Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1043: power steering

The spider that climbed into the corner was cut in half by a silk light as soon as it took off. The picture sent back to the back was very brief. Xiao Yuan had to open the analysis program in the biochip to find two useful cuts from the end of the video. screen.

The screenshot is very clear, but there is only half of the passage. Through the picture of the half passage, you can see that there are still a large number of enemies gathered behind the curve. Some of them are lying on the wall, some are hanging on the roof of the cave, and they use various methods to leave the ground, as if The walls of the main cave were built by noble troops.

Several light worms are crawling in the passage surrounded by layers of enemy troops. Although the screenshot is still, it is absolutely certain that the light worms are crawling towards the curve.

Xiao Yuan was immediately startled. The bunker could protect against the mercerized light, but it definitely couldn't stand the fine light. It really made the light worms come on so many times in a row and at least half of it was reimbursed!

He immediately shouted: "First company commander, bazooka, put the shells in the bend for me!"

"Yes—what about the bazooka? Put it on me!"

Although the bazooka is the standard equipment of the airborne division, there is no full-time bazooka hand in the team. This thing is a one-time weapon that can be thrown away. Anyone who feels the need can carry one before departure. Some people even Bring more than one.

Anyway, the weight is carried by the armor, and it doesn't matter if you bring two additional individual rocket launchers.

Several soldiers carrying individual rockets immediately rushed behind the bunker, took off the launch tube and carried it on their shoulders, without much intentional aiming, and immediately opened fire when they aimed in the direction of the main hole.

Ordinary rocket launchers or rocket launchers have a tail flame when they fire. Generally speaking, such weapons have many restrictions on their use. For example, no one can stand within a few meters behind the shooter, and they cannot be used indoors, tunnels, narrow alleys, or terrain with obstacles behind them, etc. .

But nothing is absolute. Considering that the airborne division is mainly fighting against aliens, and there are many cases of tunnel warfare, the bazooka equipped with the airborne division is a special type filled with plastic particles at the end, as long as there are two behind the shooter. The space of about meters can be safely launched, and the power armor can also resist the burning of the tail flame, even if someone sticks behind the shooter, it will not hurt anyone.

The three rockets were fired one after another and flew toward the curve in a series.

The speed of this thing is not very fast, but it is not so easy to enter the curve. In order to complete Xiao Yuan's order, the three rockets flew close to the outside of the curve under the control of the soldiers, trying to obtain the angle required for the turn as much as possible. .

It is also a coincidence. When the rocket was about to fly to the corner, a light bug just stuck its **** out of the corner. Now there is no need to drill into the corner. A flash of fire exploded, followed by the second and the third. The three-attack rockets hit the light worm one after another, and immediately blew the huge **** of the light worm to a pulp.

The explosion even affected the spiders hiding near the bend, only the furthest one survived.

"Come again!" Xiao Yuan knew how many light worms were left, how dare he give the enemy a chance to breathe?

Another three rockets popped out of the chamber. This time, no light bugs came out to block the way, but it was not so easy to get into the corner. Nothing gained outside.

"Come again!" Xiao Yuan ordered for the third time, "Let's turn a little earlier..."

Before he finished speaking, a thin light suddenly appeared behind the curve!

The light bug didn't stick its **** out of the curve, but hid behind the curve, first cut the wall at the corner with a thin light, and then swept it randomly with the thin light, trying to use this method of blind cat hitting a mouse to death. results.

The soldiers behind the bunker were really startled. Due to the obstruction of the corner, Shi Guang failed to hit the bunker immediately. The soldiers fell down instinctively, and then Shi Guang swept over the soldiers' heads and cut off the sloping shoulders of the portable bunker. The cut-off top slowly flipped and fell like a slow-moving movie.

Xiao Yuan immediately panicked: "Where's the bazooka!"

A soldier lying on the ground immediately turned over and jumped up. He was still floating in the air, so he took off the bazooka on his back, aimed at the corner and pulled the trigger.

Then another soldier got up and fired a rocket from behind the cover.

The first fighter was too anxious, and the rocket started to turn with more than ten meters away from the curve. As a result, it hit the wall before it reached the curve.

After the second rocket flew to the predetermined position, it turned immediately, but everyone used the biochip to calculate the best turning position. This rocket turned too late, and it was impossible to fly into the curve as before.

In fact, many people, including Xiao Yuan, have calculated the final result based on the performance of the rocket, that is, it is impossible for the rocket to enter the corner no matter what.

However, at this moment, the soldier suddenly raised his rifle and fired three shots in a row.

When the soldiers fired, they used the fire control system on the chip to predict the position of the rocket. Only one of the three bullets barely hit the tail of the rocket. deep into the corner.

Did it work?

The soldier looked surprised and waved his fist excitedly.

He also suddenly came up with such an idea, but he didn't expect it to be successful.

Xiao Yuan almost bit his Damn it, is that okay?

The way he looked at the soldier changed. He could think of such an effective method in such a short time. What a talent!

Xiao Yuan was so excited that he almost jumped up: "What are you waiting for? Go on!"

The soldiers woke up like a dream, rockets one after another, and the troops in the rear also collected rockets and sent them to the company under Xiao Yuan's order.

It is not difficult for those who are difficult to know. Everyone has a biochip, and it is not difficult to hit a rocket. With this method, everyone can hit a rocket into a corner!

However, even with the assistance of biochips, this hand is not easy for everyone. It is not easy to hit the rocket. The direction of the rocket is more difficult to control. Some angles are not enough to hit the wall, and some angles are too high. As soon as he flew into the corner, he hit the wall, and only part of it just flew into the depth of the corner.

Fortunately, Xiao Yuan's requirements are not high, and he is very satisfied if he can hit some rockets in it.

In order to check the situation behind the curve, the mechanical spider that had been hiding behind the corpse climbed out and took a few steps into the curve.

The dense enemy army on the other side of the curve was already dead and wounded at this time, and there were several light worm corpses under the stump and the broken arm. The remaining enemies withdrew dozens of meters.

Xiao Yuan was overjoyed, how dare you run out!

He immediately controlled the spider to hide, and hid in the corner to monitor the enemy's movements, and then ordered a company to wait for the enemy with rockets if they dared to move.

But he didn't dare to let the troops chase after him. After several exchanges of fire, he also had a clearer impression of the enemy's combat effectiveness. It was not a big problem for his troops to defend the passage. the enemy's line of defense.

How can we break the stalemate?

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