Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1015: shopping

Not only the Shuhai was surrounded, but all eight battleships that landed encountered a similar situation. Except for the number of earthbags, there was no other difference.

The situation is already very obvious. The entrance of the cave is less than 30 meters away from the battleship. For the servants, it can be crossed in a few steps. The noble army wants to attack at close range!

However, such a distance is very unfavorable for the defenders to exert their firepower advantages. Don't even think about air support, and the mortar howitzers on the ridge are also difficult to play.

The higher the soil bag arched higher, the huge insect heads were soon exposed, but this time the giant insect did not rush out at all, but quickly retracted to the ground, leaving only potholes with different diameters on the ground. .

Several thoughts flashed through Ye Han's mind in an instant, and he shouted almost instinctively, "Grenade—"

The paratroopers on each ship received orders and instinctively took off the grenades and threw them into the four-open hole. Because the distance was too long, there were not many grenades that happened to be thrown into the hole, and most of them landed near the hole.

Immediately, there were explosions in and out of the cave, and the paratroopers moved the servants again. They took out a large grenade specially designed for the servants and threw them from the battleship like rain.

Ye Han jumped with anger, the ammunition reserves were limited, and the servants dared to waste such a waste, and they didn't want to see the place and then throw it down!

The paratroopers who also saw this scene immediately stopped casting, and I don't know who shouted on the public channel: "Bag of explosives—" The smart paratroopers immediately ran to carry the explosives.

As if they knew what the defenders were thinking, the paratroopers carrying the explosive packs just ran away, and the noble army in the underground cave seemed to have received some kind of signal, and suddenly jumped out with raindrops of grenades, and all the underground caves went out at the same time. Chong, only a few holes that just entered the grenade did not move.

The first group of nobles who rushed out was immediately hit by a grenade, and none of them could escape the fate of death, but they blocked the sky of shrapnel for the subsequent nobles, and the second group of nobles rushed to the ground before they were hit by the grenade. blow up.

As if inspired by this scene, the third group of nobles who rushed to the ground simply lifted the corpse of their comrade in front of them and charged up with their meat shields.

The situation changed rapidly. Some of the defenders immediately picked up their rifles and fired, and dense bullets fell from the sky, sweeping down the charging enemy troops, and the rest continued to throw grenades.

The noble army did not show weakness, and the fourth batch of noble army simply did not come out first. While the defending army was still cleaning the remaining noble army on the ground, they hid in the hole and opened fire on the defending army.

A streak of silk light suddenly appeared, knocking down the defenders from the bottom up.

The enemy's position is too low and too close. Whether throwing a grenade or shooting a gun, you must stretch your upper body out a little to see the target. For this, the defenders paid the price of blood, and the defenders suffered casualties under this wave of counterattacks by the noble army. The number exceeds four digits.

However, the servants who suffered a great loss did not care about the casualties, and immediately pulled away the casualties and continued to open fire. As a result, they were attacked by the noble army again, causing a large number of casualties.

The sudden and huge casualties startled Ye Han. Fortunately, the casualties of the paratroopers were very small, but after thinking about it carefully, he was afraid after a while.

The aristocratic army's counterattack came suddenly, and the paratroopers on the ridge were also unprepared, but the paratroopers had the advantage of being in a higher position, much smaller in stature than the servants, and much more difficult to hit than the servants.

Therefore, most of the noble armies aimed at the servants who were easier to hit, and very few nobles were targeting the paratroopers, which resulted in heavy casualties for the servants, but not many for the paratroopers.

However, if it continues to develop like this, it will not take long for the limited number of servants to be dead and wounded. At that time, only seven battalions of paratroopers will not be able to defend this place.

Thinking of this, Ye Han hurriedly ordered: "Attention to all units, it is forbidden to shoot downwards from now on. All servants will withdraw into the second line of defense, and artillery will fight their own battles and implement fire support!"

The first layer of defense is on the surface of the battleship, and this defense line is bound to be exposed to the enemy's sight.

The second line of defense is located inside the warship, making full use of the passages and cabins inside the warship, and the distance from the first line of defense is between 10 and 30 meters, which can effectively block the enemy who breaks the first line of defense.

The servants who received the order quickly retreated and dispersed into the second line of defense at an extremely fast speed, not even bringing back the bodies of their companions.

Having said that, the servant army is not a human army, and has no habit of collecting corpses at all.

Not only did the servants retreat, but the paratroopers on the ship's ridge also retreated a distance and re-deployed near the gun carriage.

The fierce blocking just now ended in a hurry, and the noble army gathered in the ground poured out of the ground like a fountain, jumping high and climbing onto the battleship.

However, there are only so many entrances to the interior of the battleship. Many firing ports have been closed due to the retreat of the servants. After many noble troops rushed to the battleship, they could not find the way to enter the can only be directed to those The passages left by the servants deliberately gathered.

The noble army who got into the battleship first was immediately attacked by the defenders, but the noble army behind them still ignored it and continued to charge into the battleship, stepping on the corpses of their companions.

The defenders hiding behind the bunkers had the best advantage and shot at the enemy calmly, knocking the incoming enemies to the ground one by one. After a while, the passages that were deliberately left were filled with the bodies of the nobles.

The massive casualties soon made the nobles learn to be wary. They no longer rushed into the battleship desperately, but hid outside the entrance without appearing, and only sent their arms in to fire and beat them with silk light.

Although the noble army who did this could not see the target, and the arm was always hit by the servants, the flying silk light did cause casualties of the servants.

One side was unable to rush into the battleship, and the other side was constantly rushing out of the cave, and a large number of noble troops soon gathered under the battleship.

Ye Han, who had already held back his fire, decisively ordered the artillery to open fire.

The paratroopers who handled the guns had long been suffocated. After receiving the order, they fired without hesitation, and sprinkled the rain of steel **** representing death on the swarming noble army.

The advantages of the mortar howitzer are infinitely magnified at this time. You can shoot in the mortar mode at close range, and you can shoot in the howitzer mode at a distance. Whether your ship or your friend ship is within the hitting range of the shell, and no matter how you fight, you can always find a suitable method. .

However, shelling is not omnipotent, and it is impossible for shells to destroy all enemies. In addition, the noble army is constantly emerging from the holes, and the limited shells can only be used at critical moments, rather than firing at random anytime, anywhere.

After a long time, the noble army also summed up the law of artillery bombardment, and did not dare to rush to the ground in groups.

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