Armor Frenzy

Chapter 990: full pressure

The resistance organization's answer was neat and tidy, and they agreed with Ye Han's suggestion without hesitation.

They don't care how many people will die when they land, they only care if they can get what they want back.

The two sides hit it off, and Ye Han immediately issued the latest instruction to the transport ship: "Abandon the original plan, make every effort to break through the ground fire blockade, and land the spacecraft to the designated location!

The transport ship that received the order also did not hesitate, changed its previous cautiousness, and accelerated towards Ganymede.

There are procedures for gliding, and there are methods for ditching.

The gliding seems to be safe and fast, but it relies too much on air strikes before landing, and a little carelessness will lead to the current passive situation.

To put it horribly, as long as the brain is normal, who would be willing to go to a place only a few dozen kilometers high and press the enemy's artillery fire?

Crash landing is different. Although it is a very troublesome technical task to drop the spacecraft directly on the ground, but anyway, it is safer than hanging in the air and being beaten, right?

People are more dead than people, and goods are thrown away. Without comparison, there is no harm.

The abnormality of the transport ship immediately aroused the vigilance of the aliens. Four or five air defense positions appeared one after another in the originally chaotic airdrop area. There were still a group of aliens dragging giant insects to drill into the underground bunkers. Come out and set up a new position outside the bunker.

According to the experience of the Red Sea's forced landing, there is absolutely no problem with two to three air defense positions against a transport ship.

Ye Han was dumbfounded by this battle. He was fine just now, how come so many air defense positions appeared in a blink of an eye? He understands that aliens can endure, but this is too much, right?

Ye Han didn't realize that the landing operation of the assault fleet on Callisto not only increased the landing experience for the fleet, but also increased the anti-landing experience for the aliens.

The current air defense tactics of the aliens look very similar to the refueling tactics. On the surface, they are adding troops little by little, but every time the aliens add troops, they are just right for the human side's military input, and the air defense forces lost in battles. There are indeed a lot, but such losses can be regarded as equivalent losses, which are definitely not beyond the tolerance of aliens.

Minimizing losses can also give the enemy a certain degree of damage, which is fundamentally different from the refueling tactic.

The remaining enemies in the landing area exceeded Ye Han's expectations. Although the assault ship fired at the first time, the firepower of the assault ship was limited, and it took a little time to destroy the enemy, and the air defense firepower on the ground could completely inflict heavy damage on the transport compartment during this time!

The consequences of continuing the forced landing are unpredictable, but it is also not a good idea to call the transport ship back now.

Ye Han gritted his teeth: "One group and two groups, prepare to airborne!"

The order came so suddenly, Xiao Yuan and Bian Ge were stunned together.

Xiao Yuan's official position was the first battalion commander of the Airborne First Regiment. Since Ye Han was acting as the division commander, there was no suitable candidate to serve as the first team commander, so the first battalion commander Xiao Yuan was temporarily replaced.

Ye Han said without turning his head: "Take your people down in the landing craft and disperse the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower, but don't take risks and don't go in. Use the transport ship more when it's dangerous. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood!" The two said in unison.

The transport ship is rough and thick, even if it takes a few shots, it is not a big deal. Moreover, the transport ship is filled with servants, and it will not hurt if they all die.

"Let's go!" Ye Han waved his hand, "Also, notify the resistance organization and let the rest of the transport ships descend."

"Yes!" Several voices answered together, Xiao Yuan and Bian Ge on the screen saluted together, and then quickly turned away, and then a shrill alarm sounded from the Lishan and Liangshan.

Luo Qi and Ouyang Ping looked at each other, and after a few glances at each other, rock-paper-scissors, and finally Luo Qi made a difference, and asked with a light cough, "Boss, do we need to prepare?"

Ye Han hesitated and nodded: "It's alright to prepare, notify the rescue team, and bring people back when there is a chance."

"Then I'll inform the troops." Luo Qi reluctantly gave Ouyang Ping a look.

The order must be carried out, but the landing is too dangerous, and deep in his heart, he really does not want to participate in this crazy action.

Ouyang Ping shrugged: "I'll leave it to you!"

Luo Qi rolled his eyes and raised his **** at Ouyang Ping very covertly.

Lishan and Liangshan were well prepared. Less than half a minute after receiving the order, the heavy hatches under the battleship's belly opened to both sides, and the fully loaded Swifts broke away from the battleship and rushed towards Ganymede lightly and swiftly.

Excluding the damaged landing craft, the two battleships invested a total of fifty-five swifts, which is not low for a landing, but if they are scattered on Ganymede, these dozens of swifts are nothing at all.

"The altitude is 400 kilometers!" Lin Yi promptly reported the position of the transport ship.

"Why hasn't there been any movement yet? What are you waiting for?" Ye Han frowned The aliens' air defense positions were ready, but none of them opened fire. Could it be that they were waiting for the fleet Fire first?

Just kidding, humans and aliens have been fighting against each other for a long time, and they have been inexorable for a long time. Besides, they have fought several battles for landing. At this time, it is important not to fire the first shot first?

Hmm... It's probably because the fleet didn't fire. In order to reduce losses, the aliens are preparing to wait for the transport ship to lower before launching a surprise attack!

Thinking of this, Ye Han said decisively: "Order the ships to stop waiting, fire now!"

Originally, the fleet should have started firing as soon as the enemy appeared, but Ye Han suddenly issued a landing order, and each ship had to temporarily suspend the air strike in order to release Swift.

The order was issued, the laser beam immediately fell from the sky, and the aliens' air defense positions seemed to wake up suddenly and began to shoot at the transport ships in the air.

The alien's goal is very clear, neither the assault ship nor the Swift, and they are devoted to the trouble of looking for the transport ship. I don't know whether it is because the transport ship is the lowest height, or they know that the transport ship contains servants.

The transport ship has long been prepared to maneuver to avoid it immediately, but it is still the old problem. The too large hull limits the maneuverability of the spacecraft, and the regulatory effect is very limited.

The swifts that came first were extremely mobile, and indeed flew around the transport ship like a group of smart swallows, sometimes aiming at the ground to spread a wave of firepower, and sometimes hiding behind the transport ship to avoid the limelight.

The agile swift accompanied the clumsy transport ship, and there was an indescribable strangeness.

Swift's firepower is not bad, but due to its size, it does not carry many weapons, and the enemies it destroys are far from comparable to battleships. But Swift's tactic of changing a place with one shot was really annoying, and it made the aliens annoyed, and finally couldn't bear to point the muzzle at Swift.

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