Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1053: go deep alone

The other two soldiers also sacrificed on the spot like Cao Libin. Except for Ye Han, only the last soldier was left guarding the main cave, and that soldier was seriously injured and fell to the ground.

Ye Han almost lost his mind, and his hand touched the rocket launcher behind him... This rocket has an ultra-caliber ammunition with an equivalent of 12 tons.

The enemy was about to rush through 508. At the critical moment, a dense rain of bullets flew out of the hole, intercepting the enemy's charging team.

Then two machine gunners scrambled out of the hole, then two more, and then a group of soldiers poured out of the hole, machine guns, rifles, submachine guns, bullet bombs, grenades...

The troops that rushed out of 508 did not hesitate to sacrifice at all costs, and used intensive firepower to smash the charging aliens, forcibly suppressed the aliens, and made a beautiful counter-charge.

The tragic casualties made all the officers and soldiers red-eyed, and they chased the enemy's **** regardless.

After Luo Qi rushed out of 508, he didn't see Ye Han, and his eyes were immediately red: "Master, Master..."

"Stop shouting, I'm not dead yet." Ye Han sat on the ground and waved, "How is the situation?"

Luo Qi said: "To wipe out the enemy army, we sacrificed two people, the brothers in 508 all sacrificed... Commander, it's all my fault, if I leave a few more people..."

"Shut up!" Ye Han was angry, but he finally sighed, "What should I do, the battle is not over yet."

"Yes!" Luo Qi turned around and left. While escorting the team to continue commanding, he called all the soldiers who belonged to the guard battalion back to protect Ye Han.

Ye Han didn't refuse, anyway, the troops in front were enough, not bad for these few people, and more importantly, he didn't want to die.

Luo Qi led the troops to rush and fight hard, splitting troops along the way to rescue all the troops trapped in the branch hole, and not reporting the situation to Ye Han until all the enemies were killed.

This was the first time that his troops had hit such a deep place, and Ye Han couldn't help asking curiously, "What's going on inside?"

Luo Qi said: "It's nothing, it's still a hole, I don't know where it leads."

"Have you released the drone?" Ye Han asked.

"Let it go, no news yet."

Ye Han nodded: "Have you checked all the holes?"

"I checked." Luo Qi's mood was very low, "None of them can get through."

Ye Han couldn't help sighing: "How many people are there now?"

"A little more than four rows, about a hundred people."

"Then keep going, it's better than being stuck here."

"Would you like to wait?" Luo Qi suggested cautiously, "If we can't find us outside, we can definitely find a way."

Ye Han hesitated for a while, but in the end he was determined: "I finally defeated the enemy all the way, and I'm not reconciled if I don't go in and see."

"Is it right?" Luo Qi asked worriedly.

Ye Han smiled: "Are you worried that we will get caught in it again? Are you afraid of death?"

"Of course I'm afraid, who isn't afraid?" Luo Qi admitted frankly.

"It shouldn't be a problem, I didn't plan to fight with the outsiders, I just went in to see the situation." Ye Han said, "We have all knocked down the fifth passage. If the outside is found, we will definitely follow up. When we let the drones out, and find the danger, we quickly withdraw and it’s over.”

"Yes, then I will gather the troops immediately!"

"Not in a hurry." Ye Han waved his hand, "You arrange first, let the soldiers collect the supplies, the key is weapons and ammunition, oxygen cylinders, batteries and supplies, nuclear missiles and nuclear mines must be mastered, understand me do you mean?"



Luo Qi immediately conveyed the order. Except for leaving a platoon deep in the main cave to establish a defense line, all the others dispersed, and the caves were scattered around to collect supplies.

It is said to collect materials, in fact, it is to collect materials from the victims.

There are more than 20 branch holes connected to the No. 5 passage. The troops of the third regiment entered here nearly one battalion. The sacrificed battles were much more than the surviving soldiers. After a while, the collected materials were piled up. Shan, there are more than a dozen nuclear missiles for a single soldier alone, and there are more nuclear mines, adding up to more than forty.

Ye Han asked the soldiers to bring enough bullets, and other materials should be properly carried without affecting the action.

After learning that the troops were about to enter the depths of the burrow, everyone brought as much ammunition as possible. Some people also brought an extra rifle as a backup weapon. Oxygen cylinders and batteries were also the top priority, and missiles with nuclear prefixes And landmines are simply ignored.

After the troops were fully assembled, each person carried at least two armored backpacks, and some even carried three or four, taking advantage of the superimposed carrying function of the armored backpacks to the limit.

Ye Han finally stopped this practice. He asked Luo Qi to arrange a group of people to act as a baggage unit, specially to transport excess weapons and ammunition, and liberate others to carry only a backpack, which is convenient for action and combat.

In this way, it does not affect the combat and can carry supplies, which is the best of both worlds.

Everything was ready, and the troops marched deep into Channel 5.

The part connecting the No. 5 passage and the branch hole is fairly straight, but after this section, it is different. The spacious passage is full of turns, but there are no forks.

Going forward at least one kilometer along the downward The vanguard suddenly reported that the hole in front had collapsed, but there was a temporary passage excavated by aliens among the collapsed gravel.

Ye Han, who received the news, rushed to the front of the team immediately.

The passageway collapsed really badly, but on the side of the cave at the point of collapse, there was a new hole that was opened in a downward direction. It was only three meters high and two meters wide, much narrower than the branch hole, and the excavation marks were very obvious.

Luo Qi hesitated: "Master, are you still going in?"

"Why don't you go?" Ye Han asked back, "Did the drone go in?"

"Put it in."

"What's going on inside?"

"Below is another passage, it seems to be No. 7." Luo Qi said.

"What is it like?" Ye Han asked dissatisfied.

"From the map, it should be, but this temporary passage is full of bends. I can't guarantee whether it is or not." Luo Qi said.

The trouble with too many curves is that the signal transmission is not good. Every other distance, a spider must be placed to transmit the signal. The first batch of spiders are all consumed on the relay. "

"Are there any enemies?"

"I haven't found it for the time being, but I think there are a lot of outsiders in the fifth passage. It is very likely that after this passage was dug through, the enemies in the seventh passage came here."

"Then put all the mechanical spiders in and see the situation first!"


Another batch of mechanical spiders was put into the hole, and a large amount of video data was sent back after a while.

After summarizing the data, Luo Qi said: "Master, the main hole of the seventh channel collapsed, and you can't get out at all. The situation in the opposite direction is similar to that of the fifth channel..."

"Also collapsed?"

"That's not it."

"Then transfer all the spiders, and the troops will follow, and figure out the situation as soon as possible!"

"Yes!" Luo Qi agreed, turning around and waving his arm: "Let's go out, the others will follow!"

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