Armor Frenzy

Chapter 987: Red Sea

After receiving the reply from the Red Sea, Ye Han's expression did not relax at all. He still stared at the screen closely, and kept urging the ships to solve the enemy as soon as possible.

He doesn't care how many servants he loses, let alone the loss of resistance organizations, but all transport ships are piloted by humans, which is what he must care about.

However, Ye Han is not worried about their safety at all, because transport ships are also a type of warships. The bridge is not located anywhere on the surface, but is deeply hidden in the center of the battleship. It is easy to hit the transport ship, but it is not easy to hit the bridge. So simple.

In addition, the crew also has life-saving power armor and aircraft. Once the situation is irreversible, they can also escape from the spacecraft and rely on flight equipment to escape.

After receiving the order, the Red Sea turned off the engine again, and the powerless spacecraft plummeted. Between one rise and one fall, it coincidentally avoided the third wave of fine light.

Ye Han suddenly realized that the position of the assault ship was too high, which was very unfavorable for the use of firepower, but it was too late to lower the height, and the only way to destroy the target with the laser was as soon as possible.

The speed of the battleship's fall is getting faster and faster. Below the battleship is a large group of dancing servants. They instinctively spread their wings and flap their wings. However, Ganymede's atmosphere is too thin, and any method of relying on air to fly is here. No use at all.

Another wave of fine light fell on the Red Sea, and the outer armor of the transport ship began to peel off, and pieces scattered around the spacecraft, falling with the spacecraft.

A few hapless servants were thrown from behind the shattered armor, struggling to vibrate their useless wings.

Ye Han almost crushed his posterior molars: "Red Sea, Red Sea, look for an opportunity to abandon the ship, understand?"

"Red Sea understands, Commander, we think the spaceship can still be saved!" While speaking, the Red Sea started the engine again, but to everyone's surprise, the Red Sea did not choose to hover, but suddenly dived and plunged headlong to the ground.

Shi Guang failed again, and at the same time, more servants were swooped and thrown out of the ship.

Ye Han's eyes lit up, there was hope!

The laser has already eliminated two-thirds of the light worms, and the remaining light worms pose little threat to the Red Sea. As long as they persist for a while, the fleet can completely wipe out all enemy troops!

"Sixty kilometers!" Lin Yi still did not forget to report the altitude of the Red Sea.

Ganymede's gravity is too low. If the Red Sea hadn't chosen to dive, it would have taken a while to reach this height.

Ye Han finally made up his mind and sternly ordered the assault ship to lower its altitude.

The three assault ships fired while accelerating, and laser beams swept across the ground, and each beam of light could kill three or five giant insects.

"Fifty kilometers!" Lin Yi said with a bit of anxiety, "Commander, if the Red Sea doesn't slow down, it will be too late!"

"How many bugs are there?"

"At most thirty... Twenty-five!"

"Red Sea, slow down now, repeat, slow down now!"

"Slowing down, engine out!"

"Abandon the ship!" Ye Han roared without hesitation.

"There's still a little time, I'll try again!"

"Forty-five kilometers!"

Ye Han said urgently: "Quick, determine the engine status of the Red Sea!"

All the assault ships observed the Red Sea together, and the results were quickly gathered to the Yaoshan. Lin Yi immediately shouted after receiving the results: "Report, No. 3 and No. 6 are seriously damaged, and the others are not obvious!"

"There are still four engines?" Ye Han was very surprised, "Red Sea, you still have hope, there is still hope, troubleshoot as soon as possible - Lin Yi!"


"Closely monitor the height and falling speed of the Red Sea, and abandon the ship immediately if it is found dangerous!"


"Red Sea, did you hear what I said?"

"The Red Sea is clear, don't worry, Commander, I'm not kidding myself."

"Report, the light worms are all wiped out!"

"Okay, continue to pay attention to the ground target!"


"Report, Donghai communication!"

"Let them wait!" At this juncture, Ye Han had no intention of talking to the resistance organization at all.

"Forty... Hey, it's down, the speed of the Red Sea is down!" Lin Yi shouted excitedly.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, Luo Qi wiped his forehead: "Oh my god, it's finally okay."

"Don't talk too early." Ouyang Ping said, "Let's talk about when it will land safely."

Luo Qi glared at Ouyang Ping angrily: "Fuck you, crow's mouth!"

Ye Han turned to look at Lin Yi: "Can the Red Sea still fly up?"

"No." Lin Yi shook his head, "It's down to more than 30 kilometers, and even if the six engines are fine, it won't be able to fly up."

"What about the forced landing? Are you sure?" Ye Han asked again.

"Six engines are definitely fine, four... I can't say." Lin Yi continued to shake his head.

"Not necessarily?" Ouyang Ping said. "The outer armor of the Red Sea is about to fall off. The engine is missing, but isn't the weight also reduced? There should be hope, right?"

Ye Han called again: "Red Sea, Red Sea, are you sure about the forced landing?"

"Report, the engine is back to work and should be fine."

Ye Han let out a long breath: "Be careful yourself!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Yi suddenly said: "Sir, the engines of the Red Sea have only recovered three... Only 20 kilometers are left."

"How's the speed?"

"The speed is still stable...but the falling speed is still too Is it slowing down?"

"Uniform speed, uniform speed!"

"If it touches the ground at the current speed..." Ye Han looked at Lin Yi with hopeful eyes.

Lin Yi shook his head slowly but surely: "The speed is too fast."

Ye Han gritted his teeth: "Red Sea, Red Sea, throw everything that can be thrown, including the servants, repeat, including the servants!"

"Report from the Red Sea, the ship has lost pressure."

Ye Han was stunned, and then he remembered that the shell of the Red Sea had been broken.

Human beings have never relaxed their vigilance against resistance organizations, and the transport ships provided to the resistance organizations have also done a lot of tricks. In order to prevent the servants from seizing the ship, the transport ships can open all the hatches in an instant, and use the air pressure inside the ship to seal all the unfixed items. Throw out all the good stuff.

"ten kilometers!"

"Red Sea, abandon ship, abandon ship now!"

"Master, give me some time, I can do it!"

"There is no time, I order you to abandon the ship, now, immediately!"

"I could really—"

Suddenly there was a low roar in the communication, and Lin Yi almost jumped up: "Report, report, the Red Sea is slowing down, the engine, the engine of the Red Sea is running at overpower!"

Ye Han stared at the screen: "I saw it!"

The angle of the picture on the screen is looking down from right above the Red Sea. However, even at such an unsuitable angle for observing the engines, you can see the continuous flashes under the only three remaining engines, the frequency of which is beyond imagination. At ten kilometers, the super brightness can also illuminate the earth below the Red Sea!

"Good job!" Ye Han yelled in surprise.

"I just said I'll do it!" The voice of the Red Sea came from the loudspeaker.

"Five kilometers..."

"Report, there is a situation at seven o'clock-"

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