Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1166: Curiosity and Reason

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Ouyang Ping rolled over and left the treetop, his two bare thighs clamped the tree trunk and slid to the ground.

The first thing he did after he landed was not to escape, but to release his little brother quickly, and there was a joyful opening of the floodgates... When the last drop was thrown away, he actually gave birth to a kind of vicissitudes of time.

Putting away the little brother, Ouyang Ping picked up his rifle and ran. In any case, he didn't want to stay in this jungle. Even if he jumped into the sea and soaked it, it was better than dying on a tree.

The trees in the jungle are sparse, and you can see everything within a hundred meters. Just after running a few dozen meters, you can see the beach outside the forest, but a group of insects are running wild with coconuts on the beach. He is so shocked that he quickly hides behind a big tree. .

A question came to my mind: what are these worms trying to do?

His gaze followed the bug man involuntarily, but because of the distance and angle, he couldn't see where the bug man was going, and he was too close to be found by the bug man. ... He felt that if he continued to climb like this, sooner or later he would have to return to his ancestors and become a monkey.

Condescendingly, he immediately saw the movement of the insect man clearly.

Insect people are coming out of the woods in droves, sending coconuts deep into Buha.

Ouyang Ping hesitated for a long time, but his reason was finally defeated by curiosity, and he decided to follow up to see what the worm was trying to do... Well, if you don't get close, just take a look from a distance and get a rough idea.

Or how about curiosity killed the cat? He was a poor **** about to be killed by curiosity.

Not daring to get too close, let alone revealing his tracks, Ouyang Ping first observed for a period of time to make sure that there were no insects nearby before descending the tree, then carefully approached the target direction, and stopped again when he approached the edge of the jungle.

He couldn't see where the bug-man had gone, so he climbed the coconut tree for the third time and chose the thickest and tallest one.

Lying on the top of the tree, Ouyang Ping was surprised to see a fairly modern building at the end of his line of sight. A large number of insect people were gathering there from all directions. The total number was no less than four digits. There were also a large number of insect people arriving together. coconut.

Ouyang Ping really hoped that he could contact the fleet. At this time, only one missile could kill more than half of the worms on the island. It would be unreasonable to miss this opportunity.

It's a pity that he can't get in touch with anyone, so he can just think about it in his mind.

Ouyang Ping thought this was the only gathering spot of bugs, but in fact it was not the case at all. What the satellite saw was that the bugs on Buha Island were gathering at several points on the island, and the satellites saw them. It was found that the insect man not only picked a clean coconut on the island, but also collected all the pirates' bodies.

There is no connection between the gathering of worms, picking coconuts and the corpses of pirates, so the worms are not going to get together for a dinner, right?

Ouyang Ping was full of doubts, but he didn't plan to investigate further.

Seeing the gathering point of the worms had satisfied his curiosity, his reason finally returned to his brain, and when he saw the worms coming out of the building, he immediately made a decision to stay away from danger.

Now that the island is full of worms, the best way to stay out of danger is to leave Buha.

Ouyang Ping immediately called up the island-wide map stored in the biochip and looked for the nearest ship.

The pirate den closest to him was the one he went on last night, and the closest ship was where Ye Han and others left by boat.

Ouyang Ping immediately selected a target, and before the bug-man came, he ran to the beach... His position was separated from the hiding place by a cliff. Although it was not so steep in all directions, the vegetation on the hillside was sparse and there were trees. It's even more pitiful. He really climbed up the mountain and was caught by the bugman every minute.

He didn't want to climb to the unobstructed cliff and be besieged by insects, and he didn't know that there was a cave under the cliff that led directly to both sides, so the fastest way was to go upstream from the sea.

Armed swimming was nothing at all. Ouyang Ping rushed into the sea in one breath, stretched his limbs and swam to the target... It was not so easy to swim across, the waves kept pushing him to the beach, and the distance that originally took only a few minutes was dragged by ten It took a few minutes and consumed a lot of energy.

It's hard to say if you can stick to it before you change it to a renovation.

Swimming across the horns of the cliff extending into the sea, Ouyang Ping saw at a glance several large and small boats parked on the shore, one of which was a luxury yacht, which made him so happy that he seemed to have endless energy. , swim to the shore in one breath.

To be cautious, he did not go ashore immediately, but stayed in the water to carefully observe the situation on the shore. After confirming that there were no insects, Ouyang Ping swam directly to the yacht, untied the rope in three or two times, and climbed on the yacht to take a look. The hatch didn't close!

Ouyang Ping immediately grinned, he thought he had to pry open the hatch, this is good, it's all saved!

Ah, the pirates are just rough. They don't know how to close the boat when they stop. This is a bargain for your family!

Ouyang Ping immediately started the yacht, the engine hummed lowly with his movements, but no matter how loud it was, it didn't work. This made him anxious. He looked down, good guy, the pointer on the oil gauge is at the end, which is very special. What is the oil burnt dry ah!

He wondered now if the pirates had purposely drained the fuel tanks, or if it was just a coincidence that the yacht had just run out of fuel when it docked.

Insect people could appear at any time, Ouyang Ping decisively gave up the yacht, rushed out of the boat in three and two steps, stepped out of the hatch with his front foot, and before his hind feet followed, he saw a few insects appear in the distance!

The ghost doesn't go away?

Ouyang Ping was going out at this time, the probability of being discovered was terrifyingly high, he simply took back his steps, carefully closed the hatch, locked it, and then retracted into the cabin to find a hidden corner to nest in, Put all the magazines in front of you one by one, and finally lift the rifle and aim it at the hatch.

No matter who wants to come in, they have to get shot a few times before... um, no, the bugmen haven't moved these boats all night, it's impossible to suddenly be interested in boats, is it too impulsive to want to fight with them now? ? Is it possible to find a safer corner to hide and avoid the search of the bug people?

The more Ouyang Ping thought about it, the more he felt that it made sense. He looked at the front, rear, left, and right side windows. He chose a window that would not be exposed to direct sunlight, and the probe would not be found outside. He squatted and moved over, and stood up carefully, quietly observing the situation outside. .

Those worms really didn't go this way, but went straight into the cave below the cliff.

He saw the entrance of the cave before he went ashore, but unfortunately it was so bright that it was impossible to see the situation in the cave from the outside.

Just as he was about to withdraw and continue to hide, a figure of a worm appeared at the entrance of the cave, and on its shoulders, there was a human whose life and death were unknown.

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