Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1061: Shadow almost printed on the wall

The heavy armored giant insect is really heavy. This thing is at least ten tons and eight tons on the earth.

But here is Ganymede. It's not bad for the heavy armored giant insect to be over a ton. This weight is not a problem at all. Three or five warriors get together and carry the giant insect to run fast. , not only did not become a human obstacle, but instead became a helper for the assault team.

The action was unexpectedly smooth. When the main force was about to withdraw from the West Passage, Ye Han followed the troops to leave, and then the troops on both sides were evacuated in order from far to near.

By this time, the human intentions could no longer be concealed, and the aliens in the east passage were the first to launch a counterattack, intending to rush out of the passage to hold back the Italian army.

The Italian soldiers were moved, but the commander in charge of the eastern passage decisively stopped the evacuation and pressed the enemy back to the passage with the most intense fire.

At the same time, the enemies in the north and south were also eager to move, which brought great pressure to the defenders in these two directions.

However, the east passage is the farthest, and this side cannot move without withdrawing from the other two directions, otherwise it is possible to throw the troops on the east side in the cave.

At the critical moment, the Italian army in the direction of the east passage piled all grenades, mines and other weapons suitable for stumbling at the entrance of the passage, and then the troops withdrew at the fastest speed.

The soldiers Ye Han sent in the past also took this opportunity to mix a nuclear mine with an ordinary mine and leave it at the entrance.

Next, the Italian army in the direction of the south channel also followed the gourd and forcibly evacuated from the position.

The Italian army who evacuated the position ran quickly, and no one cares about the situation behind... They can't care anymore. They all know that nuclear mines have been placed at the entrance of the passage. After the first nuclear explosion?

The two groups of people mixed together and retreated to the west passage, but Ouyang Ping, who was guarding the north passage, did not dare to move.

One is that the North Passage is the closest to the West Passage, and must be the last to evacuate; the other is that the Italian army is a bit outrageous, and there is no organization in such a mess. It's just a retreat, it's definitely not good to let the aliens hang!

Ouyang Ping and his troops still have to break the line for the whole army. If they withdraw now, they will have to let the chaotic Italian army disperse.

Even so, Ouyang Ping still felt that the soldiers' emotions were not quite right. Once someone stabbed, the troops would lose control if they didn't do well... Of course, this was just his feeling, or in other words, he himself had an idea for the Italian army to withdraw first. .

However, seeing the messy appearance of the Italian army, Ouyang Ping understood Ye Han's decision. He really let such a group of people stay behind to resist the aliens, but the result is really hard to say.

Ouyang Ping scolded the Italian army in his heart, and when the Italian army was almost running, he finally breathed a sigh of relief: "One row of cover, two rows of three rows, retreat!"

The teaching company was immediately divided into two waves, one platoon continued to stay at the entrance to continue fighting, and the other two platoons quickly retreated to the west passage.

After running forty or fifty meters, the second platoon stopped as planned to prepare for the battle, and the platoon leader reported loudly, "Bat Commander, it's alright!"

Ouyang Ping, who stayed in the first row, stopped the gun without hesitation: "Retreat in the first row!"

The first row did not run with their feet raised, but the soldiers were divided left and right, leaving the shooting angle of the second row before retreating from both sides. As soon as the first row was evacuated, the aliens over there rushed out of the north passage. The second row opened fire without hesitation, knocking down the rushing enemies one by one.

The speed of the aliens is very fast, but the passage is so wide, and the number of people rushing out per unit time is limited. Despite their best efforts, they have never been able to break through the suppression of human firepower.

When Ouyang Ping arrived in the second row, the third row had already set up the next line of defense, so the second row quickly withdrew behind the first row, and the third row took over the blocking task.

Although many people died, the aliens pouring out of the channel did not decrease in the slightest, and a group of aliens rushed out of the newly dug channel on the left side of the north channel. Fortunately, the blocking line of the third row has crossed the new hole. , immediately after discovering the enemy's change, a group of people shot at the new hole.

At the same time, aliens had already rushed out of the east and south passages, and they still maintained the tradition of being brave and not afraid of death, and rushed out of the passage by stepping on the mines.

The aliens also know the danger of landmines, so the aliens who rushed out of the east and south passages did not form in groups, but collapsed one by one, blowing up one and then rushing out again. attitude.

Ouyang Ping estimated that it would not take long for them to rush out, but he couldn't withdraw for a while, so let's not mention the urgency in his heart.

The situation did not allow him to drag on any longer. Ouyang Ping turned his heart and ordered the troops to fire rockets into the two passages. As soon as the rockets were released from the chambers, he immediately ordered the troops to withdraw to the west passage with all their strength... Of course, it was time to throw them. He didn't save a single mine.

At the same time as he was teaching a series of withdrawals into the west passage, the aliens who rushed out of the east passage finally stepped on the nuclear mine. collapsed in an instant, the fireball filled half of the cavern, and the shock wave swept through the entire cave. All aliens who rushed into the cave were roasted by the intense light radiation.

Ouyang Ping was the last to withdraw into the west passage. As soon as he got into the passage, the nuclear mine in the cave exploded.

One of his feet staggered and floated up, and then the shock wave poured into the west passage from outside the cave, rushing him to the ground.

When he got up, he was more than ten meters inside the cave, and when he looked back, the shadows of two aliens were printed on the cave wall just two meters away behind him.

This is the result of the fact that the light of the nuclear explosion was blocked by aliens and the temperature of the walls was uneven.

Ouyang Ping couldn't help but be afraid after a while, if he slowed down a little bit, his shadow would be printed on the wall with the aliens.

If you look closely, an obvious diagonal line extends from the entrance of the cave all the way to the interior of the west passage, dividing the ground into two colors: inside and outside... Fortunately, the direction of the west passage is a bit biased. If it is facing the direction of the nuclear explosion, the inside of the cave is Not necessarily how tragic.

Ouyang Ping, who had lingering fears, immediately reported the situation to Ye Han. Ye Han was also afraid after hearing it, so he quickly asked Ouyang Ping to stay away from the entrance of the cave.

It is said that the area of ​​the cave hall is large enough that the power of the nuclear explosion should not spread to the west passage in theory, but the actual situation is that the shock wave and shock wave are indeed no problem, but the light radiation is so large that it almost caused a "self-destruction" "The big oolong.

Fortunately, Ouyang Ping withdrew quickly enough.

There is no need for this broken mission. The aliens who dared to chase into the cave are completely dead. If the rest are not afraid of death, they have to hesitate for a while, right?

At this time, the troops had already penetrated hundreds of meters into the west passage. This passage was exactly as the brigadier general said. It had always been a downward slope, but it was only a gentle **** at the beginning.

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