Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1030: air battle prelude

The communication was not smooth, and the strong second fleet refused Gao Kai on the grounds that it had not received the order from the superior, and only agreed to cooperate with the action of the assault fleet.

Angrily, Gao Kai ordered Nanzhou to speed up the pursuit. At the same time, the strong second fleet fulfilled its commitment to cooperate with the action, and the human fleets in the remaining three directions began to speed up the pursuit at the same time, posing as a pair of giant ships and then fast.

However, apart from the fact that the Nanzhou fleet was really catching up, the other directions all deliberately controlled the speed, giving the aliens a sense of powerlessness.

Killing a giant ship is a deterrent, but killing all the giant ships is to force the aliens to work hard!

Ye Han doesn't understand the twists and turns here, and he doesn't even think that the aliens understand the political language here. His only idea is to kill all the aliens, kill them, kill them!

But aside from military rank, he is just a soldier who doesn't know anything except fighting, not the thoughtful high-level executives in Beidu.

With an order from the Nanzhou, the waiting fleet moved forward at full speed and quickly approached the giant ships in front. All kinds of data from both the enemy and the enemy were immediately gathered in front of Gao Kai to provide first-hand information for the next battle.

"Report!" The combat staff suddenly shouted, "The enemy ship is accelerating, the speed is 72 per second, and the distance is 1240!"

"72?" Gao Kai wondered if he had heard the wrong thing. Not long ago, the speed of the enemy ship was still 70 kilometers per second. How did it become 72 in a blink of an eye?

"Yes, it's still accelerating, and it's 73 soon."

Gao Kai's brows furrowed: "We have been fooled by devils, and we ordered the 17th regiment to attack immediately!"

"Yes!" Countless voices said in unison, Nanzhou immediately sounded the battle alarm, and the pilots who received the order quickly rushed to the remote control cabin, turned on the equipment and their respective fighters, and the hangar on the side of the ship's belly automatically opened, revealing rows and rows A heavy fighter fixed in a hangar.

"Second Brigade, First Squadron is ready, please take off!"

"A large group of the second squadron is ready, request to take off!"

"One Squadron One Squadron is ready, request to take off..."

The prepared signals were quickly aggregated to the aviation bridge, and the commander responded respectively, and the pilot who received the take-off order immediately unlocked the fighter plane. The commander was originally a special title in manned spaceflight. Due to the particularity of the space fleet, this position was It is retained in the air carrier and is responsible for commanding the operations of carrier-based aircraft.

The heavy-duty fighter jet hanging in the cabin popped out of the cabin like a missile, and two slender tail flames immediately appeared behind the **** of the fighter jet. Although these two tail flames were inconspicuous, they immediately stabilized the fighter's attitude. After a while , the thirty-six fighter planes were arranged in squadrons into nine four-plane formations, and then all the fighter planes chased the giant ship at full speed.

It took only seventeen seconds for all the fighters of the 17th regiment to leave the cabin from the order, and two fighters were released in an average of one second.

The 17th Regiment is affiliated to the Ninth Air Division and is equipped with 36 air-6 remote-controlled unmanned fighters. This heavy-duty fighter is equipped with two chemical fuel engines. It has poor endurance but has very high acceleration and is most suitable for pursuit and interception.

The aircraft group advancing at full speed quickly shortened the distance between the two sides. Although the pilots were all sitting in the remote control cabin of the Nanzhou, the panoramic remote control cabin made all pilots immersive, and the attacking air force was determined to win the enemy's giant ship.

The giant ship in front continued to accelerate, and it seemed that no human fighter jets were chasing after them.

At this time, some ice-white things suddenly floated from the giant ship. The main screen of Nanzhou followed the giant ship, and it was immediately clear that it was dozens of small ice-white aircraft.

Chief of Staff Lu Zuo was taken aback: "What's the matter? Aliens also have fighter jets?"

Ling Yu whispered, "I'm not surprised at all."

"It's not surprising." Gao Kai agreed, "This is not the first time aliens have imitated."

When the First Fleet expedition to Jupiter, the alien warships were still very immature. Later, they had more contact with humans. The aliens first increased the firepower of the warships by a large amount, and later installed imitation naval guns. Now they continue to imitate the sky mother. There is nothing strange about the ship.

Lu Zuo asked worriedly: "Commander, can the 17th regiment do it?"

Gao Kai thought for a while and said, "Order the 17th regiment, take the initiative to lean up and hold the enemy; order the 18th regiment to attack immediately, and the flanks will detour and bombard me with the giant ship first."

"Yes!" Lu Zuo agreed, and immediately lowered his voice to persuade, "Commander, do you want the Thirteenth Division to also send a regiment?"

There are two aviation divisions on the Nanzhou, namely the 9th Aviation Division and the 13th Air Aviation Division. The former has jurisdiction over the 15th, 17th and 18th Regiment of Aviation; the latter has jurisdiction over the 16th, 22nd and 27th Aviation Regiments. group.

Among them, the 15th and 16th regiments are equipped with manned air-5 heavy fighters, and the remaining four regiments are equipped with air-6 remote-controlled fighters.

Gao Kai frowned slightly: "Then let the 22 regiment go and execute it."

"Yes!" Lu Zuo quickly conveyed the order, and the 22 regiments that received the order set off immediately.

Immediately after leaving the ship, the 22 regiment divided into two chased the giant ship from the left and right directions.

At this time, the alien fighters had entered the effective range of the 17th Regiment. Thirty-six fighters belonging to the 17th Regiment quickly assigned targets and started the battle with long-range missiles.

At this time, the distance between the two sides was still more than 700 kilometers.

The alien fighters moved forward silently until the missile group was only more than 200 kilometers away from the alien fighters before they suddenly opened fire.

A voice echoed on the radio: "Two hundred and twenty kilometers, their range is two hundred and twenty kilometers—"

"Missile, don't stop the missile—"

"Open fire, beat his grandma—"

The entire Seventeenth Regiment slammed the missiles as if they didn't want money, but the remaining long-range missiles were all swept away in a few seconds.

Kong Liu has 22 mount points, but each fighter only carries four long-range missiles. The firepower density is a bit unremarkable, and no one expects long-range missiles to kill enemy planes. This is just for the enemy. Find something to do.

Gao Kai, who witnessed this scene, pointed to the screen and said, "Order the fleet to fire and cover the penetration of the fleet!"


The order was issued, and the five warships headed by Nanzhou immediately turned their guns, and more than 20 laser cannons fired at the same time.

The distance between the Nanzhou fleet and the alien fighters is still more than 1,000 kilometers. The laser cannons have no power at this distance. The 17th regiment created the conditions for annihilating the enemy.

At this moment, everyone's heart is hanging in the air.

Although the 17th regiment is equipped with unmanned fighters, even if it is shot down by the enemy, there will be no pilot casualties, but no one has dealt with alien fighters, and no one knows the combat capabilities of alien fighters. The 17 regiment pinched a sweat?

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