Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1028: last voice

After the brief glare dissipated, the transport ship could no longer be seen in the landing area, leaving only debris and dirt from the battleship in the sky.

Ye Han watched silently for a moment, turned and floated away from the bridge, and left a calm sentence: "Call me if there is a situation."

"Yes!" Li Gaoyun's answer was neat and tidy, but the eight battleships that landed are gone, what else is worth noting?

A day passed in a hurry. On the afternoon of May 27, Ye Han was resting when he suddenly received a communication from the bridge: "Master, if there is a situation, please come to the bridge immediately!"

"What's the situation?" Ye Han got up immediately, and floated out of the bedroom before even wearing the armor.

"The communication team has received a signal from the servants!"

Ye Han was shocked and slammed his head against the wall: "Are you sure?"

"OK, but the signal is very vague and the distribution group is working on it."

"I'll be there soon!" Ye Han turned off the communication and rushed to the bridge as quickly as possible.

The distance between the dormitory and the bridge is very close. It only took him more than 20 seconds to reach the bridge, and he hurriedly asked: "How is it? Have you dealt with it?"

Li Gaoyun said: "Just dealt with it."

"Let it to me." Ye Han floated behind the communication group.

A communications staff member clicked to play, and a vague and hoarse voice came out of the loudspeaker immediately: "Fire at me, fire at me... s..."

Ye Han was stunned: "There are only so many?"

"Yes, there is only so much." The communications staff quickly replied.

Ye Han's expression was solemn: "Is the signal source confirmed?" Although there was only a short, severely distorted voice, he would bet that it was definitely Zeng Rui's voice!

It's not that he is so familiar with Zeng Rui's voice, but that only Zeng Rui can speak Chinese so smoothly.

"It's confirmed," the communications staff said. "We cross-calculated with Lishan, and the signal came from inside the Tiankeng."

"What about the exact location?"

"The time is too short and the signal is too vague, and the specific location has not been measured."

Ye Han turned to look at Li Gaoyun: "What do you think?"

"What do you think?" Bian Ge and Luo Qi floated into the bridge together.

Ye Han explained the situation again, and Bian Ge blurted out without hesitation: "The servants are over... To be honest, I really didn't expect them to last so long."

Ye Han's eyes turned to the main screen and stared at the tiankeng: "The question now is whether to blow up this tiankeng or not!"

"Can't you fry it yet?" Bian Ge licked his teeth, and it hurt for a while, "If you want me to say that you don't have to hesitate, just fry if you want, why do you think so much?"

Ye Han smiled bitterly: "Do you think I want to?"

"Then what about this?" Bian Ge pointed to the Tiankeng on the Fang's screen.

Ye Han sighed and said silently for a moment, "Report first and let the above decide."

The blame that should be thrown must be thrown away. He, the division commander, can only decide how to fight. Whether to fight or not must be decided by Beidu.

Bian Ge pouted: "Report it? Haha, that would be difficult. Large-equivalent ones won't work. Let's throw a few low-equivalent ones, right?"

"Let's talk about it." Ye Han said vaguely.

"This battle is really unpleasant." Bian Ge said bitterly.

"I'm not happy either. If I knew it was like this bird, I might as well be my team leader." Ye Han was also full of complaints.

The strategy is all formulated by Beidu, and it is up to Beidu whether to fight or not. He has a headache when he hears about mobilizing the alien fleet, fighting with one hand and pulling with one hand.

To put it in a bad way, even if you fight the enemy hard, it is better than being so incompetent.

Ye Han sighed: "Give me the Nanzhou number."

"Nanzhou is connected!"

As soon as Gao Kai appeared on the screen, Ye Han immediately explained the situation.

At this time, Ganymede was just behind Jupiter, and the huge Jupiter blocked the communication direction between Liangshan and the earth. Otherwise, Ye Han could send the message directly back to the earth without having to transfer it through Nanzhou.

Gao Kai said: "I know, I'll report it later."

Ye Han felt relieved: "How's your situation there?"

"What else can I do, continue to follow, I'm flying out, so it's not one direction!" Gao Kai said.

Ye Han suddenly became interested: "Where to fly?"

Gao Kai's voice was a little different: "One of the strong second fleet is flying to the asteroid belt, and the other is looking to fly to Saturn. On my side, the two are on the left and the right, and the direction seems to be flying to the Trojan asteroid. group."

"Troy? L4 and L5?" Ye Han couldn't help widening his eyes, "Impossible? Are they trying to fly into the asteroid belt?"

The so-called Trojan asteroid group is the asteroid group located at the Lagrangian point, that is, the gravitational equilibrium point.

People who are not familiar with astronomy will instinctively think that the gravitational equilibrium point between two celestial bodies lies between them, but in fact, there are more than one gravitational equilibrium point between the two celestial bodies, but as many as five, with l1 to l5 respectively. name.

Among them, l1, l2 and l3 are located on the continuous and extension lines of the two celestial bodies, and they are all unstable points, while l4 and l5 are the stable points on both sides of the celestial body system.

Jupiter's l4 and l5 are in orbits ahead and behind Jupiter, respectively and more than five AU from Jupiter!

In other words, the two giant ships must fly over five astronomical units, which is the distance from Jupiter to the sun, to reach the two asteroid groups.

There are asteroids in the asteroid belt, and the giant ship just wants to find a place to hide, and there is no need to run that far.

Gao Kai shook his head and said, "I don't know this. The data is all given by the computer, and I don't know how to calculate it."

Ye Han bared his teeth: "If you want me to see, that flying Saturn is the key."

If Jupiter is the eldest of the eight planets, then Saturn is the second, and Titan is the second brother after Ganymede in the family of satellites in the solar system. No matter how you look at it, Titan is very suitable for aliens. Restart the stove's satellite.

Gao Kai said unwillingly: "The strong second fleet is following and can't run away from him." He very, very much hope that Nanzhou is chasing the giant ship that is flying to Saturn.

At first glance, there is no difference between the four giant ships, but in fact it is not the case at all. The resources of the asteroid belt are scattered, and any giant ships that fly into the asteroid belt are definitely not very important.

The resources on Saturn's moons are more concentrated, and the most important family wealth of aliens must be on the giant ship flying to Saturn.

"Still following?" Ye Han suddenly felt extremely uneasy, "Old Gao, why don't you contact the strong second fleet and let them knock down the giant ship first."

Gao Kai was very surprised: "How do you say it?"

Ye Han grinned: "I've played enough Jupiter alone, and I don't want to go to Saturn in the future."

"Are you afraid that the second fleet will release water? Don't worry, you can't run away from them!" Gao Kai was confident.

Ye Han wanted to say a few more words, but when he saw Gao Kai's appearance, he swallowed the words from his mouth and thought to himself: I hope Gao Kai is right.

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