Armor Frenzy

Chapter 979: sound east and west

Gao Kai's order was crazy, but his brain was very calm, and he didn't lose his mind because the fierce battle was about to start. After the five warships fired at full force, they immediately changed their direction and performed a space-drift-style lateral maneuver, followed by a full-fire shot.

The alien warships on the opposite side also changed direction, and they tried their best to block in front of the Nanzhou fleet, but the distance was still there. In addition to the little interference effect of the laser, the shells and missiles were still flying halfway.

The situation of the strong second fleet is similar. It is obvious that they are rushing forward, but in fact they have been hiding. A discerning person can see that Martin does not want to confront the aliens.

The two fleets are half a catty versus eight taels, and the situation is very delicate.

This is not the result Gao Kai wanted. On the bright side, he was still dealing with the alien fleet, but secretly he sent an order to Ye Han at the rear.

After reading the order, Ye Han raised his head and said in an unprecedentedly stern tone: "From now on, I will take over the command and order all units to stop air strikes, and the frigate targets the alien fleet, set off immediately!"

"Yes!" The combat staff immediately conveyed the order, and the eight frigates immediately ceased fire and set sail according to the coordinates provided by Yaoshan.

The eight guards left in one go, and the resistance organization was dumbfounded.

They are still waiting for the end of the air raid to land on Ganymede, why did the ground target suddenly leave with more than half of it left?

As soon as the frigate began to accelerate, the protest communication was sent to the Yaoshan - the resistance organization paid countless prices, and even the planetary engine was opened to human beings, just for this day, how could they just watch the frigate drive away?

Ye Han, who received the protest, was expressionless, and replied coldly: "Tell him, I don't need him to teach me how to fight, and let them get away." After that, he waved at Lin Yi: "Let's go!"

With an order, the three assault ships also left. This time the resistance organization was completely dumbfounded. All the ships that could fight were pulled away. How can this land be boarded?

How could Ye Han manage so much? His current thoughts were all on the alien spaceships behind Ganymede, and he quickly made a decision and issued several orders.

Under the command of Ye Han, the eight frigates in the front were divided into two, forming two four-ship formations on the left and right. The three assault ships followed at a distance, as if being protected by frigates.

The high-speed **** group of frigates immediately attracted the attention of both the enemy and the enemy. The alien warships responsible for intercepting the Nanzhou fleet were too far away, and it was too late to divide troops to block them, and the number itself was insufficient. Good to say.

The alien fleet that blocked the strong second fleet was closer, and the number of warships was still barely, but the original advantage was not obvious, and it was not a good idea to divide the troops.

Fortunately, there are still a group of warships that have just taken off at the rear. The aliens put the reserve team into battle without hesitation, and the aliens have realized that the situation is not good, and the alien spaceships are accelerating away.

The two sides are located on both sides of Ganymede, and the distance cannot be said to be too far away, but the acceleration of the battleships on both sides is not bad, and the relative speed of travel is superimposed.

Ye Han's expression was unusually calm, staring at the screen in front of him, and suddenly said without warning: "From now on, the frigate group will be commanded by the Qinghe, and the Lishan Liangshan will follow me!"

After speaking, Ye Han said to Lin Yi, "Change direction, go here!"

Lin Yi couldn't help being stunned when he saw it, Ye Han actually pointed in the direction of the Second Fleet.

The position of the Second Strong Fleet at this time is 60 degrees to the upper left, and the distance is about 4,000 kilometers.

The so-called Zhan No. 2 fleet is a temporary code name for convenience. The Zhan No. 2 fleet is the alien fleet that blocks the strong No. 2 fleet. The dozens of enemy ships opposite the Nanzhou fleet are referred to as the Zhannan fleet.

At first glance, the strong second fleet and you and I were fighting lively, but in fact, they did not enter the opponent's range. It was not like a battle but an exercise.

Everyone didn't understand what Ye Han meant when he was close to the strong second fleet. Gao Kai, who was nearly 10,000 kilometers away, called Yaoshan: "Ye Ye, what are you doing?"

Ye Han remained calm: "Adjust the course, don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

"Don't talk about useless things, get dry goods!" Gao Kai asked worriedly.

Ye Han smiled slightly: "Add more burdens to the old horse."

"What do you mean?" Gao Kai was puzzled, "Do you want to hide behind the strong second fleet?"

"Of course not... I can't explain a sentence or two. You can talk to the man named Ma, and let him take the initiative and give me cover."

Gao Kai's mind was a little tricky: "I'll try it."

After the communication ended, Lu Zuo glanced at Gao Kai in surprise: "Commander, can you do it?"

"It shouldn't be a problem." Gao Kai said uncertainly, "Don't underestimate this kid, he was the only one in the Beiyuezhou captain training back then."

Lu Zuo was stunned: "Isn't it? Why don't I know him?" Airborne Division Many people say that they are used to it, and they will not be able to change it for a while.

"Non-staff." Gao Kai explained the reason, "He was in charge of the Marine Corps at that time, and only had time to study by himself in his spare time, but his grades were no worse than anyone else's, but he didn't have the opportunity to participate in the assessment."

"What I said." Lu Zuo was stunned, "Qu Cai."

Those people from that year have come to today, and the worst can be a main captain in the fleet, and Ye Han is still in command of the Marine Corps... Although the political status of all officers and soldiers is equal, in fact, there are many places of inequality. , is it the same thing as sitting on the bridge commanding Ruoding and taking a bunch of people around to drill holes?

"There are above considerations." Gao Kai said.

At this time, the three assault ships had already left the frigate group and flew straight to the strong second fleet.

The aliens discovered the change of the three battleships, and the blocking fleet immediately separated several battleships, always blocking the front of the assault fleet.

The strong second fleet discovered the change of the assault ship, and immediately contacted the Nanzhou to ask the intentions of the three battleships.

Gao Kai's answer was vague, only saying that the assault ship was going to rendezvous with the Nanzhou, and asked Martin to cover it.

Martin instinctively felt that the situation was wrong, but he couldn't say what was wrong. Although he was very repulsive, he didn't want to make it clear because of this, so he could only reluctantly agree.

A few minutes later, the three assault ships finally flew to the rear of the Second Strong Fleet, and the few alien warships on the opposite side also merged with the Second Zhan Fleet.

Ye Han felt that the time was right, and with a single order, he fired several waves of smoke bombs, and the diffused smoke gradually spread in front of him, forming a huge smoke screen area.

Then the three warships dropped their camouflage and revealed their hidden true colors. After the engines were fully turned on, the speed of the warships flying at full speed increased sharply, and they continued to shoot smoke bombs after diving into the smoke screen.

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