Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1059: Strictly guard against

Ye Han deeply knew that there was no way out for defense, and he had to break the deadlock and break through the blockade, otherwise the defenders would have run out of ammunition and food.

But he is also very clear that the possibility of breaking the siege from the inside of the cave is very small, and the reasons for it are more complicated, but there are two most important reasons, one is that there are too many enemies, and the other is the environment of the passage. It is not conducive to the deployment of troops, and it is not conducive to exerting firepower advantages.

Hope is not absent, but not on these troops in the cave hall, but on the reinforcements that may arrive at any time!

If reinforcements arrive, the siege should be broken from the inside and the outside, and the possibility of withdrawing the shaft is very high.

Now it depends on when the reinforcements will come, and...whether the reinforcements will be able to come.

Of course, he did not doubt the determination of the three regimental commanders under his command. The question was whether the shaft could walk away, and whether the enemy had blocked the way when they came.

As the saying goes, when people are unlucky, drinking cold water will jam their teeth.

Ye Han was worried about accidents and just thought about it, but he never thought that the reinforcements really couldn't wait for the left and right. He has fought several battles with the aliens here and there. Still not a shadow was seen, and there was no movement on the radio.

More than half of the ammunition that I brought when I came here is used up. On average, each soldier does not need to carry any extra backpacks. One person and one bag just takes away all the remaining ammunition supplies.

If you wait like this, you will really run out of ammunition!

Ye Han called Luo Qi and Ouyang Ping over to discuss a few words. The three felt that they could no longer be trapped in the cave, and they had to find a way to get out. Even guerrilla attacks in complex underground caves were much better than trapping the enemy here.

After setting the tone, Ye Han took the initiative to find the Italian brigadier general and said what he meant.

The brigadier general is not stupid and agrees with Ye Han's suggestion very much, but he raised a new question: "Which direction should we break out of?"

This question really caught Ye Han.

The North Passage is definitely the best breakout direction, but there are also the most enemies there. As for the other three directions... I will not consider it for the time being!

No matter how many enemies there are, he still wants to try, otherwise his heart will not die.

After listening to Ye Han's introduction to Channel Negative No. 8, the brigadier general immediately lit up and said a paragraph at an extremely fast speed.

Qi Yue looked shocked: "Master, he said they came down from the No. 2 airport..."

"Impossible?" Ye Han couldn't believe the brigadier general's words after thinking about the distance between the two airports.

"He also said that he agrees with your plan very much, and is willing to fight back to the shaft with us." Qi Yue said again.

"Then start preparing." Ye Han said.

The two troops belonging to different countries acted immediately. Although the soldiers on Ye Han's side were looking forward to it, the Italian army, who had been trapped for a longer time, was also very excited.

This is an active counterattack, and it is likely to win the counterattack with a chance of survival!

Under Ye Han's personal command, the preparations for the counterattack were quickly completed.

He also wanted to use the machine gun to open the way, and other arms to assist, but after calling it, he realized that the machine gunners have consumed too much ammunition, and it is no problem to gather the remaining ammunition to complete an assault, but then the machine gun can be thrown away .

Ye Han couldn't help being caught in a dilemma, but in the end, reason prevailed and the idea of ​​​​leading the machine gun was withdrawn.

If the machine gun is not good, then you can only use the rifle to top it. The problem is that the magazine capacity of the rifle is limited. If you hold the trigger, it only takes one or two seconds to clear a magazine. The time to change the magazine is longer than the time to fire the gun long.

Without the firepower density of a machine gun, can it penetrate the enemy's interception?

Ye Han couldn't give up no matter what, he gritted his teeth and waved to the ready troops.

"Let's go!" Luo Qi's voice was low, but his tone was hurried and firm.

The two assault groups immediately rushed from the left and right to Channel Negative No. 8. The two leading assaulters stopped when they rushed to the entrance of the cave. They first threw a few grenades in, then held a portable bunker and charged with a gun in one hand. go in.

The individual soldier's radar immediately marked all the enemy's positions, and the rifles in the hands of the two men fired violently, scattering the bullets that brought death to the enemy.

The aliens have been attacked several times, and this time they have been prepared for a long time. Although some aliens were shot, others responded quickly. It was time to hide and counterattack. Many aliens were hanging on the wall. The top of Shanghedong opened fire on the attacking team, and a large sliver of silk shrouded in it, immediately leaving criss-crossing cuts on the surface of the portable bunker.

One of the filaments just went through the shooting hole, cut the barrel of the assaulter's gun and landed on his chest, almost missing the breastplate.

The contact time between the two sides was extremely short, but the two assaulters had already emptied the bullets in their guns, and the two of them had no time to change the magazines. After firing the bullets, they immediately took a step laterally and moved away from the shooting angle for their comrades. Hide behind cover to change magazines.

The two assaulters at the back fired one after another, and then moved out of the way when the bullets were fired.

In this way, the assault teams rolled forward one by one like wheels. This tactic did achieve good results, but there must be enough space for the rotation of personnel. The direct result is that there are at most two fighters facing the enemy. It's not a problem to kill and injure the But the speed of the enemy's casualties has not been replenished fast, which is too embarrassing.

The aliens stabilized their position with the superiority of their troops, and breaking the blockade had become an impossible task. Luo Qi reluctantly issued an order to retreat to the troops.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion among the aliens, many aliens separated to the sides, and then a giant heavy-armored insect jumped out from the rear of the enemy, directly blocking half of the passage.

The aliens jumped up behind the heavy-armored giant insects, hiding behind them and firing.

This time the problem is even bigger. Even if the heavy armored giant insect is killed, the corpse will be blocked in the passage.

After withdrawing from the passage, Luo Qi told the truth about the situation he encountered, and Ye Han felt annoyed when he heard it, and felt annoyed by shooting himself in the foot.

Neither machine guns nor rifles could penetrate the shell of the heavy-armored giant insect. The aliens probably suffered too many sneak attacks before they remembered blocking the passage with the heavy-armored giant insect.

What's more troublesome is that once the other directions are also blocked by giant insects, the troops of the two sides will be completely blocked by aliens in the cave hall and cannot move!

The situation has reached the most critical moment, Ye Han can no longer care so much, and immediately finds the Italian brigadier general: "Mr. Commodore, which channel did you come from? Do you know where the other channels lead?"

The brigadier general also understood that the situation was not good, and quickly replied: "The east leads to the No. 2 airport, the south is not clear, and the west is an ice cave."

"Ice cave?"

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