Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1111: Nothing is stronger than this

The alien fleet flew over the Antarctic amid the worrying discussion. It was around the autumnal equinox, the polar night had just ended, and the Antarctic was divided into two by night and day.

The fleet came to a stop over the South Pole, and the atmosphere just below was surging like waves.

"It's down, they're down!" Qi Haifeng exclaimed.

Ye Han asked anxiously, "How many air defense points are there in Antarctica?"

"There must be, but I don't know how many." Qi Haifeng said.

Ye Han's heart froze: "It's over, it's over!"

At present, most of the Antarctic is covered by snowstorms, and the air defense network is more than half useless. Although the air defense ships on the sea have a shooting angle, the position of the air defense ships is too far.

The actual distance of one latitude is about 111 kilometers, and the nearest ice bank to the South Pole is around 78 degrees south latitude. In other words, even if the air defense ship reaches the coast closest to the South Pole, it is more than 1,300 kilometers away from the South Pole. .

The effective range of the anti-aircraft laser is only more than 1,000 kilometers, and even a flat shot cannot catch the alien fleet.

While speaking, the altitude of the alien fleet had dropped to 800 kilometers, and a beam of light suddenly shot out from the thick cloud layer, and then dozens of beams of light broke through the cloud layer from different directions.

However, these beams of light were either seriously divergent, or simply strayed from the target, and those that hit failed to do anything to the alien warships.

The cloud layer really can't block the beam, but it also consumes energy when the beam breaks through the cloud layer, so that the energy intensity of the beam is greatly reduced, even if the target enters the range, it can't do anything to the alien warship.

The futility of the beam fueled the arrogance of the aliens, and the alien battleships that were originally clinging to each other were scattered as they descended, and soon dispersed in the air.

The air defense nets fired again, but still to no avail.

The air defense ships on the sea knew that the enemy ships were out of range, but they were unwilling to put the alien warships in just like that, and they followed suit.

The enemy ship's altitude dropped rapidly, and it didn't take long for it to descend to the outer layers of the atmosphere.

At this time, there were several fantastic auroras and colorful windings over the South Pole, and a large group of alien warships plunged into the aurora.

The atmospheric damage to alien warships is higher than that of laser cannons!

It’s not that countries don’t want to release nuclear bombs, but the nuclear bomb will blow a hole in the cloud at most, and it is impossible to stop the blizzard. The power of the laser will still be weakened by most of the blizzard, unless it can blow all the clouds over the Antarctic in one breath.

But that is simply impossible. The de-layer that brings the blizzard is only two or three kilometers high. The height is too low. The nuclear bomb explodes at such a height. I don’t know if it can blow up the clouds. The air defense position on the ground must be did not run.

The situation was developing in the worst direction, but Ye Han and others could only watch helplessly.

The two warships near the South Pole finally opened fire, and the missiles on the ships lifted off one by one, charging the alien fleet from both directions at the same time.

The alien fleet continued to descend as if it had not seen it, and the only response was to release a batch of alien fighters.

Ye Han also thought that the missiles launched by the warships had nuclear warheads. It was not until the missiles hit the alien aircraft that he discovered that all the missiles were the most common anti-aircraft missiles.

Without exception, the alien fighters that were shot all fell from the air. Several missiles also passed through the block of the aircraft group and hit the battleship. However, without a nuclear warhead, the power of the missiles was really poor, leaving only a few spots on the surface of the battleship. The eye-catching scorch marks do not affect the battleship's descent at all.

Bian Ge suddenly left his seat, twisted and floated off the bridge: "I can't watch it anymore."

Long Jianguo also unbuckled his seat belt: "I'll go see him."

Ye Han nodded, he didn't want to watch any more, but wanted to know the final result of the airborne.

At this moment, two groups of strong lights suddenly exploded over the Antarctic. After the strong lights dissipated, the two mushroom clouds slowly rose. Under the mushroom cloud, an alien battleship that was missing a small half of it lost control and rolled and fell to the ground.

Several people were immediately refreshed, looking forward to more nuclear bombs to destroy the alien fleet, but let alone nuclear bombs, not even the most common missiles could be seen.

Ye Han's eyes turned back and forth on the two human battleships on the sea, always feeling as if all the stored ammunition had been exhausted.

Qi Haifeng also felt the same, and replayed a short video to prove the guess. In addition, it was found that the two nuclear bombs came from the Chinese warships, and the American warships did not carry a single nuclear bomb.

Strange? Not at all.

The two major groups of the East and West first supported the Assault Fleet's expedition to Jupiter; then they supported the Intercept Fleet to take the initiative; and then they did their best for the approach of the alien fleet.

In order to block the alien fleet, the nuclear bombs were basically handed over to the space fleet. Except for the intercontinental missiles, there were not a few nuclear bombs left on the ground.

Think about it, in addition to nuclear bombs, the engines of the space fleet need nuclear Battleships, air defense positions, major cities, and the reactors of space stations also need a lot of nuclear fuel, and the Earth's reserves have long been consumed by seven Seven, eighty-eight, if it weren't for the moon, it's hard to say whether the laser cannons of the air defense network would fire.

The nuclear explosion aroused the vigilance of the aliens, and the falling warships continued to disperse, the distance between them was getting farther and farther, and the speed of their descent also increased a lot.

Ye Han suddenly noticed something unusual: "Lao Qi, do you think they are on the wrong side, why are they not on the South Pole?"

"Is it not at the South Pole... It's flying to the coast!" Qi Haifeng exclaimed.

The lower the height of the battleship, the more outward the position is.

"What's going on? They don't want to occupy the South Pole?" Ye Han's heart was beating wildly, how was it different from the previous guess, this was too exciting.

Qi Haifeng looked blank: "What is the Antarctic?"

Ye Han repeated his guess, and Qi Haifeng suddenly realized: "Do you think they know that there is land under the ice cap?"

Ye Han was stunned for a moment, raised his hand and patted his forehead: "Yes, why didn't I think of it?"

The Antarctic surface is covered with a thick layer of ice. Humans only photographed the original appearance of the continent under the ice layer after the advent of satellite remote sensing technology.

Do aliens have remote sensing satellites? No!

They don't even know what's under the ice cap, maybe they don't even think about it.

Put yourself in the shoes and think about it, aliens have been wandering in the universe for so long, they must be looking for a more comfortable place.

The Antarctic environment is indeed much stronger than Ganymede, but there are a lot of places on the earth that are better than the Antarctic. It is not that aliens have no choice. Why do they have to stay in the Antarctic where birds don’t shit? Wouldn't it be better to find a more comfortable place?

Africa is still in the hands of aliens. Even if you can only hide in the ground, it is better than freezing in Antarctica, right?

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