Armor Frenzy

: One thousand one hundred fifty-two

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A few dozen seconds later, the drone in the other direction was also destroyed by the giant insect. Even if everyone was psychologically prepared, they could not help but feel a little angry.

Ye Han had drones, and he didn't care about this loss at all, so he simply sent a dozen drones into the hole in one go.

But when these drones flew past, the unobstructed passage just now disappeared, replaced by a thick earth wall.

Everyone was dumbfounded at this time, and the colonel said in surprise: "When did it get blocked? Isn't this too fast?"

Ye Han was not surprised at all: "If you dig fast, you will be blocked fast. What's so strange about this?"

"Then... uh, how can this be investigated? Let people go down and blast?"

Ye Han shook his head: "It's useless, this section explodes, what if the back is blocked again? What if it collapses? I think it's better to find other entrances... Luo Qi, let me know, the other warehouses will be Look for it, and find all the mouse holes for me."

"Yes!" Luo Qi immediately complied,

I have experience in digging the first warehouse, and the other warehouses are all digging the corner first, and soon found the "stealing hole" left by the swarm.

Under the unified command of Ye Han, all the warehouses blasted the robbery hole at the same time. After the opening of the hole was blasted, the drone was immediately released into the hole to record the structural direction of the hole.

However, the swarm was already prepared. There were no worms and no iron barrels in the hole, and all the routes were blocked by mud. The drone only flew a short distance, and could no longer find the way, so it had to withdraw helplessly. ground.

"If only I could find the iron bucket." Luo Qi said disappointedly.

Ye Han pouted: "If you want to go, no matter how stupid the aliens are, they can't hide the yellow cake under the warehouse."

The colonel couldn't help but said, "What should we do then?"

"Look for another opening." Ye Han said, "The openings in the warehouse are sealed, but there are still outside the warehouse!"

"Is it easy to find?" The Colonel asked worriedly.

Ye Han twitched the corners of his mouth: "How do you know if you don't look for it?"

The soldiers who received the order immediately acted and searched for the entrance to the cave.

The tunnels dug by the bugs were not as secret as those of Ranzhuang, and they found seven or eight entrances after a while. The soldiers continued to put drones underground, but the drone’s experience remained unchanged. Dismembered, lucky to hit the wall everywhere, no matter where you go, the passage is blocked by the swarm in advance.

In this way, in a short while, all the openings that could be found in the city of Marida were turned over by the airborne division, and there were several small-scale battles, killing hundreds of bugs.

Ye Han wanted to connect the fragmented underground passages through the drone's exploration, but the final result was too fragmented, like a jigsaw puzzle that could not be put together no matter what.

According to the detection area, the underground holes found by the drone only account for one-fifth of the total. This is only the urban area, and the outside of the city is not included.

Ye Han has made a plan. As long as he finds the location where the swarms store the yellow cake, he will immediately organize a commando to conduct a precise attack, first blow up the tunnel, and then find a way to transport the yellow cake out.

But the aliens were smarter than he thought, and they didn't give him a chance to come back at all.

The colonel looked gloomy: "Senior Ye, what can we do?"

Ye Han thought for a while, pointed to the sky and said, "Is there a satellite on it?"

"What?" The Colonel was a little confused.

"I said, are there any satellites over Australia, military ones, remotely sense the location of the entrance of the cave." Ye Han said clearly in one breath.

The colonel suddenly said, "I will report to the fleet immediately!"

"Let's report it, and then ask the boss if there is a way to determine the scope of the hole." Ye Han said.

The colonel's brain is a bit insufficient: "I don't understand what you mean."

Ye Han said: "The swarms haven't landed for a long time. Even if they don't eat or drink all day long, they won't be able to dig many tunnels. distribution range."

"Oh, are you sure about the search area?"

"That's right." Ye Han said ambiguous.

What does it mean? The colonel wanted to ask clearly, but seeing that Ye Han didn't continue to speak, he simply stopped asking, and conveyed Ye Han's meaning to the fleet.

The fleet quickly replied that there is indeed a satellite belonging to Washington over Marida. After urgent consultations, Washington has agreed to remotely sense the surroundings of Marida to find the location of the burrow.

Another question has also been answered. The fleet has a group of monitoring equipment, which is the kind used by the airborne division in Ganymede. It can monitor the underground situation and indirectly determine the distribution range of the burrows.

After Ye Han got the satellite remote sensing data, he immediately ordered the troops to leave the city and continue to detect the underground situation.

The continuous detection has made the colonel impatient: "Master Ye, tell me the truth, is it useful to do this?"

"If you can find it, you will have it. If you can't find it, you will not have it. It's that simple." Ye Han said.

The colonel was stunned: "Are you sure?"

"Grasp?" Ye Han shook his head, "If only it were that easy."

As expected, each unit reported the detection situation one after another. All the openings were the same as those in the city. The passage was blocked from the inside, and it was impossible to find where the yellow cake was hidden.

The colonel gave Ye Han a questioning look, Ye Han sighed helplessly, and instructed on the radio, "Determine the scope of the cave." After that, he looked at the colonel, "I want to speak directly with Commander Zhong."

"Okay." The colonel agreed and immediately started contacting. After a while, Ye Han received a communication from the Luzhou number: "I'm Zhong Yuantai."

"Hello, Commander Zhong." Ye Han greeted politely, "Do you understand Marida's situation?"

"Understood, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"That's right, the missing yellow cake should not be found. I think the most important thing now is not to continue to find the yellow cake, but to prevent this batch of yellow cake from falling into the hands of aliens."

Zhong Yuantai became a little interested: "Tell me what you Ye Handao: "My thought is this, the missing yellow cake should still be in Marida, and it is hidden in the underground of Marida, I propose to put nuclear bombs around Marida to completely destroy Marida. "

Zhong Yuantai took a deep breath: "What are you kidding?"

"I'm not kidding. The consequences of things falling into the hands of aliens are more serious than destroying Marida. The lesser of the two evils is just a trade-off."

Zhong Yuantai's whole person is not well, but he has to admit that Ye Han's idea is indeed reasonable: "Don't say that this master is me, even Beidu can't do it. You wait, I will report to Beidu immediately."

After the communication ended, the Colonel's eyes changed when he looked at Ye Han: "Are you crazy?"

Ye Han chuckled: "Do I look like me?"

The Colonel's cheek twitched: "Cool lunatics are the most terrifying!"

Ye Han immediately laughed: "Thank you for the compliment."

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