Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1137: Easy to get in, hard to get out

It's easy to get in, but not so easy to figure out.

In addition to the first and second platoons in the dugout, one platoon of the third platoon has also been put into the air-raid shelter. Although there has not been any casualty report, the battle in the cave is very fierce.

If the troops in the air-raid shelter can’t withdraw, the defense line outside the cave cannot move. Otherwise, before the troops can withdraw, the swarm will have to block the hole. At that time, the two platoons will be more vicious than the two sides.

Ouyang Ping simply left only one row to defend the line, and the rest of the troops were put into the air-raid shelter to respond to the evacuation of the people in the cave.

After enriching some of the personnel, the combat pressure in the cave was much reduced, and the soldiers covered each other and retreated in turns like running water.

Outside the cave, Ouyang Pinghe opened fire with all his strength, and did not retreat under the enormous pressure.

At this time, no one can care about ammunition. Everyone is devoted to shooting as many bullets as they can, trying their best to prevent the swarm from approaching.

The giant worms that rushed in front fell into the rain of bullets one by one, but the firepower of the first row was still a little weaker, and the front line of the giant worms was getting closer and closer, thirty meters, twenty meters... A line of defense was established. precarious.

Ouyang Ping took off the grenade and threw it into the insect swarm. The heavy grenade hit the giant insect's forehead and fell to the ground.

The giant worm stopped curiously, flipped its jaws, and actually bit the grenade in its mouth.

Boom - The heavy defensive grenade exploded in the worm's mouth, immediately shattering the worm's head, and the shattered shell and flesh splattered everywhere.

But aside from this unfortunate giant bug, the nearby bugs were at most slightly injured.

But Ouyang Ping's line of sight was blocked by the front line, and he didn't see how many insects were killed by the grenade, only a few insects fell down after the explosion.

He thought that the grenade had worked, so he threw the grenade on his body three or two times before he picked up the rifle and fired again.

Some soldiers also began to use grenades, and the continuous explosions washed down a giant insect.

At first, everyone thought that these worms were seriously injured if they didn't die, but they didn't realize that something was wrong until they saw the worms shaking their heads and getting up again.

Ouyang Ping almost crushed the back molars, took off the empty magazine and threw it back: "Live magazines, give me some live magazines!"

The soldier in charge of pressing the bullets almost didn't cry, and hurriedly threw the two newly pressed magazines over.

The battle was too intense, and the magazines were depleted at a surprisingly fast rate. The compressed magazines in the airdrop cabin had already been shot, leaving only half a box of loose bullets.

Several soldiers have already started to press bullets, and only eight people can press bullets.

The soldiers kept complaining in their hearts, why aren't all the bullets in the magazine?

This is still supported by a quick bullet press. If you press it with your fingers, the micro motor on the back of your hand may burn.

Ouyang Ping also discovered this problem. Several soldiers who had fired their bullets could not get supplements!

With a sigh of relief, he directly asked the soldiers to retreat to the back to press the bullets, and let the machine guns top the front first.

The machine gun was also approaching its limit at this time, the barrel had already turned dark red, and the bullets fired had long since lost their accuracy.

One suddenly came out more and more, and when it landed, it was less than ten meters away from the defense line. Its powerful worm legs suddenly squatted down, then leaped forward and slammed into the warriors on the defensive line.

The soldiers instinctively fired at it, and Zongda was still in the air when the dense bullets shattered his skull.

However, the instinctive focus of fire caused the firepower in other directions to plummet, and the front line of the swarm also took the opportunity to move forward, and it was about to rush to within the ten-meter line!

Ouyang Ping could already imagine the horrific scene of a large number of giant insects flying towards him. He suddenly shouted: "Listen to my command, everyone, take a step back... and then back... back..."

The soldiers stepped back under Ouyang Ping's order, and at the same time opened fire with all their strength, keeping a distance of more than ten meters from the swarm as much as possible.

But not far behind is the air-raid shelter, and it won't take long to retreat into the air-raid shelter... A thin raindrop suddenly fell from the sky, and a little raindrop fell on the barrel, making a hissing sound.

Ouyang Ping was so anxious that his eyes were red, but there was nothing he could do except to stand firm.

If it was Ganymede back then, he had heavy weapons to deal with bugs, but now he doesn't have heavy equipment at all, he just relies on rifles and machine guns.

At this time, he was already starting to regret it. Why didn't he try to **** such a deadly mission and airborne with the main force?

He didn't want to admit it, but in the case of the Airborne Division, it was difficult for him to go further, and he had to pay a price if he wanted to develop.

It was precisely because of this thought in his heart that Ouyang Ping took the initiative to take on this task, but he did not expect to encounter so many twists and turns.

If he did it all over again, he would never take the initiative to jump out again.

The semi-circular line of defense became shorter and shorter, and finally became a straight line. Seeing that in a few steps, the back would be against the Finally, seven or eight people were drilled into the air-raid shelter. Looking at the situation outside, he picked up a gun and started fighting without a second thought.

With the addition of this new force, the precarious front was finally stabilized.

Another squad rushed out of the air-raid shelter, and the force of the counterattack was strengthened again, and the front line of the swarm was finally suppressed by the powerful firepower.

More soldiers rushed out of the air-raid shelter, and there was a lot of gunfire in the hole. Ouyang Ping knew he couldn't wait any longer. He shouted on the radio, "First platoon leader, here's to you!" After speaking, he turned his head and ran towards The soldiers who had just left the dugout waved their hands, "Target No. 2 dugout, move forward—"

After shouting, he pulled out his pistol... This time, he didn't rush out. Instead, he led the soldiers to attack in the direction of the No. 2 air-raid shelter. First, expand the area of ​​the occupation area at the entrance of the cave, then break through the barrier of the swarm, and finally arrived at the No. 2 air-raid shelter. .

He really wanted two magazines first, but he had a lot of momentum, and the first thing he did when he turned around was to ask for magazines, which was really out of time.

Ouyang Ping had no choice but to resist the urge and took out a pistol that could not do anything.

More and more soldiers rushed out of the air-raid shelter, and the troops began to advance towards the No. 2 air-raid shelter. In order to strengthen the firepower, the soldiers of the third company held the air-drop pod in one hand and fired with the rifle in the other hand.

Since the airborne to the present, the firepower of our own side has never been so dense, the swarm can't rush up at all, and whoever dares to take the lead will die.

But Ouyang Ping didn't follow. He had to command the troops behind him... It wasn't that easy to leave. The swarms in the dugout were rushing out. .

And there are quite a lot of bugs along the way, how can we break through the swarm's containment? What worries him more is the No. 2 bomb shelter, where the gunfire has never stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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