Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1171: catch up anyway

Ouyang Ping was stunned, everyone had already flown to the beach.

Ye Han flew right above Ouyang Ping, and shouted as he descended: "The first target of the first company, the second company to clear the insects, and the guard company to land!

With an order, the team in the air was divided into three parts, one third flew over the hills and flew directly to the depths of Buha Island; one third flew to the beach, took off their rifles and shot at the fleeing bugmen, and the last third flew. The wings of the plane plummeted from a height of 20 to 30 meters into the waist-deep water.

The soldiers picked up their rifles as soon as they entered the water, but the worms on the shore were almost cleaned up by the second company, and they didn't even leave any soup for the guard company.

Luo Qi was so angry that he kept complaining on the radio that the second company commander was stealing the head.

Ye Han landed directly beside Ouyang Ping, looked at Ouyang Ping up and down several times, and said with emotion, "I saw it all, you did a good job."

It’s really good. Even if you don’t see the battle, you can see how intense the battle is just by looking at the situation on the beach. There are dozens of corpses of bugs lying under the cliff. The distance between them was covered by a fan; from the airborne capsule to the seaside, there was a path of thirty meters long, paved with the flesh and blood of the worms.

The vast majority of the worms were too dead to die, and only a few twitched from time to time. The soldiers of the three companies waded from the water all the way to the cliffs. All worms were dead or alive, except for the ones whose heads exploded. Come up and shoot again.

Ouyang Ping, who witnessed this scene, let out a long breath, bent his legs, and rested on the spot in a particularly aggrieved posture: "Master, you are here."

The outer layer of the heavy armor is too thick, and the legs can be bent up to 90 degrees at most. It cannot be as light and flexible as the general-purpose type, and he does not avoid running and jumping, so he can only rest in a squatting posture... For heavy armor Say, this position is equivalent to sitting in place.

Don't think about sitting on the ground, you can sit, but once you sit in a hole, it is very difficult to get up.

"It was a little late, but I caught up anyway." Ye Han said.

Ouyang Ping's eyes turned to Shan Gang: "Isn't it here to save me in such a big battle?"

Ye Han sighed: "The situation is very complicated. Let's put it this way, the top has been pressing it to stop moving. This is because of a new situation, so let me lead the team to see it. I deliberately took two companies from the second battalion."

"What mission?"

"Reconnaissance." Ye Han said, "The satellite found that the insects gathered abnormally, and the above thought it was not a good thing. Let's come over and find out the situation."

"Oh!" Ouyang Ping stood up on his knees, "I even looked at it twice, it was a coconut and a corpse, I don't know what I wanted to do..."


The voice of the second company commander came from the communication: "Master, the insect people are cleaned up!"

"Got it, the person with you, target number two!" Ye Han said.


Ouyang Ping's voice suddenly rose: "Is there a second target?"

"More than that, there are five goals in total."

Ouyang Ping couldn't help but feel pain: "What do you need me to do?"

"No need for now, you can rest first."

"I can do it." Ouyang Ping insisted.

"Okay, you go with Erlian. Maybe you need your armor over there. You should also pay attention to it. I will take the guards to look at target number 3, and let's go."

"Yes!" Ouyang Ping agreed loudly, turned his head and shouted at the Second Company Commander, "Let's go, hurry up!"

The second company commander glanced at the cliff and then looked at Ouyang Ping, the whole person was not good: "battalion commander, which way are we going?" Everyone can use the flight bag to cross the hill, but Ouyang Ping is wearing heavy armor, which is the back I can't fly with my flight bag on.

Ouyang Ping waved his hand: "Let's go, I'll follow."

"Yes!" The second company commander finally breathed a sigh of relief and waved his hand to order the troops to set off.

All the officers and soldiers of the Second Company immediately started the flight bag, took off, and flew up the hill.

Ouyang Ping rushed to the bottom of the cliff in a few steps, raised his arm to aim at the top of the cliff, and with a light click above his wrist, a small flying grab with a string tied to the back of his **** popped out.

After Feizhao fell to the top of the cliff, Ouyang Ping pulled hard, it was very strong, so he activated the miniature winch above his forearm to wind up the string, and the heavy armor was immediately pulled to the top of the cliff by the string.

Seeing Ouyang Ping go up the cliff, Ye Han couldn't help laughing.

This kid really brought him a lot of surprises.

Luo Qi leaned over to Ye Han: "Master, the drone found that the worms are gathering on the No. 1 and No. 2 targets, and the number is very large."

Ye Han restrained his smile: "Have you notified Yilian and Erlian?"

"Notified, they are quite confident."

Ye Han pouted: "These guys...Which side has more worms?"

"Target number two."

Ye Han immediately shouted on the radio: "Ouyang, do you know the situation?"


"Report the situation immediately."


Ye Han closed the line and said to Luo Qi, "Let's go, target number three."

The number of bugmen is likely to be linked to the importance of the target, but he prefers to trust Ouyang Ping's rather than rushing to take Ouyang Ping's command.

"Yes!" Luo Qi agreed, and the troops set off immediately, everyone including Ye Han flew along the coastline, jumped suddenly when they reached the highest speed, and at the same time unfolded the flight bag behind them.

After the troops took off, they quickly left the cliffs at the southwest corner of Buha Island and the rocky coast behind. After a while, the coast in sight became a long white sand beach and intermittent coconut groves. The sea is also dotted with satellite islands.

Although there is no sunlight and no sparkling scene can be seen, but if you think about it, you can also think about it.

Luo Qi couldn't help but admire: "This place is not bad!"

Ye Han said: "Of course it's not bad, this place is also a small tourist destination."

The No. 1 target was the place Ouyang Ping glanced at from a distance; the No. 2 target was a dock warehouse in the northwest of Buha Island; the No. 3 target was an abandoned luxury hotel on the south side of Buha Island.

According to the information provided by Beidu, this is one of the few five-star hotels on the island. After Buha Island was abandoned, the hotel was occupied by a group of pirates. After several rounds, the latest news was that the hotel was occupied by the largest pirate gang on the island.

"It's a pity." Luo Qi couldn't help but sigh.

Ye Han smiled: "It's not a pity, we can live here as long as we want when we get rid of the bug people."

"That feeling is good!" Luo Qi also smiled.

He really didn't think it would be difficult to occupy Buha Island. Given the current international situation, it would be fine if the North didn't make a move. He must have absolute certainty.

The troops flew all the way east along the coast, but after a few minutes, the third target was already in sight.

The team was about to reach the goal, and a few insect men carrying coconuts suddenly rushed out of a coconut grove on the bank. As soon as they appeared, they roared and raised their arms.

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