Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1067: hit the past

After listening to Qi Yue's message, the brigadier general was stunned for a moment, changed his previous gestures, and said a word slowly with a very solemn attitude.

Qi Yue translated: "Master, he asked if you participated in the underground battle of Morobida."

Anyone who is familiar with the Battle of Morobida knows that the battle is divided into two parts: the ground and the underground. The main goal of the ground battle is to encircle and suppress the giant insects, while the underground battle takes place in the hole dug by the aliens. The aliens underground find out and cut off the mastermind behind the manipulation of the swarm.

It’s just that these two battles ended in failure. The coalition did not do anything to the ground insect swarm, nor did they find the hidden aliens. Instead, they suffered heavy losses. To this day, Africa is still controlled by aliens. hand.

Ye Han nodded: "I am one of the survivors who escaped from the cave."

After the brigadier general heard the translation, he suddenly said something in a hasty tone, and Qi Yue's expression suddenly became very strange: "Senior, he said that his own younger brother disappeared in the Battle of Morrobida. Is there any chance of my brother surviving?"

Ye Han's face twitched: "Tell him, I am very sympathetic to his experience, but the nightmare I experienced told me that no one can live in an alien cave for so many years."

Unless they are transformed into adult worms by aliens!

Ye Han thought so in his heart, but he wouldn't say it anyway.

The brigadier general said a few words in disappointment, and Qi Yue translated: "He said that he was very grateful for your frank confession, but he still insisted that he should not go further, and it was best to leave this ghost place as soon as possible."

Everyone knew that the brigadier general was not referring to this ice cave, but to leaving the cave and finally leaving Ganymede.

"I think so too." Ye Han said and raised his head, "If only I could know what's going on above."

That being said, Ye Han had already made a decision in his heart, and immediately ordered the troops to move forward and leave the ice cave as soon as possible.

In addition to the passage that leads to the ice cave, there are two other passages that can be walked, and they just go up and down.

Ye Han chose the upward channel without hesitation, and drilled in with the troops.

He didn't know where this passage led, only that it was more likely to go up and return to the ground.

Before leaving the ice cave, Ye Han had not forgotten to leave a nuclear mine—the environment in the ice cave was not suitable for mine laying. In order for the nuclear mine to play its due role, Ye Han placed the mine on the corpse of an alien nobleman. Next, the first nuclear booby-trapped mine in human history was made. If the pursuers were driven to the ice cave, this nuclear bomb would definitely be enough for them to have a good drink.

Luo Qi and Ouyang Ping, who were familiar with Ye Han, had already vaguely felt that Ye Han was thinking of returning to the shaft on the way back, otherwise he would not have placed nuclear mines on the way.

The two of them had some confidence originally, but at this point, no matter how firm their confidence was, they had to be shaken by reality.

The troops only brought supplies for three days, and consumed most of the ammunition. They continued to wander in the enemy's nest with unpredictable consequences.

How could Ye Han not know this? I have long since begun to regret that I should not have ventured into the enemy's nest.

But there is no way out of the sky, and he already had an idea in his heart, that is to take a detour and return to the shaft.

At first glance, this idea is simply whimsical, but from the map that has been obtained, it can be seen that the shaft is the core of the entire alien base, and all passages are built around the shaft. The tunnel leads to the shaft, but there are too many tunnels and too complicated, and there are aliens chasing and blocking them. I don't know which one is the correct way to return to the shaft.

However, although Ye Han didn't know the road, he knew the general direction of the shaft. As long as he tried to choose the passage in the direction of the shaft, it should not be difficult to return to the shaft.

After leaving the ice cave, the troops advanced along the tunnel built under the ice, passed through several small ice caves one after another, and exchanged fire with the defenders along the way several times, but the enemy's defense in this direction was significantly lower than the shaft. In the surrounding area, the scale of the battle was not large, and the troops quickly broke the enemy's blockade and continued to advance after completely annihilating the enemy.

Every fork in the road was carefully recorded by Ye Han on the map, not only the location of the fork, but also the direction of the fork. If the fork was in the direction of the shaft, he would not hesitate to order the troops to turn.

It's a pity that the tunnel dug by the aliens is not straight, otherwise Ye Han would have brought the troops back to the shaft long ago.

Although the troop had to go around in the tunnel, they always moved towards the shaft unswervingly. After more than an hour, the distance between the troop and the shaft had been shortened by half, and the position had risen from ten kilometers underground to About ten kilometers.

No matter how you look at it, the situation is improving, and everyone's mind is much easier than not long ago.

Just when everything is developing in the direction that is beneficial to human beings, the mechanical spider once again found the enemy and this wave of enemy forces is different, although it is still mainly servants, but the team is mixed. Plenty of diminutive alien nobles.

What's even more strange is that the troop seems to have just arrived, and even the bunker has not been placed in time.

Seeing this scene, Luo Qi couldn't help but exclaimed: "What's the situation? The guards of the aliens?"

"Whatever he is, it's over!" Ye Han said without hesitation.

He is now standing and talking without backache, because he and the Italians have reached an agreement to take turns to fight. The last time when they encountered the enemy, Luo Qi led them to fight, and this wave happened to be the Italians' turn. .

Intentionally being lazy, Luo Qi didn't give up his pre-war preparations: "It doesn't seem to be very easy to fight... Ouyang, do you still have missiles?"

Ouyang Ping sighed: "The conventional ones have already been fired for you, and the rest are all nuclear missiles, do you use them?"

"Isn't this nonsense!" Luo Qi said frustratedly.

Ye Han said: "This passage is straight, let the snipers go, and give the Italians a little rejection." This enemy army was different, and he felt more at ease with an extra insurance.

The brigadier general also found that the situation was not quite right, but the agreement had already been made, and it was really impossible for him to regret it at this time.

The brigadier general made a brief but enthusiastic pre-war mobilization over the radio, and the Italians seized the opportunity to attack while the enemy's bunkers were still in place.

Because they did not know the combat power of the alien nobles, the Italians did not dare to approach rashly, but kept a certain distance and came first for a fire reconnaissance.

It is not the first time that the Italians have fought against aliens. They know the fighting power of aliens very well. From brigadier generals to ordinary soldiers, no one thinks that this battle cannot be won.

As a result, as soon as the Italians fired, the aliens immediately hid and launched a counterattack. The speed of the counterattack was unprecedented, and the accuracy of the mercerized light was also stronger than before.

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