Armor Frenzy

Chapter 954: Qiongzhou adaptation

Qiongzhou training base.

The lead cloud was low, and it seemed that a heavy rain was brewing, but the soldiers on the training ground were not affected by the weather at all. Various passwords and shouts of killing came one after another. All the marines participated in the training, even Ye Han was in the muddy water. Rolling to and fro, covered in dust and mud.

Several military vehicles quietly drove outside the camp. The sentry looked at the license plates. From No. 1 to No. 7, the Qiongzhou Base was all there. The military vehicle in front of him moved.

After the convoy entered the door, they drove directly into the training ground. A group of senior officers headed by Huo Qiang boarded the rostrum. The situation on the training ground was immediately unobstructed. There is such a thing.

The officer on duty saw that the person was coming, and the whole person was not well, so he blew the whistle quickly: "All attention—"

The voice spread far and wide, everyone stopped moving, and stood up quickly, and many people's chests were violently heaving due to the movement.

The officer on duty quickly ran to the rostrum and saluted, "Comrade Chief, the Marine Corps is organizing training, please instruct—"

Huo Qiang replied expressionlessly: "Let's gather."

"Yes—" The officer on duty immediately turned back, blushing and raising his voice thickly, "Assemble!"

The soldiers scattered throughout the training ground immediately took action, first assembled in groups, then in squadrons, and finally brought to the rostrum, just like rainwater converging into a stream, and the creek flowing into the river.

The neat queue ran forward with more neat slogans. After reaching their respective positions, they stood at attention and turned around. The rostrum was filled with neat queues. As the last team stood at attention and turned around, they ended neatly with the sound of their feet. After the assembly, everyone's waist was straight and their eyes were straight, and there was no noise except breathing.

The officer on duty turned to the rostrum and saluted: "Comrade Chief, the marines have assembled, please instruct!"


"Yes!" The officer on duty saluted again, turned around and then strode to his position.

Huo Qiang took two steps forward and took an electric horn from the entourage: "Comrades, we are here today. The first purpose is to visit everyone on behalf of the superior..."

Huo Qiang came up with a cliché of Barabara, which made everyone's heart crooked, but he could only listen honestly.

Fortunately, Huo Qiang also knew that this set of things was unpopular, but he had to say it, so he omitted all unnecessary nonsense, and quickly finished the cliché: "My second purpose today is to Read an order!"

An accompanying colonel rushed up, unfolded the folder, and sent an order to Huo Qiang: "Order!" He deliberately paused, glanced up at the queue under the stage, and said in a very penetrating voice. , "Decree No. **** of the Ministry of National Defense, from now on, the Marine Corps will be reorganized into an orbital airborne division on the spot. The issuer, Qiu Tianning, on September 25, 2029."

The audience was silent, and everyone remained motionless, but there was a huge wave in their hearts, and they were all shocked by the news.

Huo Qiang breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a tone full of emotion: "Comrades, the history of the Marine Corps is not long. The earliest is probably the end of 23 or the beginning of 24, that is, when the First Fleet expedition to Jupiter, from then on , the Marine Corps sank a few times, it can be said that it has witnessed the growth and growth of the Beiyuezhou fleet."

"However, for so many years, this team has always been called the Landing Team, and has never had a real designation. This is very unfair to your troops and the martyrs who have sacrificed in previous expeditions. So. Well, after the superior's research and decision, the Marine Corps will be officially reorganized into the Orbital Airborne Division."

"Comrades, this is not only the trust of our superiors, but also a heavy responsibility. I won't say anything more hypocritical, Qiao Wei!"

"Arrived!" There was a loud roar from behind the officer corps, and a major general with thick eyebrows and big eyes rushed to Huo Qiang's side.

Huo Qiang pointed at the major general and said, "This is the first division commander of the Airborne Division appointed by the superior."

Qiao Wei immediately saluted the audience.

Ye Han's heart sank, what are you kidding, just drop a division commander? Why are you still a major?

Huo Qiang seemed to have heard Ye Han's thoughts, and continued: "You have all seen his rank, right? Are you all wondering? If you want me to say no, the Marine Corps... Oh, now it's time to call the Airborne Division, don't worry. Whatever it is called, your army has never been an ordinary army, so all officers are all high-ranking and low-ranking."

Then he pointed to Qiao Wei: "Some of you may not be familiar with him. Let me briefly introduce him. Qiao Wei was born in the army. In 21 years, he and his troops were ordered to enter the northern defense line. At that time, he was still a Battalion commander, he and his troops have been nailed to the northern defense line since By the time of 26 years, he was already a major general of motor infantry, Qiao Wei, please say a few words."

"Yes!" Qiao Wei's voice was very firm, and he said to the team under the stage, "From today onwards, we are a family, I have some understanding of our team, but it's just furry, I hope everyone can understand more. Help, I'm done."

After all, he rushed to the audience and gave a very standard military salute.

Ye Han was surprised. This teacher was really different. He only said a few words and it was over. It was the first time he had encountered such a concise superior.

Huo Qiang smiled slightly: "Okay, let's be here today, Qiao Wei, we old guys will withdraw now, you put up the shelves as soon as possible, and come to me directly if you have any questions."

"Yes!" Qiao Wei saluted gratefully.

These few sentences are nothing on the surface, but they implicitly support Qiao Wei. Obviously, Huo Qiang wants to endorse Qiao Wei.

Hilltopism is a taboo in the military, but in reality, no unit can completely eliminate this problem, and Qiao Wei is the most easily rejected airborne officer.

However, although Qiao Wei is very grateful to Huo Qiang and understands Huo Qiang's good intentions, he has already made up his mind that no matter what time or situation he encounters, he must solve it by himself, and he must not rely on the support of his superiors!

Just kidding, tell your parents if you don't agree with each other? Do you think it's a child playing the house?

The reason is very simple. The army is a place where the capable are superior to the mediocre. Here, ability and strength are the right to speak, that is, without ability and strength.

This is a troop that is about to enter the battlefield, and any wrong order on the battlefield will have unpredictable consequences. Even if it is for their own lives, the soldiers will never recognize an incompetent chief officer.

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