Armor Frenzy

Chapter 976: tough

Those who are familiar with nuclear explosions know that the lethality of nuclear explosions mainly comes from three aspects, one is light radiation, the other is shock waves, the third is early nuclear radiation, and there are also nuclear electromagnetic pulses and radioactive pollution.

Ganymede's atmosphere is very thin, and even the iconic mushroom cloud does not appear, and there is no condition to form a shock wave that sweeps away thousands of troops. The lethality of the explosion is mainly concentrated in light radiation and nuclear radiation.

Generally speaking, light radiation accounts for about 50% of the energy of a nuclear explosion. On Ganymede, a star lacking an atmosphere, the shock wave that should have been the main beam was weakened to almost nothing, and the power of nuclear radiation was also due to alien creatures. The super resistance is greatly reduced, so that the strongest killing method of nuclear explosion has become optical radiation!

Nuclear radiation is actually effective, but not as immediate as light radiation.

The sudden nuclear explosion was a great shock to the aliens. With the center of the explosion as the center, the air defense firepower within a radius of hundreds of kilometers was empty, and it resumed after a pause for a few seconds.

Although the pause was only a few seconds, there were quite a few cannonballs that could take the opportunity to land, and more importantly, they included the first batch of nuclear cannonballs!

The defenders had expected the arrival of a large number of nuclear bombs, but they never expected it to come so quickly. The suspended anti-aircraft firepower had just resumed, and another nuclear bomb fell more than ten kilometers away, followed by the third and fourth...

In the first round of the fleet, nearly 100 nuclear bombs were fired, and more than two-thirds of them landed. The entire surface of Ganymede was full of dazzling rays of light and expanding fireballs. The ground was melted by high temperature, slowly boiling and flowing , the ice surface was melted by the high temperature and turned into lakes of different sizes with boiling water.

Not only the buildings and positions on the surface were destroyed by the nuclear explosion, but the shallow underground bunkers were not able to escape the ravages of the nuclear explosion. The hollows under the shallow ice surface were the worst hit areas of the nuclear explosion. .

In just half a minute, more than 70 nuclear explosions occurred in a row, destroying half of Ganymede's back in one fell swoop, and the anti-aircraft firepower was sparse.

Among them are the factors that the nuclear explosion destroyed a large number of air defense positions, and there are also reasons why the aliens retreated underground.

But not all aliens have retreated underground, and many still continue to fight, risking nukes.

To aliens, they are heroes, but to humans, they are just stubborn enemies. Gao Kai ordered the fleet to launch the second wave of nuclear bombs without hesitation.

Nuclear weapons do not determine the outcome of the battle, but they can greatly speed up the progress of the battle!

The first round of nuclear explosions destroyed a large number of ground facilities. Under the change, the interception firepower on the ground became weaker and weaker, and more and more shells were hit.

At such a critical juncture, Ye Han suddenly received an urgent communication from the resistance organization!

Ye Han was very strange and didn't understand why the resistance organization contacted him at this time. After the communication was connected to the Yaoshan number, Zeng Rui appeared on the screen and said in a very helpless tone: "Chief, they want to talk to you directly!"

Ye Han wondered: "What's going on?"

Just as Zeng Rui was about to speak, a tall figure suddenly appeared behind Zeng Rui, he swept Zeng Rui aside with a big hand, then the figure knelt down on one knee, and an ugly face appeared on the screen: "Chief, it's me who wants to talk to Zeng Rui. say something."

"Who are you?" A thought flashed through Ye Han's mind, which was converted into an electronic signal through the biochip and quickly conveyed to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi immediately activated the facial comparison system, and a constantly changing alien face appeared on a small screen.

It is difficult for human eyes to distinguish the appearance of aliens. This comparison system is specially used to help humans distinguish aliens.

The alien on the screen said: "I'm not who..." He said a word to the side.

The disgraced Zeng Rui returned to the screen and said depressedly and helplessly: "He is the translator, the translator of the resistance organization."

Ye Han nodded slightly: "What's the matter with you?"

The alien raised an arm and pointed away from the screen: "I hope you, we hope you, stop bombing, now!" His grammar is really painful, but his words are still clear, and his meaning is clear. It's dry and lacking in tone, just like recording word by word, and then mechanically putting it together.

Ye Han's face sank, and he said patiently, "There is no such item in our agreement."

"You can't go on, we have to land!" said the alien.

"The landing must be after the air strike." Ye Han said.

The alien was in a hurry, and he said a lot of Ye Han, but he didn't understand a word. He simply reported that Zeng Rui had come over and said a lot in alien language.

Zeng Rui sighed and said, "Chief, they hope the fleet will not bomb Ganymede with nuclear bombs."

"Why?" Ye Han frowned deeply, looking like he was inquiring.

Concerning the course of the campaign, he had to ask why before deciding whether to consider the resistance's request.

Zeng Rui said: "I don't quite understand. It seems that the nuclear radiation left by the nuclear explosion is too strong, and I dare not land in the nuclear explosion area or something."

Hearing this, Ye Han finally understood a little: "You mean cannonballs are fine, but nuclear bombs aren't?"

The alien immediately nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Ye Han couldn't help crying and laughing for a while: "Zeng Rui, you reassure them that the nuclear radiation is not as powerful as they thought."

Zeng Rui talked to the alien again, and then reluctantly said: "He doesn't believe it, he said that the starship... Even Io has also suffered a nuclear bomb, and the nuclear radiation left behind is particularly powerful. Bring that kind of bug that eats fallout... um, that's what I just said anyway."

"He's still persistent?" Ye Han grinned, "Tell him that these two kinds of nuclear bombs are different, and this one has no radiation."

The residual quantity of radioactive substances is directly related to the manufacturing technology. The more reasonable the ultra-high superstructure of the technology is, the more complete the reaction of the nuclear charge will be, and the residual radioactive substances will naturally be less. On the contrary, if the technology fails, the result must be a nuclear explosion area No grass grows.

Humans' early nuclear weapons did leave a large amount of radioactive material, but with the advancement of human technology, the technology of the five nuclear-armed countries has become very high-end, especially China, the United States and Russia. Between a few hundred grams, even a few grams in extreme cases!

If such a small amount of radioactive material is dispersed within a radius of several kilometers, the radiation level in the explosion area will definitely increase, but it is far from the level of human beings and ghosts.

The most obvious example is the little devil. Mi Jun dropped two atomic bombs, but no one saw the little devil give up the two cities.

Zeng Rui sighed, "I explained it, but he doesn't believe it."

Ye Han continued to curl his lips: "Forget it if you don't believe it, tell him how the air strikes are our business. According to the principle of reciprocity, we do not interfere with their command, and they can't interfere with how we fight, that's all."

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