Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1079: 3.2 billion tons of revenge

Just as the light and flames of the explosion dissipated, the reconnaissance equipment on the Beihai pierced the dust in the sky, and "see" that the tiankeng no longer existed. Super crater.

The craters left by ordinary nuclear explosions are not so deep, but these nuclear bombs are designed to deal with underground targets. At the beginning of the design, the penetrating bomb was the key reference object.

Of course, the formation of the crater is not only related to the power of the nuclear bomb, but also directly related to Ganymede's lower density.

Before everyone could express their disappointment, the bottom of the crater that was originally a tiankeng suddenly arched up, and a fire dragon suddenly rose into the sky from the bottom of the crater, and it gradually dissipated after rising for more than 40 kilometers. Countless earth and stones flew into the sky in the violent vibration, and the earth seemed to have thrown a boulder into the calm water, rolled up a high earth tide, and advanced in all directions at a high speed with the tiankeng as the center.

Where the shock wave passed, the ground collapsed like a sandcastle washed by the waves. When the soil wave disappeared, it was already flat for nearly 100 kilometers, forming a subsidence area with the original site of the tiankeng as the center and a radius of nearly 100 kilometers.

The collapsed area is like being stomped on by a giant from a myth and legend. The height of the ground is obviously lower than other places. After comparison and calculation, the average height of the ground in the collapsed area after the explosion is seven meters lower than before the explosion. Individual areas collapsed as a whole by more than 50 meters. I don't know what kind of virtue the aliens have dug below.

Outside the collapse area, there are also large areas of ground that collapse and collapse, extending from the collapse area like a spider web.

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned. Immediately, boundless surprises rushed into their hearts. I don't know who made the first cheer, and the bridge suddenly turned into a sea of ​​joy... The one that soared into the sky. The pillar of fire must have been a nuclear explosion that opened up the collapsed tiankeng!

The cheers rose from wave to wave, and at this moment, a bridge officer suddenly stared at a sharply rising curve on the screen, and then jumped in front of Duan Zhiyang like a rabbit with an arrow: "Captain, wood Weisan earthquake, magnitude 4.7!"

Duan Zhiyang was stunned: "Where is the epicenter?"

"Not on the back, it should be a multinational fleet!"

Duan Zhiyang's expression was a bit complicated: "So the multinational fleet has also succeeded!"

Ganymede is not Io with frequent volcanoes, and it is impossible for earthquakes to occur for no reason.

"Where's the depth of the epicenter?" Ye Han asked impatiently.

The bridge officer opened his mouth and said embarrassedly: "Commander, our equipment cannot detect the location of the epicenter."

"It's alright, go with your business." Duan Zhiyang waved his hand away from the bridge officer, grinning at Ye Han, "I'll contact the multinational fleet."

Ye Han also smiled: "Hurry up, I'm waiting for the good news."

Duan Zhiyang immediately contacted the multinational fleet and got first-hand information: "Hey, not bad, they bombed the No. 2 airport."

Ye Han felt that something was wrong: "What about No. 1?"

"It's fighting, and the half of the giant ship in the shaft hasn't exploded yet." Duan Zhiyang said, "Fortunately, they chose the front side. If it was given to us, it would be a lot of trouble."

Ye Han snorted disdainfully: "So many people were thrown in and only four hundred came out in the end. Even if the rest didn't die in the hands of the aliens, they had to be killed by the super nuclear bomb. I really want to see William. What's the expression on that old bastard's face?"

The high-level struggle has nothing to do with ordinary soldiers, and the high casualties of the multinational troops are also not in the interests of the Chinese side, but when he thinks of the more than 400 casualties of the Airborne Division in rescuing the multinational troops, Ye Han is so angry that he can't wait to pinch Dead William the initiator.

It's not that Ye Han can't bear casualties, but he also depends on why he sacrificed... In his heart, he is also very dissatisfied with those **** who gave orders in Beidu, but he can't show it on the bright side.

Duan Zhiyang curled his lips: "That William really doesn't necessarily care, it's not his son or grandson anyway."

"Okay, don't mention him, let's talk about being happy." Ye Han turned to look at the main screen, "There are only two, go ahead, my Captain Duan!"

Duan Zhiyang smacked his lips: "I don't know where the explosion is without Tiankeng, give me an opinion."

Ye Han thought for a while and said, "There should be one main passage, at least one." He remembered the giant passage on Io that goes straight to the center of the earth.

"Where is the key!" Duan Zhiyang said helplessly.

Ye Han sighed and suddenly remembered something: "By the way, the ice lake... No, it's the sea of ​​ice, blowing up the sea of ​​ice, especially the coastline!" The aliens mainly gather underground, and under the ice they only get water source, so water plants or other alien industrial areas that need water should not be far from the coast.

This is a way out of nowhere, and it is also the most feasible solution under the current Duan Zhiyang was a little stunned: "What do you mean?"

Ye Han immediately recounted what happened to him: "I can't detect it underground, is there any way to do it under the ice?"

Duan Zhiyang thought about it, and immediately showed a happy smile: "Isn't it the ice sea? It's simple, give me the laser cannon, if there is no hole, we can make one by ourselves!"

Ye Han suddenly said: "Oh, how could I forget about this!"

The effect of the laser on the ground is average, but when it falls on the ice, it is very simple to hit a hole deep under the ice.

However, the target is not chosen at random. The two discussed for a while and proposed to follow several major principles, such as being close to the tiankeng or the airport, the appropriate distance from the coastline, and the distance between the blasts. The fleet was found on the back of Ganymede after a while. Dozens of target points.

Ye Han and Duan Zhiyang agreed that it is best to start from the target point close to the tiankeng, and then gradually spread out. So Duan Zhiyang gave an order, and the Beihai fleet took action again, and lasers fell from the sky one after another, landing on the target point one after another.

Each laser hit will penetrate deeply into the ice layer, first melt the frozen solid ice, and then vaporize the melted ice water, leaving only a deep ice hole in the end.

In this way, in just ten minutes, the fleet created an ice well with a depth of more than ten kilometers on the ice.

Ye Han felt that ten or so kilometers was still a little short, and put forward suggestions for further in-depth development. He had no other idea, but felt that the depth of the alien factory was not shallow, and it would be more certain to drill the ice well deeper.

The fleet continued to fire, and Ye Han was not satisfied until the ice entered more than 20 kilometers deep.

The third super nuclear bomb flew away from the fleet. The nuclear bomb flew lower and lower, and the exciting moment came again. The nuclear bomb hit the ice well. After a short period of anticipation, a ray of light that was more dazzling than the sun suddenly burst out from the ice well.

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