Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1000: strong rebound

A few seconds later, the Zhonghai slammed into the ground of Ganymede, and everyone was surprised. The Zhonghai, which was supposed to be shattered in the impact, plunged into the ground, and the nearby ground seemed to have been hit by a hammer. There are cobweb cracks everywhere like glass.

The strong impact caused the Zhong Hai to distort and deform, and several huge cracks appeared in the hull. There was even a small-scale explosion inside the ship, but the exposed part of the Zhong Hai on the ground could still roughly see its original appearance.

Everyone was stunned, what happened? Didn't the Zhonghai hit the ground, but a mud swamp?

The battle continued, and the situation of the remaining transport ships was in jeopardy. At this moment, the nuclear artillery shell finally landed, bright lights flickered on the ground, and dozens of air defenses were hit by nuclear bombs one after another, and were wiped from the ground by violent explosions. The unusually fierce anti-aircraft firepower not long ago was instantly emptied, and the crisis of the transport ship was quickly alleviated.

I don't know if it was deterred by the power of the nuclear explosion, and the endless air defense positions finally stopped appearing. The officer corps headed by Ye Han finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But as soon as the breath came out, Luo Qi suddenly pointed at the screen and shouted, "Look, what's going on?"

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on the position where Luo Qi was pointing, and they were surprised to find that he was referring to the wreck of the Zhong Hai.

At the beginning, everyone didn't see anything wrong with the Zhonghai, but soon everyone's expressions changed, because the cracks near the Zhonghai were expanding and deepening, and the wreckage of the battleship was slowly descending like it was caught in quicksand.

Everyone was a little dumbfounded. Everyone thought of the same possibility, but they all felt that their guesses were too unreasonable. As a result, only a few seconds later, the ground near the Zhonghai ship cracked and sank in a large area, turning into a bottomless bottom. giant sinkhole.

The Zhong Hai fell along with the collapsed earth and rocks. The wreckage of the battleship gradually and rapidly shattered during the fall. The nearby fragmented ground peeled off layer by layer with the Zhong Hai as the center. The servants who fell around the Zhong Hai also fell along with the soil and rocks. It disappeared into the depths of the cave soon, and the whole process collapsed, like a special effect clip in the doomsday blockbuster.

What surprised everyone even more was that the tiankeng was very round and the walls were vertical, like a man-made shaft.

"What's the situation?" Luo Qi's eyes widened in astonishment, "A silo dug by aliens?"

As he spoke, he activated the measurement function of the biochip, and found that the shaft was a very regular circle, and not only the wellhead, but also the inside of the shaft.

"I think it's an airport." Lin Yi said.

"Why do you say it collapsed?" Ouyang Ping's thoughts were different from others. He was engaged in blasting, and he was more concerned about why the ground suddenly collapsed.

Ye Han guessed: "It may be because of a nuclear explosion."

When the Zhonghai landed, there was no sign of the ground collapsing, but three nuclear bombs exploded within 10 kilometers of the crash site, and the closest nuclear explosion was only about three kilometers away.

Although the yield of nuclear artillery shells is relatively low, it is not difficult to understand that the ground there was hit by the Zhonghai first, and then was shaken by the earthquakes caused by the nuclear explosion, which eventually led to the collapse.

A flash of light flashed in Luo Qi's mind: "Boss, do you think this pit might be an airport dug by aliens? An unfinished airport."

Everyone turned their heads in unison, and everyone's eyes fell on Luo Qi's face.

Ye Han nodded heavily: "It's possible..."

The diameter of the shaft can completely guarantee the free entry and exit of giant ships, and no one believes that it is not an airport.

"There is a situation!" Lin Yi, who was always paying attention to the ground, reminded loudly.

"Prepare for battle—" Ye Han didn't even have time to look at the screen, and immediately issued an order to prepare for battle.

Everyone's attention immediately turned back to the screen, only to see dozens of underground bunkers in the landing area opened at the same time, and countless light worms rushed out of the bunkers.

However, none of the light worms stopped near the exit, and they all ran away quickly after rushing out of the cover.

They're going to set up air defense positions!

Ye Han is completely stupid. According to the current situation, it will not take long before thirty or forty air defense positions will appear on the ground. Not to mention that he only has three assault ships in his hand, even if the main force of the fleet is still there, It is possible to destroy so many enemies in a short period of time.

"It's over, it's over!" Ye Han's eyes were horrified and empty, staring blankly at the transport ship on the screen.

The height of the transport ship is still about 20 kilometers. At this point, it is impossible to fly back to space, and the accelerated landing will hit the ground because of the speed too fast, and the final result is still the ship is destroyed.

"His grandma's, but that's fine, hit me with a nuclear cannonball!" Ye Han spit out a sentence viciously.

At this time, the ships had already fired, but the use of nuclear bombs had to be approved by the commander, Ye Han, so all ships used conventional artillery fire. Until Ye Han ordered the use of nuclear bombs, each ship loaded the nuclear shells into the gun chambers.

The turrets of the three assault ships spun rapidly, blasting nuclear artillery shells out of their barrels. At the same time as the first wave of nuclear cannons was ejected, the light worms in the thirty-odd anti-aircraft positions pouted at the same time.

Ye Han, who had witnessed all this, seemed to freeze in his The speed of the shells was too slow. He was determined to report to Beidu as soon as the battle was over, and asked Beidu to study a nuclear weapon that could be fired by an electromagnetic gun. cannonballs.

Isn't it critical mass? If the implosion type is not enough, use the gun type. No amount of wasted nuclear material is better than no use at all! (Note 1)

The light worms on the ground were ready to shoot, the bridge of Yaoshan was silent, and the Shahai at the bottom of the five transport ships was ready to be shot down by the enemy.

In an instant, countless fine lights rushed into the sky, and the main screen in the bridge of Yaoshan suddenly turned white, and then all the screens in the direction of the bow of Yaoshan were all disabled, and strange noises from nowhere were flooded. bridge.

Before everyone could regain their senses, the screen on the main screen automatically switched to the damage control system. Everyone was stunned to find that the front third of the Yaoshan hull was full of flashing red warnings all over the bow and the battleship. The weapons and equipment in the front were not spared.

A thought suddenly entered Ye Han's mind: the enemy's target is Yaoshan, not a transport ship!

He was in a bad state, and shouted on the radio like crazy: "Liangshan Liangshan, emergency avoidance, emergency avoidance—"

He could not see the situation of the Gaoshan and Liangshan, but judging from the usual air defense tactics of the aliens, they should be aiming at Yaoshan collectively, and Lishan and Liangshan still have a chance.

As expected, the sound of Lishan and Liangshan mixed together immediately came from the radio. Ye Han decisively activated the separation function of the biochip, and separated the chaotic mixed channels into two clear independent channels.

Lishan's answer was: "Lishan is evading, Yaoshan, how is your situation..."

Liangshan replied: "Liangshan received, Yaoshan, you are losing altitude, repeat, you are losing altitude!"

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