Armor Frenzy

Chapter 956: negotiate

Does Ye Han have no idea in his heart?

Of course not, no one in this unit is more senior than him, and no one is more suitable for the position of division commander than him. Suddenly a Qiao Wei fell from the sky, how could he have no idea?

It doesn't matter how many victories Qiao Wei has won and how many bugs he has eliminated, but it is an unavoidable fact that he has never fought against aliens. This alone, Ye Han's advantage is enough to completely overwhelm Qiao Wei.

But, but, but, the above didn't let him be this teacher, but he had ideas and couldn't do anything, so he could only bear it when he was unhappy.

It's not a happy return, but neither Ye Han nor Bian Ge have any thoughts of stumbling Qiao Wei. This result is simply beyond Qiao Wei's expectations, and it is much better than what he expected in advance.

Qiao Wei is also very good at being a man. Knowing that Ye Han's heart will never be relieved just because he said a few words, he still communicated with Ye Han several times, at least on the surface.

Qiao Wei is a very thoughtful person. He is very aware of the foundation of Ye Han and Bian Ge in the Airborne Division. It doesn't make sense to be rigid with these two people. , in exchange for the full cooperation of Ye Han and Bian Ge.

After getting these two people, it is equivalent to getting most of the airborne divisions, and the others are minor troubles.

Qiao Wei's series of methods really won the cooperation between Ye Han and Bian Ge. Both sides took what they needed. It only took two days to build the airborne division. The vacancies were constantly replenished, and in less than a week, the newly-built Orbital Airborne Division was full.

That's right, not only is the staff full, but the equipment is all in place.

The main body of the new equipment is a set of improved power armor. This armor removes the fire control system and other unnecessary electronic equipment, greatly reduces energy consumption and increases the thickness of the armor. The most important difference is to replace the brain with information collection equipment. Wave control device.

Armored weapons have also been improved, with standard equipment including a 12.7mm armored rifle; a 20mm sniper gun; a 7.62mm multiple-barreled machine gun; a 35mm grenade launcher; and grenades, grenades, and armored pistols.

Several optional equipment, including shotguns, submachine guns, individual rocket launchers, ammunition boxes, spare batteries, various reconnaissance devices, as well as aircraft, retro rockets and other auxiliary equipment suitable for different situations.

In addition, there are nuclear mines and miniature nuclear bombs, two kinds of big killers that cannot be moved lightly.

It's just that all new equipment is placed in the warehouse and cannot be released temporarily.

It's not that the division doesn't want to, but that the added soldiers haven't had time to implant the biochip, and even if the equipment is distributed, they won't be able to use it.

Implanting a biochip is not something that can be done overnight. In desperation, Qiao Wei can only send the equipment to the veterans first, and then get used to the chip control first.

The biochip is indeed much easier to use than brain wave control. After the old team members including Ye Han got the new equipment, it only took a short time to complete the adaptation process.

Accurate, sensitive, and responsive... Everyone's evaluation of biochips is very high, so that the soldiers who have not yet implanted the chip look forward to completing the implantation as soon as possible.

Qiao Wei was devastated by the issue of chip implantation. He had to call Bei several times a day, but chip implantation was so complicated, and the speed of implantation was never faster.

It was getting closer and closer to the departure time of the teaching team, but less than one-fifth of the soldiers who had completed the chip implantation of the teaching team, even if Qiao Wei adjusted the order of implantation, it would not work.

The departure time was getting closer and closer. In desperation, Qiao Wei could only find Ye Han and said straight to the point, "I want a few people from you."

"Is it about the coaching team?" Ye Han immediately guessed Qiao Wei's intention.

Qiao Wei nodded: "You all know the situation. My idea is to select someone from the veterans to supplement the teaching team, and in any case, it cannot affect the arrangement of the superior."

Ye Han frowned: "How many people do you want?"

"The teaching team must be full..."

"I object!" Ye Han exploded like a lit cannonball, "Master Qiao, I can understand your idea, but I can't support this plan."

Ye Han's attitude has always been good. Today, suddenly, like taking gunpowder, Qiao Wei is not used to it, and he asks patiently, "Why don't you support it?"

"I can't support it." Qiao Wei didn't make any detours, and Ye Han went straight. "After the third expedition, there are only about forty people left in the Marine Corps. Counting Xiao Yuan, who has returned to the team after recovery, it is full of calculations. There are only about 60 people, they are all experienced veterans, they are the backbone of the entire airborne division, and the lowest position is the acting platoon leader. How do you want me to lead this team?"

"Wait a minute, when did I say I pulled everyone out?"

"Then how many people did you draw?" Ye Han asked.

"Not much, one battalion commander, three company commanders, and nine platoon commanders, no problem, right?"

"Isn't that too much?" Ye Han asked back, "I have all split There are only about twenty people left in the group. You split more than half in one go, isn't that too much?"

"Can you listen to me?" Qiao Wei also raised his tone.

"You said it!" Sticking to a stand is sticking to a stand. Ye Han never thought of falling out with Qiao Wei.

"That's what I think. The officer asks you to solve it. The third level of the battalion and platoon is recommended to be familiar with the situation. The three regiments will be drawn equally. I will find Bian Ge to solve the remaining gaps."

Ye Han thought about it and said, "What is the mission of the teaching team?"

Qiao Wei didn't hide it: "Be an instructor for the aliens, teach them tactics or something."

Ye Han nodded: "I have a condition."

"you say."

"People can give it, but it must be seconded. When other people have chips in the future, they will be taken back to me."

"Okay, that's it." Qiao Wei didn't stumble at all, and simply agreed.

He also wanted to draw a few more experienced veterans, but the three main force regiments were the main combat forces at the forefront, and the division straight troops could only be temporarily wronged for a while.

Ye Han strikes while the iron is hot: "Ouyang Ping is the battalion commander. I am the one who is most familiar with Io Wei Ling's situation."

Qiao Wei frowned: "Are you sure?"

"Sure." Ye Han said, "Ouyang Ping has been advancing to the base, and has been dealing with aliens a lot; Luo Qi has been in the base of the earth, and he doesn't know about aliens."

He understood what Qiao Wei was thinking. Luo Qi was lucky and was directly appointed as the battalion commander of the third battalion of the first regiment, while Ouyang Ping had only one company commander. Borrowing Luo Qi was only a level transfer, while borrowing Ouyang Ping had to give him promotion.

The troops of the Marine Department had already occupied half of the airborne division. Qiao Wei really didn't want to see Ye Han's power grow again, but it was just like what Ye Han said, so he had to grit his teeth and agree: "Okay, That's the kid."

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