Armor Frenzy

Chapter 982: suicide charge

Ye Han calculated in his heart that there is no hope for missiles, electromagnetic artillery shells are useless at all, and now there are nuclear artillery shells that have not yet reached the place... It will not be so miserable that one cannot be hit, right?

At this moment, a dazzling flash of light suddenly exploded on the side of the giant ship. After the light dissipated, there was already a huge black gap on the side of the ice-white giant ship. The gap spewed out.


Ye Han was inexplicably surprised and let out a long sigh.

The giant ship at this time was like a radish that had been bitten by a mouse. Although the location of the hit was not the key point, such a big gap was no joke.

The Assault Fleet was still far away, so I couldn't see the situation of the giant ship. In fact, in addition to the lucky nuclear shell, there were two shells that passed by the giant ship, and one of them was only a few hundred meters away from the giant ship. , the other was even a few meters short of hitting the giant ship.

The hit of the giant ship was like a signal, and the entire battlefield seemed to have suddenly quieted down, but after a short period of calm, the last remaining alien warship seemed to be crazy and rushed towards the assault fleet at full speed...

Although the Assault Fleet has been flying forward without interruption, how can it be said that it can be approached at such a long distance? Right now, the assault fleet is still thousands of kilometers away from the giant ship. The alien battleship's solitary charge may sound tragic, but it is actually a moth to the flame.

Ye Han immediately thought about it: those alien warships would rather crash into the missile group in order to protect the giant ships, and now they have created a single-riding formation. It seems, seems, as if that giant ship has extraordinary significance to these warships .

But what does it matter?

As a soldier, he appreciates these unrelenting opponents, but the enemy is the enemy, and he will never have any pity and sympathy for the enemy.

So Ye Han tapped on the screen: "Electromagnetic gun, kill it!"

Although there was only one enemy ship, Ye Han didn't dare to be careless at all. If the missiles on the ship hadn't been emptied, he would definitely put on the missiles first.

In the current situation, the electromagnetic gun is the most suitable weapon.

The order was issued, the three assault ships lined up, and the six electromagnetic guns fired in turn, smashing waves of depleted uranium bombs at the enemy ships.

At the same time, the laser guns on the ship were unwilling to be lonely, and fired at a frequency far exceeding that of the electromagnetic guns. The pulsed lasers with the thickness of the arms instantly traversed the distance of nearly 1,000 kilometers, and hit the enemy ship accurately.

A black spot immediately burned on the ice-white shell of the alien battleship.

At the beginning, the laser cannons equipped by the expedition fleet could not penetrate the armor of the alien warships at all, so they had to replace the laser turrets full of ships with artillery.

Later, the alien warship landed on the earth, and the crashed alien warship made the military a treasure. A series of experiments were carried out using the wreckage of the warship. Burning insect shells with various lasers was one of the key research projects of the military!

Today, the military's laser cannons have long been reborn, but the power is still a little worse. The reason why they are installed on warships is because the laser has a long range and fast speed, not because of how powerful it is.

On the other hand, the laser cannon has the advantages of fast response speed and no ammunition restriction in ground support, and is an essential support weapon for assault ships.

It's just that even Ye Han didn't expect that the first opening record of the laser gun was actually used for anti-ship.

The speed of the enemy ship was very fast, and the laser could not always irradiate a position, so it failed to penetrate the enemy ship, and only burned an elongated scorch mark on the side of the ship.

Soon several more lasers hit the enemy ship, leaving scorch marks on the clean ice-white hull, like the wanton graffiti left by a urchin.

Lin Yi suddenly steered the battleship to sink, flew directly in front of the enemy ship, and immediately hit the bow of the enemy ship with a cannonball.

The alien warship's non-dodging and evasion kept the laser at the same position, and after a few seconds, the laser burned through the bow armor.

At the same time, the first batch of depleted uranium shells fell on the enemy ships, opening seven or eight holes.

This damage is nothing, the alien battleship is still rushing forward.

Ye Han really wanted to give the enemy ship a good time, but the distance was too far, and the possibility of hitting the target was very low at the range of the naval gun.

In desperation, he could only order the ships to continue grinding slowly with lasers.

More than ten minutes later, the alien warship had been burned beyond recognition by the continuous laser beams. The front and sides of the warship had been burned in seven or eight places, and the depleted uranium bombs had created more than thirty holes, but it still persisted. dash forward.

Ye Han couldn't help shaking his head. Although the electromagnetic gun is good, it is not as good as armor-piercing bullets against alien warships. If this enemy ship was hit with more than 30 armor-piercing bullets, I am afraid it would have become a pile of space junk.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh, it would be great if the armor-piercing projectile could be fired with an electromagnetic cannon.

Can it be done? Ye Han really didn't know.

He doesn't know much about the principle of electromagnetic guns, but he only knows that there are several types of these Some cannonballs have current passing through when they are fired, some are induced currents in the cannonballs, and some are purely driven by magnetic fields.

There are detonators in the fuzes of the shells. Ye Han doesn't know what is in the detonators, but he knows that the detonators are very sensitive. If the shells are electrified, the possibility of detonating the detonators and then detonating the shells is very high.

If the shells are made into two layers, the inner and outer layers separated by insulating materials, it is not necessarily that they can be fired by electromagnetic guns.

The distance between the two sides continued to shrink, and finally entered the effective range of the thin light. In order to prevent the counterattack of the enemy ships, the three assault ships dispersed in advance, but the opposing warships did not fire a single shot, and just continued to fly forward without any movement.

Ye Han suddenly realized something: "Is this sunk?"

"It should be." Lin Yi said hesitantly.

"Cease fire!" Ye Han waved his hand, and the three warships stopped firing at the same place.

The charred enemy ship still did not move at all, the holes all over its body looked miserable, and there was an indescribable dilapidation.

After observing for a while, Ye Han finally determined that the enemy ship was completely dead, and it was estimated which laser destroyed the control center of the battleship.

However, the alien warships are not filled with dangerous goods like human warships, and there is no phenomenon of being killed. The assault fleet has been using lasers to fight endlessly. As a result, the enemy ships are finished. It's embarrassing to think about using a laser on your body... Well, this should be the first alien warship killed by a laser. I don't have experience, and it's not incomprehensible if something goes wrong.

After finding a reason for himself, Ye Han felt a lot more at ease. In order to be cautious, he ordered Lin Yi to shoot a nuclear cannonball at the wreckage of the enemy ship. It was not until the shell hit the wreckage and blew the warship into two pieces. Let go.

Ye Han's eyes turned to the giant ship, and the next goal was to blow it up completely!

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