seventh!"

A few seconds later, the transport boat received a string of orbital data, and the pilot took a deep breath and drove the transport boat to increase its altitude.

When the communication came to an end, Ye Han couldn't help but ask, "You... um, do you always play so thrilling?"

The pilot smiled without looking back: "It's good to get used to it, that is to say, watching the thrilling, in fact, it is still far from the atmosphere!"

Ye Han nodded and didn't speak, but he agreed with the pilot's statement in his heart.

The vertical height from the low-orbit dock to the atmosphere is 100 to tens of kilometers. In addition, the spacecraft is descending diagonally, and the acceleration distance is about 1.4 times the vertical distance. Before the traffic boat rushes into the atmosphere, there is a distance of at least 200 kilometers. accelerate.

It is not surprising that the acceleration of gravity and the acceleration of the engine can reach the orbital speed... Well, the acceleration of gravity is estimated to save fuel.

The boat formation flew higher and higher, and after a while, there was a flickering light spot on the porthole of the bridge.

Ye Han was slightly startled, and subconsciously took a breath.

That blip must represent Fast It's no surprise, but it's not so unusual to show it directly on the porthole.

Liquid crystal displays have been used in thousands of households for a long time, but pure transparent displays are a rookie in the liquid crystal family. This thing is not used by ordinary people, but it has a very wide range of uses in business and some other special fields.

The simplest example, the inner layer of the face shield of the power armor is this thing.

However, because of poor permeability and reliability, the military use of this thing has been greatly limited.

Obviously, a layer of display has been added to the porthole of the traffic boat, but sitting in it has never been found, which shows that the transparency of the display has reached the military standard.

Thinking of this, Ye Han couldn't help sucking his teeth and Hanako, and began to wonder where this thing could be used.

It is unlikely that it is on a battleship. The bridge is deeply hidden inside the battleship, so there is no need to use such a high-end thing.

The turret is useful, that is, the turret operated by a human. The only problem is that the turret of a human warship is fully automated, and it is directly controlled by responsive electronic equipment, unless it is an old surface warship.

The hatch of a fighter jet? This is OK, but there is already a helmet display, so there is no need to make a fuss on the hatch.

After thinking about it, it seems that there is no other place to use it except for a tasteless aircraft like a traffic boat!

At this time, the formation had already flown to the vicinity of Kuai No. 7. After the two sides synchronized the direction and speed, the transport boat was the first to go up and approach the transport ship from below.

The transport ship opened an airlock and swallowed the transport boat. After several robotic arms fixed the transport boat, the pilot floated away from the driver's seat: "Sir, we're here." Then he made a request to the boat door. gesture.

Ye Han's thoughts were interrupted, and he stood up and smiled: "Let's go!" After speaking, he floated out of the transport boat first.

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