Armor Frenzy

Chapter 941: only 1 requirement

"That's okay?" Ye Han's eyes almost popped out, "Why do I feel so unreliable?"

"My opinion is just the other way around, it's quite reliable." Gao Kai said, "Just think about it, if those servants still use light worms, we can't control them at all, after replacing them with guns , we can control them from the ammunition, which is a good thing that can't be found with a lantern!"

Ye Han also felt that his brain was not enough: "Okay, you can just say it, I just listened to the greeting, in fact, it's not bad to use a gun if you think about it carefully, just apply our tactics directly, and it's more convenient to command, but I think giving What must be carefully thought out, the powerful ones can't be given... Also, it is best to train for a period of time, don't take our things and won't use them, even if the servants are used as cannon fodder, the value of cannon fodder must be used, right?"

After waiting for more than 20 seconds, Gao Kai replied: "Okay, I understand what you mean, I'll give you a response when I look back, the negotiation hasn't started, it's too early to say this now... Come here, Commander, do you have anything to add?"

"I've said what I should say, I didn't add anything." Huo Qiang said, "Ye Han, how about you?"

"I really have it." Ye Han said, "Commander, it will take a while to negotiate, right? It must take a while to build a fleet, right? I just want to ask, is this time enough to return to Earth, when I come out, For more than two years, my two children are one and a half years old, and they haven't seen each other."

After saying this, Ye Han looked at the screen uneasily, and felt that these few words alone would not have any effect. He quickly added another sentence: "The first brother promised himself!"

When the time was up, Gao Kai said embarrassedly, "Ye Han, it's not like you don't know the current situation..."

"Okay, let me tell you!" Huo Qiang inserted forcefully, "Xiaoye, I know your situation very well, and I don't want to do this, but now the situation has changed..."

Having said this, Huo Qiang stopped suddenly, Ye Han vaguely heard his own voice, and couldn't help but secretly rejoice that if he was a little later, he really couldn't say this.

Huo Qiang's face changed slightly, Ye Han's heart jumped to his throat, and his heart was beating wildly, and he was anxious, silently looking forward to the final judgment... Even if he couldn't go back to Earth, at least he worked hard, didn't he? ?

But there was no news in the first, and no news in the second. Huo Qiang on the screen was always listening. Ye Han was puzzled. He should have finished listening to that sentence, right?

More than just Ye Han, Gao Kai also showed a puzzled look, apparently not understanding what happened to Huo Qiang.

At this time, Ye Han saw Huo Qiang open his mouth to speak, but he could only see the opening and closing of his mouth, but he could not hear the slightest bit of it.

Ye Han immediately realized who Huo Qiang was talking to, but neither he nor Gao Kai.

Only then did he realize that there were other people participating in this video conference... But who was it?

About half a minute later, Ye Han finally heard Huo Qiang's voice, only to hear him cough: "Ye Han, the first brother did say... Gao Kai!"

"Here!" Gao Kai replied subconsciously.

Huo Qiang asked, "How long will it take to form a sneak attack fleet?"

"I don't know. It depends on the deployment of the fleet and the results of the negotiations." Gao Kai said.

"Do you think there is enough time for Ye Han to return to Earth?" Huo Qiang asked again.

Gao Kai shifted his gaze and said hesitantly: "The negotiation is not so fast, and the fleet can't be solved in ten days and a half... I think it should be enough."

"That's good." Huo Qiang said, "Ye Han, since you have enough time, go back to Earth, not only yourself, but also your team members. Everyone who wants to take a vacation will come together. The quarantine time cannot be reduced, not for yourself, but also for the safety of your lover and children, understand?"

"Understood!" Ye Han nodded again and again, as if happy.

As long as you can return to Earth, what is isolation? It's okay to meet your wife and children even through the glass!

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of one more thing: "Commander, I have been in Io, where there is gravity, so I don't need to be isolated for so long when I return to Earth, right?"

After more than 20 seconds, Huo Qiang's expression suddenly changed: "Look at your potential, stop talking to me, do you think isolation is to restore your strength? That's because you are afraid that you have a mutant virus on you!"

Ye Han's expression suddenly collapsed, and he snorted reluctantly.

At this time, Gao Kai suddenly reminded: "Commander, didn't we receive the document?"

"What document?" Huo Qiang stared.

Gao Kai pretended not to see it: "It's that immune booster, it's from the biological laboratory, isn't that stuff usable? Give Ye Han an injection in advance. One, it can shorten the isolation time, and the other one can save you having to fight it later. ."

Ye Han was at a loss, what kind of mess is this?

Huo Qiang nodded silently for a moment: "Tell him."

Gao Kai said: "Ye Han, this is the case, the biological laboratory in Beidu is the place where alien technology is has come up with an immune booster that can comprehensively improve immunity, according to the laboratory. , You don't need to wear protective clothing for a single injection, and all marines must be injected."

"The next step is the Beiyuezhou Fleet. After that, everyone who leaves the earth must be injected. If you get an injection immediately after returning, you will be able to release the isolation in a week at most... Well, I just suddenly remembered and felt that it was early. Injections are good for you, it's up to you whether you get shot or not."

Ye Han couldn't help being stunned, what about this good thing?

He thought about it and said, "Is this medicine reliable? Are there any side effects? I'm not worried about myself, mainly because I'm afraid of affecting my family."

"I'm not sure about this. It shouldn't be a problem for the top to promote it, right?" Gao Kai said uncertainly, "I didn't do this."

"Then you dare to let me fight?" Ye Han had a feeling of being tricked by his teammates.

Gao Kai plausibly said, "Sooner or later, you are fighting. Don't you want to see your wife and children quickly?"

"Then you can't cheat me like that!" Ye Han's face was extremely dark.

Gao Kai became impatient: "Just say whether you want to fight or not."

"Fight!" Ye Han didn't hesitate, "But you have to help me find out whether this thing is reliable or not. Don't die in the hands of aliens, and return to Earth and let your own people die."

"Look at your pretentiousness!" Gao Kai felt that he was overly meddling with this nosy, "Okay, okay, I'll help you find out, I really convinced you."

"It's not obvious that a good person will do it to the end and send the Buddha to the west?" Ye Han bared his teeth. "If I go back, I don't need you. My wife came from that place. Isn't it easy to ask for some inside information?"

"I wipe it!" Gao Kai was immediately angry, "I don't care about the nonsense again!"

Ye Han immediately closed his mouth.

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