Armor Frenzy

Chapter 944: Family Fun

Ye Han waited outside the villa door, walked and stood for a while, and looked into the distance from time to time, as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

A battery car finally appeared in the distance. He stopped immediately and watched the car slowly drive up the road leading to the villa. His little heart was beating violently, and he quickly took a few steps to meet it.

It was only when the car was approaching that I found out that the old men who were in the car with water had no women at all, let alone children.

Luo Qi in the car saw Ye Han and jumped down without waiting for the car to stop: "Boss!"

Ouyang Ping and a few other team members also jumped out, and surrounded Ye Han affectionately, talking about each other with all their might.

Ye Han was so disappointed, and he couldn't show his face in front of the team members. After a few words, another car came. Ye Han glared at him: "Go, go, stay in my room!"

Only then did everyone see that something was wrong, and everyone tacitly laughed and entered the villa hilariously.

However, the battery car didn't drive here at all, and Ye Han felt lost for a while.

After standing for about three or five minutes, the third battery car came over. Ye Han stretched his neck and looked at it. He vaguely saw a woman in the car. Although he couldn't see her face clearly, it was not Bai Xiaoting—a A person's body and appearance are certainly characteristics, walking, sitting, and lying down are also characteristics. Even if people don't look at their faces, they can find a familiar feeling just by looking at their actions.

Although he had an inference in his heart, Ye Han still waited with some hope, and only withdrew his gaze in disappointment after seeing the appearance.

In this way, Bai Xiaoting didn't wait for more than a dozen cars in a row. Ye Han felt like a fire was burning in his heart. , he recognized his wife in the car in an instant, and the anxiety in his heart disappeared in an instant, and he took big strides and ran forward.

In the bushes not far away, Luo Qi took two soldiers to probe their brains. One of the soldiers saw this scene as if he had discovered a new world: "Hey, is that sister-in-law? She's holding two children!"

Luo Qi stood up abruptly: "What are you looking at, come with me, you, hurry back and report!"

The two soldiers quickly agreed, one followed Luo Qi and the other ran back.

Ye Han rushed to the front of the car in one breath, the battery car slowly stopped, Ye Han and Bai Xiaoting's eyes met in the air, and Bai Xiaoting's eye circles flushed red.

Ye Han's eyes were also sore, and he had something to say in his heart, but he didn't know where to start.

Xiao Yeyao seemed to feel her mother's neglect, her little hand grabbed Bai Xiaoting's clothes and shouted, Ye Bin not to be outdone, got up and stood on Bai Xiaoting's lap to cheer.

Ye Han woke up like a dream, hurried up to meet him, stretched out his arms impatiently: "I'll hug, I'll hug!"

Bai Xiaoting put one arm around Ye Bin and sent Ye Yao forward: "Hold Yaoyao, my son is afraid of life."

"Hey!" Ye Han replied repeatedly, extending his arm to Ye Yao, "Yaoyao, can you hug Dad?"

Xiao Ye Yao stared at Ye Han with Mengmeng's big eyes, but she didn't mean to surrender at all.

Ye Han felt sour in his heart, so he simply sat on the battery car, pointed to the villa and said to the driver, "Brother, please drive the car over."

The driver smiled and drove forward.

Ye Han squeezed to Bai Xiaoting's side, wanting to get close to the child, but didn't know how to start.

Bai Xiaoting put the two children together and guided softly: "Baby, look at Daddy, it's Daddy!"

Ye Yao grinned and blossomed, and spit out a few words in a milky voice: "Dad, Daddy."

Seemingly driven by his sister, Xiao Ye Bin also shouted vaguely, "Dad, Dad."

"Hey!" Ye Han's old face immediately bloomed with a smile, and the happiness in his eyes was almost dripping out.

He carefully touched his daughter's face, then touched his son's little face, and reluctantly stretched out his arms again: "Come on, Dad!"

This time, he didn't wait for the child's response, but carefully supported the child's armpit with his hands, and tentatively picked Ye Yao up.

Ye Yao didn't struggle, just looked at Ye Han curiously, and then turned to look at Bai Xiaoting.

Ye Han held the child in his arms. It was soft, small, and fleshy. The feeling of being connected by blood flowed into his heart instantly, and the sweetness was almost melting.

He kissed his daughter's little cheek gently, and greedily reached out to his son: "Binbin, let me hug him for a while."

Bai Xiaoting hesitated for a moment, and carefully placed her son on Ye Han's lap. Ye Bin got angry on the spot, grinned, and cried in disgust, kicking her legs hard to get into Bai Xiaoting's arms.

Bai Xiaoting chuckled: "Son won't follow you!"

Ye Han laughed and scolded: "Little bastard!"

The battery car was parked in front of the As soon as the car stopped, seven or eight soldiers rushed out like crazy, each and everyone shouted happily, sister-in-law, you take the bag, I will take the box, and all the luggage is taken in an instant Let's go, Luo Qi and Ouyang Ping still want to take over the child, euphemistically calling it the creation of a two-person world.

How could Ye Han, who was just getting closer to the child, bear it? Only one person gave them a kick to drive the two away with no discernment.

Ye Han got out of the car with the child in his arms: "Don't ignore them, these boys just need to clean up."

Bai Xiaoting chuckled: "It's fine, it's fine."

After thanking the driver, Ye Han took his wife and children to the villa. Before taking a few steps, he suddenly felt that something was wrong: "Hey, Xiaoting, why is our daughter so big?"

When I was in the car just now, I was happy to visit, and when I got out of the car and hugged him in my arms, I realized that Ye Yao's small head was resting on his shoulder, and the arm supporting her small **** was almost down to her waist. This is a year and a half. A child of three or four years old may not be able to grow so big, okay?

After speaking, he looked at Ye Bin in Bai Xiaoting's arms, and was surprised to find that his son was not small.

Bai Xiaoting whispered, "This is not the place to talk."

Ye Han understood in an instant. After carrying the child into the house, he drove all the soldiers away until there was only a family of four left in the house. Then he picked up the child and looked at it carefully, and then looked at Bai Xiaoting with puzzled eyes.

Bai Xiaoting leaned into Ye Han's ear and said softly, "It's a puffed virus..."

Ye Han shivered smartly: "Really or not? Doesn't the puffed virus only work on bugs?" He believed that Bai Xiaoting would not talk nonsense, but he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart, hoping that this was just Bai Xiaoting's joke.

"Who said it only works on bugs?" Bai Xiaoting asked rhetorically.

Ye Han was at a loss for words, his eyes became stunned and stunned, and then he came back to his senses and whispered softly like an underground party connection: "What's going on? Does the shadow affect the child?"

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