Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1164: split plan

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Carapace Frenzy!

The situation was similar to what Ye Han thought. The entire process of landing and leaving the islands was under the monitoring of satellites. Beidu did not delay a minute, and immediately issued the departure order to the ro-ro wheel.

At about three in the morning, the ro-ro ship arrived at the predetermined sea area two hours ahead of schedule and "accidentally" found a speedboat floating on the sea. Out of humanitarianism, the ro-ro ship rescued a group of "refugees" from the speedboat.

After everyone boarded the ro-ro wheel, they were brought into the cabin by the soldiers as soon as possible. As soon as the front foot of the lever stepped into the cabin, the rear foot was controlled and locked into the cabin.

Ye Han took off his equipment in two or three times, and asked Bian Ge, who had just arrived, "Is it all known from above?"

"Understood." Bian Ge said, "instructed from above, after receiving you, we will temporarily stop here and wait for further instructions."

Ye Han took off his dirty coat and threw it on the ground: "Stop here temporarily?"

"Well, I don't know why."

Ye Han sighed shirtless: "Is there any news about Buha Island?"

Bian Ge was at a loss: "What news?"

Ye Han turned to look at the night outside the cabin: "Ouyang Ping is lost."

Bian Ge was stunned: "Is there still such a thing? Didn't it happen that ten people came back?"

"We brought back a pirate, this kid helped a lot, try to give him some preferential treatment."

"Okay What are you going to do about Ouyang?"

"What else can I do? Find a way to find it." Ye Han took off his clothes and walked to the bathroom, "That kid is smart, it's not that easy to end."

It is impossible for him to pull the whole division to Buha Island for one person, and the above will certainly not agree, but if conditions permit, he will definitely try his best to get people back.

"Then I'll apply now." Bian Ge turned and left.

After the discovery of the bug man, the satellite has been aimed at Buha Island to obtain data and analyze the situation on the island.

Ye Han simply rinsed and left the bathroom, put on the jumpsuit first, then put on the power armor, and rushed to the headquarters in the cabin as soon as possible.

When they walked into the headquarters, Bian Ge and the others were surrounding a monitor. When they heard footsteps, everyone raised their heads at the same time and greeted Ye Han one after another.

Bian Ge said, "I found that kid."

"What? So fast?" Ye Han couldn't believe his ears.

Bian Ge turned the monitor to Ye Han: "Where is this kid hiding?"

Seeing Ouyang Ping nestled in the treetops, Ye Han couldn't help grinning: "This kid really knows how to find a place."

Bian Ge pointed to the screen and said, "There are a lot of bugs in this place. It's not a big problem to hide here at night. It won't be a problem when it's dawn."

"Isn't there any movement up there?"

Bian Ge shook his head silently, and Ye Han licked his teeth and Hanako: "I'll report the action first, just to ask by the way."

Bian Ge nodded: "Okay... clear the scene?"

"Clear it." Ye Han said.

Bian Ge made a gesture and left the headquarters with the others, leaving Ye Han alone here.

Ye Han sighed and activated the communication device, directly wanting to communicate with Huo Qiang.

In normal times, Huo Qiang should have rested a long time ago, even if he tried to find someone, he couldn't find anyone, but with such an important action today, Zhong Nanhai might be staying up late, and Huo Qiang, as the direct commander, would definitely not be able to rest.

As expected, as soon as the communication was connected, Huo Qiang's tired face appeared on the screen: "I'm back!"

"Yes, I'm back."

Huo Qiang said: "I already know some of the situation here, you can talk about the specifics."

"Yes!" Ye Han started speaking from the time he landed on Buha Island, and used the most concise language until he returned to the ro-ro wheel.

Huo Qiang nodded after listening: "Okay, you can form a written report and submit it as soon as possible!"

"Yes!" Ye Han agreed. Before the communication was interrupted, he seized the opportunity to ask, "Chief, can I ask what the plan is? If possible, I will apply for participation in the war on behalf of the entire division."

Huo Qiang said: "There is no arrangement yet, wait for the order."

Ye Han hesitated for a moment, but decided to tell the truth: "Sir, I have a person trapped on Buha Island. If possible, I would like to apply for a rescue operation."

"That's what you said just now, Ouyang?"

"Yes, it's him." Ye Han said, "Aside from personal feelings, he is a regiment-level official with a biochip in his brain, or is he transforming people..."

Huo Qiang waved his hand to interrupt: "How sure are you?"

Ye Han didn't speak anymore. He didn't know the details of Buha Island at all. How dare he make a guarantee?

Huo Qiang asked again: "I'll ask you again, what reason do you use to carry out the rescue operation?"

Ye Han immediately said: "Encountered pirates, I heard that there are insects on Buha Island, and I was ordered to scout Buha Island.

"The reason is not bad, and it's not that I can't agree, but you must understand that the US fleet is in northern Australia, and they still don't know the situation on Buha Island. What if the news leaks?"

Ye Han said with difficulty: "If we don't go there, won't the Americans see it?"

The actions of the troops may seem simple, but both the choice of time and the arrangement of the plan must be fully considered.

Did the transport plane put the troops on the sea at any time? Of course not, that time was chosen because the American satellites couldn't see Buha at that point.

Now the US satellite is just over northern Australia, and Buha Island is also within the monitoring range of the satellite. No matter what action is taken, it is difficult to escape the eyes of the satellite.

Huo Qiang said: "We can't control the Americans. We can only do our best to do our best. To tell you the truth, Kalidan and the Philippines are the main targets. New Guinea is too far away. It's too late, there are already mental preparations to divide New Guinea."

"Separation?" Ye Han felt that the word was really new, New Guinea was not under his control Huo Qiang even said the division.

"Yes, division." Huo Qiang said, "It is not in our interest for New Guinea to fall into the hands of the Americans, so we must occupy at least part of New Guinea, and finally the west and north. In this way, New Guinea will Asia can be integrated with the Philippines and Kalidan, pushing our strategic frontline directly to the second island chain."

"Then we..."

"Your task is to wait!" Huo Qiang said, "We only have your first division and the special forces of the Luzhou ship near New Guinea. Once necessary, the first division and the navy must enter New Guinea as quickly as possible. Do you understand me?"


"Speak louder, I can't hear you!"

"Understood!" Ye Han shouted.

Huo Qiang sighed: "Ye Han, you must understand that the task we are carrying out is related to national strategy, and it can definitely affect the overall situation because of personal feelings and someone's life and death, understand?"

"Understood!" Ye Han nodded heavily.

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