Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1021: Steady and steady

The offensive of the noble army started again, but the situation was beyond Ye Han's expectations. The noble army, which had always trusted in the crowd tactics, did not rush up like the previous few times, but set up a position a few kilometers away from the base area. The light worms in the team lined up, constantly firing thin lights at the warships in the base area.

Xiao Yuan's face was melancholy with poor bowel movements: "Have you learned how to cover with artillery fire so quickly?"

"It's a pity that I can't learn at home." Bian Ge's mouth was pouted, and his face was impatient.

The thin light can only sweep in a straight line, and the target must be within the line of sight to fire, which is far less flexible and maneuverable than the artillery.

"Master, don't you fight back?" Xiao Yuan couldn't help asking.

Ye Han thought for a while and said, "Let's fire the cannon, try a few cannons first."

The battleship in the sky is still assisting the main force of the servant army. If they change their target now, the noble army hanging behind the main force of the servant army will definitely take a bite.

It is not in the interests of mankind for the main force of the servant army to lose too much, so it is necessary to help the main force of the servant army break through.

Bian Ge was about to convey the order when Xiao Yuan suddenly asked, "Master, we still have a group of light worms in our hands!"

Ye Han's eyes lit up: "Pull out the light worms and make a worm-to-worm!"


The order was issued, and all units made preparations in an orderly manner. After a few minutes, everything was ready. Ye Han gave an order, and all the cannons and light worms fired together.

The shell had just left the chamber, and the fine light had already cut into the enemy's army, and the sweeping fine light immediately swept down a large army of nobles, and even the light insects were not spared.

The effect of the thin light is surprisingly good, but the thin light on the human side also attracted the attention of the noble army. They quickly mobilized a large number of light worms, concentrated in the direction of the Dead Sea, and launched a secret order to cut the Dead Sea. In a short while, the outer armor of the Dead Sea was cut to pieces by thin light, and the shattered armor peeled off.

The defenders on the Dead Sea also destroyed a lot of enemy troops and light worms, but the noble army quickly learned to be good, no longer piling up the team, but scattered everywhere, high and low, in short, the more irregular The better, to minimize the power of the thin light from the Dead Sea.

Later, the noble army found that this method of dispersing the troops was also very effective to deal with the shelling, so the noble army in other directions dispersed one after another, forming a loose but very thick encirclement around the base.

The various types of terrain in the encirclement were used to the limit by the noble army. Anything that was higher than the ground, whether it was a dirt bag or a hill, became a gathering place for light worms.

After a while, the hillsides far outside the encirclement will also be occupied by light worms. In a word, any place where human battleships can be seen is the target of light worms.

Anyway, the range of the thin light is enough, and the hit rate is a little worse at most.

The noble army played well, but all the paratroopers including Ye Han were depressed.

The enemy concentrated a large number of light worms to deal with the Dead Sea. The more than 100 light worms on the Dead Sea were half dead in an instant. The rest quickly hid to save their lives. After that, they had to hide in the spaceship to fight guerrillas and fight cold After a shot, you must change places immediately, as long as you move a little slower, you will be divided on the spot by the dense light.

Even if he escaped in time, the launch position would be completely cut into holes by the fine light.

The situation of the mortar howitzer is better, but after the enemy is dispersed, no matter what kind of shells are used, one shot will not kill many enemies. The limited shells can't stand such a toss. Ye Han and others are on the issue of whether to continue firing. Confused.

Less than half an hour after the battle, the outside of the Dead Sea had been hollowed out by fine light, like a honeycomb that had been smashed by a bear.

As long as you still have eyes, you know that the Dead Sea is helpless, and not only the Dead Sea, but other warships can't escape the end of being hollowed out by the fine light.

The situation was extremely bad, Ye Han had to give the Dead Sea an order to abandon the ship, but it was limited to the paratroopers on the ship, and the servants let them stay there.

At this time, the main force of the servants was still lingering on the edge of the tiankeng. From the satellite image, it can be seen that many servants were climbing down the edge of the tiankeng, but the efficiency was not very good. More than half of them didn't stay on it.

Ye Han looked at the servants near Tiankeng, gritted his teeth and ordered Liangshan and Lishan to abandon the main force of the servants and destroy the enemy troops besieging the base as soon as possible.

So the laser no longer covered the servants, but fell to the position of the noble army.

The number of noble troops in the direction of the Dead Sea was the most, and the first target of the laser was there. It wiped out a large number of enemy troops in one fell swoop, and the intensity of the attack on the Dead Sea immediately dropped by several orders of magnitude.

The servants on the ship took advantage of the power to counterattack, used the remaining light insects to the limit, and kept looking for opportunities to counterattack.

The servants' counterattack did achieve good results, but the consumption was also not small. When this round of confrontation was over, the light worms in the servants' hands had already depleted the chemical substances in their bodies. It is from a ball to a The dried light worms are like cannons without shells, and they are no longer useful, but the servants have no intention of giving them up, they are all well stored and still. Drag the corpses of a few servants to feed the bugs.

Fortunately, all the paratroopers withdrew from the Dead Sea, no one saw this scene, otherwise there might be some trouble - Ye Han knew that the servants did not care about human life and did not respect the habit of corpses, but it was still too scary to feed them directly. , is simply unacceptable.

There are corpses in the Dead Sea, but the light worms need enough time to digest after eating and drinking, and it takes more time to accumulate the chemical substances that emit fine light. This batch of light worms will not come in handy in a short time.

The firepower on the Dead Sea was getting weaker and weaker, and the noble army opposite the Dead Sea also suffered heavy losses under the intensive strike of the laser. Finally, the trouble in one direction was solved. The laser immediately shifted its position and began to destroy the enemy in the direction of the Sea of ​​Trees.

But no one expected that as soon as the laser moved, a large number of enemies appeared in the direction of the Dead Sea. They soon occupied all the commanding heights and continued to fire on the Dead Sea.

Ye Han, who received the news, immediately scratched his head. The noble army had made it clear that they wanted to defeat them in every way, but he couldn't think of a way to defeat them unless the intensity of the air strikes was greatly increased.

There was a lot of ammunition on the supply ship, but there were only two battleships, and even if the two battleships fought for their lives, it would be useless, unless the battleships that stayed on Callisto would take their places immediately.

Thinking of this, Ye Han suddenly had an idea. He has no battleships available here, but Albert has battleships. It doesn't need to be much. As long as he borrows half of it, it will definitely be no problem to solve this wave of enemies!

Thinking of this, Ye Han immediately wanted to communicate with Albert, and said straight to the point: "Old man, let me discuss something with you, how about borrowing me a few warships?"

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