Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1034: Not an inch


A day later, Ye Han and Albert met again in the newsletter.

Although Ye Han has been busy for a long time, he is still in good spirits. In comparison, Albert is a little bit miserable, his eyes are congested and his eyes are black, and he looks overindulgent.

Because of the previous unpleasantness, Ye Han had the urge to stimulate Albert to say a few words, but after thinking about it, he felt that there was no need to be so rude, so he put on a businesslike appearance and said: "General Albert, me and my The fleet will be ready in half an hour, please prepare yourself and your warships."

Albert seemed to be draining his strength; "It's been a day, you've put it off for a whole day, do you know how many young men lost their lives this day?"

Ye Han's face sank immediately: "General, I understand your feelings, but my troops and I will never work for you. I brought them here because I received an order. I am the one who came to save you now. My boy is about to land on Ganymede, and he will give his life to save your man, who are you showing this face to? You listen to me, don't let me see your face again, understand?"

Albert's face was even more ugly: "That's human life, human life!"

Ye Han laughed: "You want moral kidnapping? Stop kidding, Albert, I am now asking you to provide the details of the landing operation as an allied force. The more detailed the better, if the information is wrong or missing, I will definitely I will sue you to the Allied Headquarters."

Ye Han's delay is flexible and flexible within the scope of the order. Even if he goes to a military court, he has enough objective reasons to justify himself. However, providing false information to mislead friendly troops is a bad behavior that cannot be explained anyway.

Albert roared sharply: "Give it to him, give it to him!"

Ye Han pressed step by step: "Albert, you better keep your mouth clean, don't let me hear any dirty words again!"

He is not a radical person, the two sides are allies after all, even if there is any dissatisfaction in his heart, he will not put it on the surface. He is even more reluctant to have a conflict with the friendly army and let the aliens laugh at it, but Albert is the kind of **** who takes an inch. As long as Ye Han takes a step back, Albert will immediately take a step. After leaving, he knew how to write the word honesty.

However, Albert did not appear on the screen, but was replaced by an expressionless colonel officer, who said in fluent Mandarin: "Mr. Division Commander, I am Jason, the liaison officer, assigned by General Albert, Responsible for communicating with you."

Ye Han said: "Hello, Colonel Jason, I need the details of the landing operation, all."

Jason said: "No problem, it will be delivered immediately."

"Also, I need your fleet to cover the landing. Of course, I don't have the right to command you. I will only point out the targets that need to be hit. How to destroy the targets is up to you." Ye Han said very cautiously.

"No problem." The colonel's answer was simple and capable.

"Well, I need you to start clearing the ground's anti-aircraft fire now, is there a problem?" Ye Han asked.

"No problem." The colonel nodded, and immediately changed English to arrange the task.

Ye Han secretly sighed in relief, thinking that if he let this person out earlier, there would be nothing to worry about?

But thinking about it this way, he also knew in his heart that Albert was definitely not the only one who was dissatisfied with his side. It is no exaggeration to say that Albert's ideas can fully represent the entire multinational fleet.

Does Ye Han care? To be honest, he did feel a little uneasy in his heart, but it was only a little bit. He knew very well which side his **** should sit on, and he knew that Beidu would never sacrifice his own elite for the interests of the multinational force. With this major premise , he dared to challenge anyone.

As for whether the multinational fleet will support the covertly framed, Ye Han is not worried at all. This time he brought two destroyers, four frigates, three assault ships and three supply ships.

There are not many battleships, and Ganymede cannot be controlled, but it is no problem to monitor the multinational fleet to prevent retaliation.

A few minutes later, the landing ships of the multinational fleet jumped out of the horizon and appeared in the eyes of the Liangshan fleet. Through the lens outside the ship, it could be seen that the multinational fleet was launching air strikes, and countless lasers and artillery shells smashed Ganymede. .

Observation found that there are obviously more laser guns on the landing ships of the multinational forces than naval guns.

Ye Han couldn't help but pouted, thinking that these foreigners are so shrewd that they have installed so many laser cannons. If their assault ships carried more laser cannons, the landing operation might be another result.

Ma Hui floated behind Ye Han and said softly, "Master, the information has been received."

He was the chief of staff of the Airborne Division. When the main force of the assault fleet left Callisto, he stayed on Callisto to command the landing.

"Find out all the information related to the underground structure to and then find out the action route of the Multinational Ministry, and don't worry about the rest." Ye Han said.

"Yes!" Ma Hui agreed, and immediately assigned the task. After a while, the combat staff picked out all the information that Ye Han wanted.

Ye Han immediately disclosed the information to the whole division and asked the soldiers to familiarize themselves with the underground situation.

In the past, he would definitely give an order that everyone had to memorize the contents of the file, but now it doesn't need to be that troublesome at all, and the data can be directly stored in the biochip and can be called at any time. As long as the biochip is still there, the situation of getting lost in a burrow in the past will never happen again.

Technology has changed not only lives, but also the way the military fights.

Ye Han opened the document and read it briefly. It took more than ten minutes to get a general understanding of the situation. He had to close the document before he even finished half of it, and stared at the main screen to observe the situation of Ganymede.

Nothing else, the air strikes of the multinational fleet stopped.

Ganymede on the screen is devastated. There are explosion pits and the corpses of noble troops everywhere. There are servants and giant insects. If you look closely, you can also find the airborne capsules and foreign soldiers that failed to airborne. The number of mountains and valleys and plains nearby is staggering.

Ye Han can imagine how difficult the landing battle of the multinational fleet was. If there were no hundreds of thousands of servants from the resistance organization in the assault fleet, the forced landing would have to pay an extremely high price.

Fortunately, the Airborne Division was more fortunate. There were servants standing in front of them to shelter from the wind and rain. Otherwise, the loss of two regiments would not be too much, and it would be impossible to withdraw with only half of the battalion left.

The Liangshan fleet flew to the No. 1 airport, and the warships above the airport seemed to have received an order, and silently moved away from the top of the airport.

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