Armor Frenzy

Chapter 959: cleave through the waves

The conversation between several people had just ended, and the troops were ready to set off. At this time, it was only seven minutes after Qiao Wei read the order.

It's not that the soldiers are super fast, but that this unit has always undertaken the military's combat readiness duty. Before the Airborne Division was established, it was all members of the Marine Corps; after the Airborne Division was established, it was all officers and soldiers who completed chip implantation.

All personnel and weapons and equipment in the base are always in combat readiness. After receiving the order, all the troops have to do is put on their personal equipment and board the vehicle.

Qiao Wei personally rushed to the training ground to see him off, and all the officers and soldiers who stayed at the base also came spontaneously and lined up to see off their comrades.

Although this journey is not a thousand and one miles away, it is hundreds of millions of kilometers away. When the troops from the expedition return triumphantly, many familiar faces will disappear forever on the distant Jupiter.

The troops were already ready to go. Several people shook hands to say goodbye. Qiao Wei solemnly asked: "Take care!"

Ye Han nodded heavily and boarded the No. 1 car in a few steps: "Let's go!"

The driver started the vehicle, accelerated to the camp gate, and Qiao Wei, who was standing beside him, roared sharply, "Salute—"

Swipe - The more than 30 people who stayed at the base raised their right hands together, and a rolling steel torrent flew past in front of the queue.

At the same time, Ye Han who was in the car also raised his arm, and didn't put it down silently until he drove out of the camp.

The convoy was galloping all the way, and it took only ten minutes to arrive at Qiongzhou Military Port.

There are several large transport ships parked on the dock of the port. There are high-stacked military containers everywhere on the ship and under the ship. The cranes go up and down under the command of the ground to continuously deliver the containers to the ship.

Since the completion of the rail elevator, Qiongzhou Naval Port has become one of the main sea and land transfer stations. Today's situation is still better. At the busiest time, not only the port is full of warships, but there are also many warships that have nowhere to rely on. superior.

Before the convoy entered the pier, the sentinel in command of the traffic stopped the convoy. Ye Han showed the order to the sentinel, and then the sentinel called someone over, grabbed the door of car No. 1, directed the convoy to move forward, and kept the convoy to the corner of the pier.

Ye Han saw a different boat leaning on the dock from a long way away. He didn't pay much attention at first, until the sentinel brought the convoy under the boat, and he didn't know that this was the car for this trip.

It was not a naval vessel that transported the Airborne Division, but a ro-ro passenger and cargo ship Yuzhu requisitioned by the military.

The Yuzhu is nearly 200 meters long, nearly 30 meters wide, and has a standard displacement of nearly 40,000 tons. After the hatch on the side of the ship is opened, the convoy can drive directly into the cabin, but within a few minutes, more than 2,000 troops and all equipment All aboard.

But the Yuzhu had to set off with the military transport ship and the **** fleet. The airborne division moved too fast and the transport ship was not full.

Ye Han just took advantage of this time to arrange the troops, and with the assistance of the crew, brought the soldiers to the cargo hold and placed them on each deck according to the division.

It was close to one o'clock in the afternoon. Ye Han originally planned to let the soldiers have a meal with field food, but before the order was given, the captain found Ye Han and said that the restaurant was ready for lunch.

This really surprised Ye Han, this is the meal for more than 2,000 people!

The hospitality is difficult to accept, and since the military paid the bill, Ye Han did not show courtesy to the captain, and rushed to the restaurant to see that the standard of food was not low.

So Ye Han gave an order, and all the officers and soldiers of the Airborne Division were divided into two waves to eat in turn.

After the meal, the transport ships were finally filled with supplies, and the ships slowly left the port with the sound of the low whistle, and the Yuzhu was very cooperative at the end.

After the ship reached the sea, it merged with two escorting frigates, and a dozen ships sailed all the way to the terraced island against the sea breeze.

The fleet finally set off. Ye Han was thinking about his wife and children at home, and worried about the upcoming mission, so he couldn't tell how he felt.

Because he was in a bad mood, Ye Han wandered around on the deck alone and found that the environment of the ship was really good, not only with regular settings such as guest rooms and restaurants, but also ktv boxes, chess and card rooms, cafes and bars. There is even a sightseeing deck for walking, which is a match for the legendary luxury cruise ships.

Using such a cruise ship as a troop carrier really made Ye Han feel a sense of ruin... In fact, this is the illusion brought about by luxury decoration. If the cost is only considered, the cost of warships is much higher than that of cruise ships!

For example, the cost of the two escorting frigates per ship is close to 2 billion yuan, while the cost of this passenger and cargo ro-ro ship is only 400 million yuan.

However, the warship is practical, without any extra packaging, it seems that it is far from the grade of the cruise ship.

Flying around like a headless fly, he walked to the bow of the boat without knowing what to do, and the sea breeze rushed towards him with splashing water droplets. Ye Han couldn't help but took a deep breath, held the railing with both hands, and looked at the boundless sea in the distance. The mood seems to be relieved a lot.

A voice suddenly appeared behind him: "Master Ye is so excited!"

Ye Han turned around and behind him was Captain Zhong of the Yuzhu. He quickly waved to say hello, but did not explain why he was here, and took the initiative to find a topic: "Captain Zhong, I was thinking Looking for you, how long will it take us to get to Ti Island?"

"It's early." Captain Zhong walked to Ye Han's side, "About three to four days."

Ye Han was taken aback: "So long?"

Captain Zhong asked curiously, "How long do you think it was?"

Ye Han touched his nose awkwardly: "I thought it would be at most ten hours."

"Ten hours?" Captain Zhong almost thought there was something wrong with his ears, "Don't make trouble, it will take more than eighty hours anyway."

"Why so long?" Ye Han asked in confusion.

"It's still long? Oh, I see, you must be used to warships." Captain Zhong added a reason, "So pay attention to people, warships are fast, thirty knots per hour, transport ships and ro-ro ships. It’s not that fast, we’ll run 20 if we’re trying our best, we’re only 15 knots now, and we’ll have to run for at least 80 hours from Qiongzhou Port to Ti Island for more than 1,300 nautical miles.”

Ye Han suddenly realized that I was used to sitting on warships, but it was not a warship of the Navy, but a warship of the Space Fleet. After running more than 1,000 nautical miles, it would not even be used for an hour.

If the speed of the voyage is at its peak, it may not take even a minute to fly over this distance.

He laughed at himself: "So we have to sit for at least three days? I thought we could get there in one night!"

Captain Zhong also smiled: "If only we could put the rail elevator in Qiongzhou... Hey, you are also stationed on the island, right? I heard that there are several groups of people on the island. Is the ladder island so dangerous?"

Ye Han glanced at Captain Zhong calmly: "I really don't know if it's dangerous or not. I'll take the team wherever the boss tells us to go."

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