Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1046: confusion

Ye Han took the trouble to repeat this sentence on the radio. He didn't know how many people could hear this sentence, but one more escape was a victory.

There was only so much he could do now.

At this time, the communication battalion at the top of the giant ship had already escaped from the giant ship under the command of Ma Hui. He and the soldiers were suspended in the air, and the giant ship was constantly sliding under his feet. Soldiers were constantly flying out from the exit on the cross section.

Everyone was terrified and began to worry about their companions stranded in the giant ship. At this time, Ma Hui received a communication from Beizhou: "Who is on this channel, what happened? Where is No. 1?"

Jason's voice also interjected at this time: "My God, what the **** is going on? What's wrong?"

Ma Hui ignored Jason's question: "Beizhou, I'm Ma Hui, the giant ship fell, the situation of No. 1 is unknown, repeat, the situation of No. 1 is unknown!"

"Chief of Staff Ma, please find out the situation of No. 1 as soon as possible!" Duan Zhiyang broke out in a cold sweat instantly. Didn't the troops just enter for a while? How did such a big change happen?

"Understood, I'll let you know as soon as I have news..."

Before he finished speaking, a piece of silk light suddenly fell from above and hit several soldiers on the spot. One of the silk lights just hit Ma Hui, cut out a finger-length slit in his helmet and got into the back of his head.

There is the location of the brain stem, Ma Hui didn't even say a word, and died instantly because the silk light cut off the brain stem.

More than a dozen people fell out of control, and the others were shocked, turned around quickly, raised their rifles, and fired at the enemy from above.

The enemy came from a cave above, and several aliens were crowding at the entrance to shoot down. If Bian Ge was here, he would definitely recognize that it was the cave used by the enemy to attack the giant ship.

The soldiers who can enter the airborne division are all elites, even the signal soldiers and even the logistics soldiers are no exception. The bullets of revenge seem to have eyes, and they slammed into the hole like a rainstorm. Several aliens were immediately beaten by the bullets. The sieve, the blooming blood flowers bloomed one after another, until the aliens were completely dead and did not stop blooming.

The aliens behind did not hesitate to push these corpses out of the hole, and several aliens continued to shoot.

The soldiers immediately flew high, hid in several nearby holes and shot at the enemy, killing the second wave of enemies in the blink of an eye.

The communications battalion had already disrupted the establishment when it escaped from the giant ship, and Ma Hui's sacrifice had thrown the troops into chaos. However, those who can enter the airborne division are all veterans. Even if there is no one to command, the soldiers still have a tacit understanding. They immediately occupied the opening of the hole near the enemy's fire point, and blocked the enemy in the hole and did not dare to emerge.

After that, a squad leader stood up and quickly made a few gestures. Three machine gunners immediately stood up in the team. They flew up with their machine guns and approached the cave where the enemy was located from different directions. The enemy opened fire violently.

The airborne division is equipped with a 7.62mm six-barreled machine gun. This thing has high firepower and high rate of fire. It only needs one machine gun to completely block the cave, but its high power also means strong recoil. The soldiers are hovering in the air, and once the machine guns are fired, they will float back against the soldiers.

There is no stable support, the machine gun is very unstable when firing continuously, and the hit rate will drop significantly if the distance is slightly increased. A machine gunner was on top, and he cooperated with shooting back and forth in this way to ensure the continuity of firepower, and suppressed the enemy in the cave and did not dare to show his face.

The battle attracted everyone's attention. A company commander and several platoon leaders flew up at the same time, but no one took over the command, but let the squad leader continue to command.

Unless the squad leader made a mistake, even if Ye Han came, he would not rashly intervene.

After the machine gun suppressed the enemy, the squad leader personally flew over with a few people and threw a round of grenades into the hole. After the hole was completely silent, he put the mechanical spider in to investigate the situation.

In this way, the attacking enemy was defeated without much effort.

The next two battle groups flew into the hole, established a solid line of defense, and completely blocked the enemy along the way.

At the end of the short battle, several people who were hit by the silk light were rescued. Some of the soldiers were slightly injured and some were seriously injured. Only Ma Hui died on the spot.

Several military doctors immediately threw themselves into intensive rescue, but there were very few medical methods that humans could use in a vacuum environment. The only way to treat the lightly wounded was closed armor, and the rest depended on the soldiers' own recovery ability; The only way is to inject hibernin to buy time for the wounded by forced dormancy.

If the injury of the lightly wounded worsens, a shot of hibernin is inevitable in the end.

However, hibernin can only make people go into hibernation. If the leg is broken, the arm is broken or the armor is seriously damaged, even if hibernin is injected, the vacuum will kill the After the battle, more and more people will die. The soldiers flew out of the giant ship, and the proportion of the formed troops was very small. The organizational system of most of the troops was disrupted. The Second Regiment and the divisional troops were mixed together regardless of each other.

So the radio became a mess again, and various voices kept ringing on the radio: "Communications battalion, communications battalion fly up!"

"The second regiment and one battalion, the second regiment and one battalion move closer to me..."

"Teaching camp, teaching camp here..."

"The security camp, the security camp gathers..."

This is what Bian Ge saw after escaping from the giant ship. At present, the command of these troops is in his hands. Bian Ge takes over the command and assigns the specific positions of each unit, so that the soldiers who are mixed together can get together as soon as possible. rebuilt.

At this time, Duan Zhiyang, who could not contact Ma Hui, found Bian Ge again, and Bian Ge realized that something had happened to Ye Han.

He immediately shouted on the radio: "Where's the guard camp? Is there anyone from the guard camp!"

Even after shouting several times, no one made a sound, and Bian Ge couldn't help sinking.

"Captain, there are still people who haven't come out!" Someone reminded next to him, "And the guard battalion has been in the bottom cabin..."

Bian Ge immediately said, "Arrange a few people immediately, and bring me the people who find the guard camp right away!"


"Second regiment commander—" Fu Yingqi, commander of the communications battalion, suddenly fell from the sky, "Bian regiment, Chief of Staff Ma died."

"What?" Bian Ge couldn't believe his ears, "Where is the person?"

"It's on top." Fu Yingqi said.

"Take me there!"

The two flew all the way to the cave where the body was placed. When they saw a power armor with the rank of colonel lying on the ground, Bian Ge was not well.

The division commander Ye Han disappeared, and the chief of staff Ma Hui died. What kind of trouble is this special?

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