Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1169: I know you like

Year, month, day noon, Buha Island. ? www.suimeng.lā

Ouyang Ping has been hiding in the yacht for more than two hours. When he first hid in, he was worried that the yacht would be too dazzling and would attract the prying eyes of bugmen. From time to time, he probed to observe the movement nearby, but he didn't expect the bugmen to keep in the cave. In and out, but no one looked at the yacht.

It's a good thing that the worms don't care about yachts, but Ouyang Ping just felt that something was wrong. Could it be that the worms had already inspected several yachts, so they just left it here without worrying about it?

After a long time, Ouyang Ping simply no longer cared about the insect man's movements. Anyway, he hid in the corner and the hatch was closed again. The insect man wanted to find out that he had to open the hatch, and it would not be too late to fight back at that time.

It continued until noon, fatigue and tension intertwined, making Ouyang Ping drowsy.

Half-dreaming and half-awake, he vaguely heard a familiar whistling, which was only faint at first, but soon became very clear.

Ouyang Ping woke up abruptly, but the whistling that he had been waiting for did not disappear, but became louder. He jumped up and leaned on the porthole to look out.

All the bug people who came and went on the beach all morning had all fallen down, and all of them were charred as if they had been roasted on a fire.

Ouyang Ping was so excited that he almost shouted, it is a space battleship, a laser cannon of a space battleship!

At this moment, a large airborne capsule descended from the sky full of flames. At the critical moment when it was about to land, the bilge rocket ignited, and the airborne capsule landed steadily on the beach, only smashing a shallow pit on the beach.

Ouyang Ping's eyes widened, what an armored cabin, an airborne cabin dedicated to airdropping power armor!

Although the surface of the airborne cabin has been burnt beyond recognition, the scorched August 1 military emblem on the cabin door is so kind.

Ouyang Ping ran out and rushed to the airborne cabin in one breath.

The airborne capsule had just landed, steaming like a stove, and when it got close, a heat wave hit him.

Ouyang Ping couldn't care anymore. He reversed the rifle and smashed the buckle on the side of the door with the butt. Once, twice, three times, the buckle snapped open, and the door opened automatically, but only Open a slit **** wide.

how can that be? As long as the airborne cabin is opened, it must be fully open... He lowered his head and found out with tears and laughter that the reason was that the airborne cabin was smashed too hard, the bottom of the bilge went deep into the sand layer, and the opened hatch was actually blocked by the sand.

Ouyang Ping immediately knelt down on one knee, brandishing his rifle, and digging sand with his butt.

Fortunately, the beach was soft, and without much effort, the sand that blocked the door was swept away, and the hatch was finally fully opened, revealing a set of dark green power armor that looked particularly sturdy and thick.

Brand new armor.

Ouyang Ping's breath was a little short. If the general-purpose power armor is an armored vehicle, then the heavy armor is a tank. The protection capabilities of the two are completely different!

He couldn't help looking up at the sky, because the above knew that he was fighting alone, and he deliberately cast a heavy armor to help him save his life!

A laser suddenly hit the top of the mountain ridge, and a scorched worm was killed on the spot, and the body fell off the cliff more than ten meters high.

Ouyang Ping woke up immediately, and immediately took off his equipment, even his underwear, and threw it away. He put on the jumpsuit as quickly as possible, and then got into the open armor. , the screen lights up instantly, and the self-test data flows out like a waterfall.

The control system is normal.

The motor system is normal.

The weapon system is normal.

The power supply system is normal.

The fire control system is normal.


The scan showed slight dehydration, and the drinking tube was automatically sent to Ouyang Ping's mouth.

In just one second, Ouyang Ping had stepped out of the airdrop pod, took off the armored rifle behind his backhand, looked at the huge drum on the gun, and pulled the bolt to the top of the bullet.

This is an armored rifle, it is an armored light machine gun after all!

With this armor, he has the confidence to kill any enemy who dares to attack.

With a beep, the communication system was automatically turned on, and Ye Han's familiar voice entered Ouyang Ping's ear: "Ouyang, how do you feel?"

"Better than ever!" Ouyang Ping's voice was full of joy.

Ye Han chuckled: "I knew you would definitely like it." To be precise, everyone likes it, not just Ouyang Ping himself.

Soldiers have a natural yearning for heavy weapons. Anyone who is qualified to wear power armor, whether a general or a soldier, who does not like heavy armor?

However, heavy armor is expensive, consumes astonishing power, and is less flexible than the general-purpose type. Except for better protection and stronger firepower, it has few advantages, so there is not a large number of equipped troops, but the functions are more balanced. Universal armor, which is also more affordable, ruled the motorized infantry.

Not only China, but also the US and other Western countries.

As soon as he said a few words, several flashing red dots appeared on the radar. Ouyang Ping looked up and saw that seven or eight bugmen had appeared on the cliff. After they saw the situation on the beach, they were angry. With a loud roar, they jumped off the cliff together.

Ouyang Ping thought that they would jump straight down like in the movie, but he didn't expect their worm legs to hang on the almost vertical cliff, but they directly buckled on the cliff, and ran down while walking. He raised his stout arm and shot at Ouyang Ping.

Ouyang Ping instinctively hid behind the airdrop pod, and the bone blade hit the airdrop pod with a crackling sound: "Master, the bug man is coming up, let's talk about it later, I'll charge some interest first!"

He picked up the armored machine gun and placed it on the hatch. A short burst shot hit a bug man, cutting off half of his head. The bug man lost control in an instant, and the bug leg inserted on the cliff was too late to pull out, and the body was actually on the cliff. I fell on my horse and squatted there, and after a few strokes and swaying, there was no movement.

Ye Han said: "Just hold on for a We have already set off, and we will be there in a while."

"Understood!" Ouyang Ping fired again, and another worm was shot and fell directly from the cliff.

The anger that he had held back for a long time in his heart suddenly surged into his heart, and he aimed at the third bugman and pulled the trigger: "I made you go into the woods..."

Fired again: "I asked you to guard the tree..."

Transfer the muzzle and continue to shoot: "Let you guard me..."

"Let you pick Lao Tzu's coconuts..."

"Let you..."

Speaking of which, Ouyang Ping got stuck, and he couldn't think of what else to say, but the shooting didn't stop, and he still fired at the bug man accurately.

A bone blade slammed into the armor, and the tip of the bone blade pierced the armor by nearly one centimeter, but it was only one centimeter.

Ouyang Ping was furious and killed the last two bugmen with several shots.

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