Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1064: aliens wrong

The Italians successfully attacked the gate, and Ye Han naturally couldn't hide behind and watch, Ma said on the radio, "Follow!"

One sentence set the tone of the next action. Luo Qima made two gestures towards Ouyang Ping, one gesture toward and one gesture down.

Ouyang Ping pointed to himself and made another downward gesture, and the two immediately acted, leading the team to the gate.

The two rushed to the gate at almost the same time. Before entering the gate, Luo Qi suddenly jumped up, lying flat in the air and jumping into the gate.

Ouyang Ping leaned forward and jumped forward, clinging to the ground and jumping into the gate.

The soldiers in the back also learned the same way, and quickly jumped into the gate. The people were still in the air and started to shoot at the enemy. As a result, they were shocked by the recoil and leaned against the ice wall. Finally, they stopped directly by sticking to the ice wall.

However, when Fang's troops entered, the Italian army was already fighting with the aliens, and the Italian army already had an advantage. If Fang's troops did not come in, the Italian army could also gain the favor of the goddess of victory. Fang's arrival only accelerated the victory. speed.

Ye Han had a vague feeling that the brigadier general wanted to prove his strength with a victory.

The army is the world of the strong, and the soldiers will only respect the strong soldiers.

When Ye Han entered the gate, the battle was almost over, and the area of ​​the ice cave was much larger than imagined, it was simply a huge square under the ice.

There are fallen aliens everywhere in the gate, and the ground near the gate is neatly arranged in rows. Plants planted directly in the ice seem to be some kind of crops grown by aliens.

Probably because the chrysanthemum sluice was broken and the pressure was lost, these crops were all glowing with an abnormal blue-black color, and all the branches and leaves were hanging down.

There are many thick white alien plants growing a little further away. They look like big trees at first glance, but look like vines when you look closely. Supporting giant columns without holes.

They are very powerful, and the loss of pressure seems to have no effect on these giant vines.

Due to the obstruction of these giant vines, Luo Qi couldn't see how big the square was. Anyway, he couldn't see the edge at the entrance of the cave.

There are many aliens among the giant vines. After they saw the human beings, they jumped into the vine forest like arrow rabbits and disappeared.

The soldiers who saw this scene were a little dumbfounded. They were used to the aliens rushing towards them without fear of death. It was the first time they met the aliens who ran away.

The situation was a bit strange. Neither the Italian army nor Fang acted without authorization, but instead set up defenses near the gate.

Luo Qi's voice appeared on the radio: "What's the matter?"

"Maybe alien civilians." Ye Han guessed.

"Aliens and civilians?" Luo Qi was surprised, "I thought aliens were all soldiers."

"There should be civilians." Ouyang Ping said, "Look at them, they don't even have equipment."

Luo Qi took a closer look, and it was true. Those aliens who escaped were clean and didn't even have any breathing apparatus. Some of the slow runners might not be able to breathe, and fell to the ground and snorted.

"Master, what should I do now?" Luo Qi asked.

"Stand on for the time being, let's see the situation first." Ye Han said.

As the saying goes, the aliens who hide in the vine forest don't seem to be armed, but what if it is the alien's trick to lure the enemy?

The troops immediately built a position near the gate, and the Italian army did not dare to act rashly, and fought steadily like Fang.

The brigadier general's decision made Ye Hangao take another look, thinking about it, there is nothing wrong, no matter what, Yidaili is still a veteran powerhouse, and it doesn't even have a commander who can do it.

Just after the bunker was assembled here, a large group of aliens jumped out of the vine forest. As soon as they appeared, they raised their arms and shot at humans, hitting several Italian troops one after another.

It's not that the aliens are picky eaters, but the Italian army is closer to Fujilin.

The Italian army was not a vegetarian either. The horses fired back, and then more aliens rushed out of the vine forest. Ye Han also quickly ordered the troops to open fire. The two sides had a short confrontation separated by a distance of 100 meters.

The number of aliens is small, tactical and reckless, and they are quickly killed by human bullets. One side of the aliens has a memory after the loss, and the emergency brake no longer rushes out of the vine forest, but hides behind the thick alien plants and faces the humans. shooting.

The sniper cannon, which had been useless for a long time, finally played a role. The snipers fired one after another, from more than 100 meters to more than 300 meters. No alien who entered the sniper's sight could escape the sniper cannon. .

The snipers found that after penetrating the enemy's bullets, the bullet holes in the vines were still large, and a large amount of unknown liquid flowed out of the bullet holes. It looked like water, and it just flowed out quickly because of the vacuum. Boiling Then the white vine skin near the bullet hole quickly turned black and shrunk, and the liquid flowing out of the bullet hole stopped like a wound hemostasis.

Of course, the point is not this, but the giant vine's imagination is much more fragile!

This discovery made the snipers excited. When all the enemies in sight were finished, the snipers collectively fired at the enemies hiding behind the giant vines.

It is difficult for ordinary bullets to penetrate giant vines, but armor-piercing bullets do not have this problem. Special armor-piercing bullets can easily penetrate giant vines and kill enemies behind them.

For a time, the aliens suffered heavy losses, and the giant vines suffered even more heavy losses.

The reason for this is because Ye Han discovered that some aliens would rather protect the giant vine in the face of human bullets!

Although he doesn't know what the giant vine is doing, it has been exposed from the enemy's actions. It must be very important to reveal the giant vine to the aliens, at least the value of the giant vine is much higher.

The battle stopped again due to the huge casualties of the aliens, and the remaining aliens retreated into the depths of the vine forest, but the aliens were never afraid of casualties. In Ye Han's impression, the aliens always only died and never flinched, so they It was impossible to retreat because of the huge casualties.

Ye Han instinctively felt that the reason for the aliens' evacuation was not to hope that Juteng would suffer more losses.

He couldn't help giving birth to a huge good, trying to figure out what effect the giant vine had on aliens.

But now is not the time, Ye Han took the initiative to find the correct general. After the two discussed a few words, some people were left to guard the gate to prevent the aliens from copying the heels. Then the two troops, one left and one right, followed the ice wall to the ice. To advance inside the cave, first find out the situation of the ice cave.

On Ye Han's side, Luo Qi was still leading the team forward, but after walking only a few dozen meters, Luo Qi suddenly stopped and stared at an alien corpse not far away: "Master, these aliens No, you'd better come and see!"

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