Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1139: Fat drag skinny drag to death

Space, Landing Craft One.

Luo Qi floated to Ye Han's side: "Master, there is news from the second battalion. They have seized the air raid shelter as planned and are fighting with insects, but there are many insects hidden in the air raid shelter, and the situation is not as smooth as expected. Ouyang just called With fire support, the Luzhou fleet fired a wave of missiles."

"Can they hold out until the main force is airborne?"

"Ouyang said yes." Luo Qi said.

Ye Han didn't know if Ouyang Ping was stubborn, but he chose to trust his subordinates.

The second battalion has not been airborne for a long time, but the aliens are already approaching, and there are already signs of retrograde, and they may fly to Australia at any time.

And the moon will still take a few hours to appear, with a gap of nearly four hours. If the alien fleet launches an air strike on Marida...

At present, Marida has been covered by tropical cyclones. The weather is so bad that air strikes with fine light can't do much. I am afraid that aliens will have other means.

Ye Han was very worried, and the scene of meteors bombarding Marida kept popping up in his mind.

The action of the aliens was expected to be faster. Thirty-three minutes later, the enemy fleet appeared in the Australian sky.

Ye Han's heart immediately lifted, and he notified the second battalion immediately.

After receiving the notice, Ouyang Ping was silent for a moment: "Master, there are many fewer bugs outside. I plan to give up the entrance of the cave and go inside to hide."

The opening of the air-raid shelter is the most conspicuous, and the soil layer near the opening is the thinnest. If it is set on fire by the alien fleet, the possibility of penetrating the soil layer is not small.

From the entrance of the hole to the main body, go all the way down. The deeper you go, the thicker the soil layer on the head will be. Unless the alien warship hits it directly, there is little possibility of a problem.

"Are you sure?" Ye Han asked worriedly.

You can withdraw at any time by guarding the entrance of the hole, but if you go deep into the air-raid shelter and are surrounded by insects, it is hard to say whether you can withdraw.

"No problem, there is a navy outside, and the escape route will not be blocked." Ouyang Ping said.

"Do as you say." Ye Han said, "Don't force it, if the situation is not right, find a place to guard it, and guard it for four hours at most."

"I see."

After the communication was over, it was easy to say, but Ye Han's worries did not subside at all. It is he himself who is below, and he has to sit in the same situation when it is irresistible.

Ouyang Ping was quite confident and immediately ordered the troops to close the door.

The heavy door blocked the radio signal, and the communication between the second battalion and the command was cut off. Ye Han could only indirectly judge the situation of Marida by paying attention to the alien fleet.

At about 1:00 a.m. on December 28, the alien fleet in Australia suddenly launched an air strike on Marida. Hundreds of thin lights fell from the sky, penetrating the clouds and falling towards North Australia.

Ye Han, who heard the news, almost clenched his teeth. He arranged for several people to call the second battalion without interruption, ordering them to report to him as soon as they received a response.

But Ye Han didn't wait for the news of the second battalion, but got a notification from the navy a few minutes later.

It was not until then that Ye Han knew that the target of the alien fleet was not Marida, but the Luzhou aircraft carrier battle group!

If you think about it, it is right. Although the second battalion killed a large number of giant insects, most of them were in the air-raid shelter. The swarms outside the air-raid shelter were basically cleaned up by the navy. It is normal for the alien fleet to find trouble with the navy.

No need to worry about the second battalion, Ye Han began to care about the situation of the navy.

The navy was prepared for a long time. After the formation entered the storm area, the battleships quietly dispersed, and the fine light was weakened by the clouds. There were only two warships hit by the fine light, and they were all in unimportant positions. It was nothing more than multiple small holes on the deck. Welded a few times.

Seeing this, Ye Han's irritable mood actually calmed down a lot. He opened his mouth and smiled and said, "Aliens don't understand our navy too much."

Luo Qi said with emotion: "If only the navy had the thick armor of space battleships."

"Think about it, how heavy is the battleship? You don't need aliens to fight, you will sink first."

"Look!" Luo Qi exclaimed, "It's starting again!"

Surveillance screen, Alien Fleet fires on North Australia again - these video feeds are from satellites monitoring Alien Fleet!

Ye Han said: "It should be no problem... Hey, how do you think the aliens are positioned? Do they have a way to penetrate the clouds?"

"Shouldn't there be? Or there are definitely more than two battleship awards."

"That's right." Ye Han nodded.

At this time, several swift missiles suddenly appeared in the corner of the screen, and the alien fleet immediately stopped the air attack and went all out to deal with the incoming missiles.

"Look!" Luo Qi exclaimed again, "It's an assault fleet!"

Ye Han sighed: "I didn't make a move when I made a soy sauce."

He contacted Gao Kai not long ago, because he was not allowed to attack the fleet and fight the enemy decisively, Gao Kai was extremely depressed recently.

But there is no way to be depressed. The military has so little money left, but the aliens are like hamsters. They can't figure out where to get another batch of warships. If the raiding fleet is folded in again, the earth is really undefended.

Probably because the distance and bearing were not suitable, the signals received by the landing formation were intermittent.

However, Ye Han still sees a lot of things from the video. The alien fleet still wants to attack North Australia, but there is a strong assault fleet that has been keeping the alien fleet in check. The aliens do not move, and the assault fleet does not move. Fleet air strikes, storming fleets will definitely fire.

The aliens also want to have a good fight with the assault fleet. The problem is that all the military generals are proficient in guerrilla tactics.

The current situation is very interesting, and hooligans don't tease people like this. Ye Han felt that the alien must be If he was an alien, I was afraid that he would have swallowed Gao Kai's mind.

But this is exactly what the military is willing to see. Don't the aliens want an air strike? Then let's have fun and see who can beat who.

Time continued to pass in the stalemate between the two sides, dragging it back and forth, the alien air raid failed, but the moon turned out from behind the earth.

Seeing that he would be stared at by super cannons if he did not leave, the alien fleet had to fly away from Australia.

However, flying away does not mean the end of the air raid. As long as Australia is still within the sight of the alien fleet, it is still possible to be attacked by aliens.

Ye Han was very worried about the situation of the second battalion, and could not wait for the horse to be airborne and completely occupy Marida.

But he is more aware of the danger of being stared at by the alien fleet. If the horse is airborne, the formation can only avoid the sight of the aliens by falling into the clouds and penetrating the storm abruptly.

It was too dangerous to do that. He could only be patient and continue to wait until the alien fleet was chased away by super cannons, until the alien fleet could no longer see Australia, and then airborne would ensure the safety of the troops.

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