Armor Frenzy

Chapter 950: chicken ribs (2)

Dr. Wu quickly explained: "This is the artificial nerve that controls the photoreceptor cells in your eyes. We didn't put anything in your eyes. If you don't believe me, you can do more research and think hard and you can turn off the tactical interface!"

Ye Han scolded: "What can it prove if it is closed?"

"No, no!" Dr. Wu hurriedly changed his approach, "Do you feel it, do your eyes hurt?"

Ye Han's eyes rolled, but he didn't feel anything.

Dr. Wu slapped him suddenly: "Look, it doesn't hurt, right? This is the best proof!"

Ye Han didn't know if what Dr. Wu said was right, but he didn't want to make a big fuss, so he could only let go of Dr. Wu, concentrate again, and the tactical interface disappeared immediately: "Does this have any side effects?"

"What?" Dr. Wu was startled.

"I said artificial nerve, is there any side effect?" Ye Han raised his voice.

"Of course not, you can rest assured." Dr. Wu said.

"What is the reaction speed of the artificial nerve? Fast or slow? Has the reaction speed changed?" Ye Han asked again.

"Faster than normal nerves, but none of the artificial nerves are connected to the motor system... If you replace all the nerves in the whole body, the reaction speed will increase by about 50%, and that's it."

Even the response speed has not changed, what a tasteless thing!

Ye Han couldn't help sighing: "Is there anything else? I'm leaving with nothing else."

"It's alright, it's alright." Dr. Wu said several times in a row, and then took the booklet and handed it to Ye Han: "You take this instruction, and what function does it have, go back and study it slowly."

Ye Han took the booklet and strode out of the operating room. As soon as he went out, the team members who had been waiting outside immediately surrounded him and looked up and down.

Luo Qi was puzzled: "Boss, why did it take so long?"

Ye Han was very depressed: "Don't mention it, this thing is a built-in fire control system... You will know later."

"Don't!" Ouyang Ping pleaded, "Boss, tell us about it, and let us be a little mentally prepared..."

At this moment, the door of the operating room opened, and a guy clutching his surgical gown shouted, "Luo Qi—"

With a swipe of the ground, everyone turned their heads together, all staring at the man with strange eyes.

They all came down from the battlefield, and everyone's eyes were full of murderous intent, and the man felt panic in his heart: "Then, that, who is Luo Qi? Is Luo Qi here?"

Luo Qi looked impatient: "Wait a minute, didn't you look busy?"

Ye Han glanced at Luo Qi and said in a slow tone: "It's alright, you can go first, this thing is somewhat beneficial, come out directly after you're done, you don't have to mess with them."

Luo Qi nodded without hesitation: "Okay, then I'll go first." After speaking, he strode into the operating room.

Outside the operating room, Ye Han briefly explained the situation of the biochip, and the team members were immediately disappointed.

Ouyang Ping looked constipated: "Damn, I thought I could play games in my head in the future." Before joining the army, he was a game fan.

Ye Han couldn't help being stunned, co-authoring your kid is so active just to play games with biochips?

Another soldier also said: "That is, it would be best if you can connect to the Internet. You can play games just by thinking about it, no matter where you are."

"What is the Internet?" Someone next to him continued, "This thing is pretending to be in the head, I see, the function is blocked on purpose, otherwise, it is no problem to play virtual reality directly!"

This brain hole is bigger, Ye Han doesn't know what to say, don't you think about the safety of this thing if you just want to play?

He was so sad and angry that he simply dragged a few people to his side and questioned him, but the answer he got left him speechless-safety? It's good to worry about that stuff, don't you dare to use it for us if it's not safe? What are we doing with that idleness?

Hearing this, Ye Han was extremely sad and angry, but after thinking about it, there was nothing wrong. In the end, it could only be attributed to her being too hairy.

Why don't these boys know worry?

After more than 40 minutes, Luo Qi strode out of the operating room... Uh, the operating room is actually not very suitable. This remodeled operating room is more suitable for the implant room.

Ye Han stood up first: "How do you feel?"

"Very good." Luo Qi twisted his neck, "I just feel that there is something in my head."

Ye Han smiled: "It's normal, I also feel awkward, it's much better now."

Luo Qi touched his belly again: "And then I'm a little hungry."

"Haha!" Ye Han smiled, "It's already dinner time, the brothers are waiting for you..."

"Ouyang Ping!" Someone shouted in the implant room.

"It's my turn." Ouyang Ping stood up, walked over without any pressure, turned around suddenly when he was about to enter the door, "Boss, bring me something to eat."

"Don't worry." Ye Han responded.

He feels that it is normal to feel hungry when he leaves the implant Because biochips must absorb nutrients from the blood to grow, as does artificial nerves.

In this way, Ye Han and his teammates averaged one every hour, and they all implanted biochips after not using it for a day, and began to ponder the usage of this thing.

Everyone is used to using brain wave equipment, and it didn't take a few days to get used to having something in their minds. The most skilled people didn't even have to concentrate on purpose, and they could call up the tactical interface with just a thought.

At the beginning, everyone was looking forward to the biochip, but after getting familiar with it, I found out that this thing is indeed a fire control system, and it has no other functions except to assist in combat.

It is not bad to be able to assist the battle. The super vision and hearing, coupled with the tactile sense of opening and hanging, are simply the best combat combination. Not only can the enemy be detected in advance, but also the tactile perception cannot be escaped by tripping and stepping on the thunder, which greatly reduces the touch chance of thunder.

But once you put on the armor, it's over, no matter how strong the sense of touch is useless.

Ye Han and the team members had just gotten used to the chip, and the group of people stranded at the geocentric base was finally released from isolation. After only one day of rest, they were sent by Huo Qiang to have the chip implanted.

A few days later, Huo Qiang sent another group of people from the base. At this point, all the surviving marines of the Third Fleet were implanted with biochips.

They were all comrades-in-arms who were born and died together. On the day of implantation, Ye Han specially took people over to take a look.

I thought that these people would leave after implantation, but I didn't expect that they would have to inject immune boosters after implanting the chip, but they didn't leave in the hospital.

One villa could not accommodate so many people, so the hospital simply divided the two nearby villas.

The conditions here are good, but Ye Han asked to leave the hospital many times because of Jupiter's mission, but the hospital refused to let go, which made Ye Han extremely depressed. He could only play hide-and-seek with the soldiers around the villa every day. way to exercise the senses.

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