Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1174: soldier who wants to be a general

Luo Qi looked left and looked again, but found no trace of the insect man, so he couldn't help but say, "Master, let's go in!"

Ye Han couldn't help but be moved, but after thinking about it, he felt that it shouldn't be so simple. While hesitating, he suddenly received a communication from Ouyang Ping: "Master, there is a situation!"

Ye Han's heart skipped a beat: "What's the situation?"

"Look!" Ouyang Ping immediately sent a video. The building on the video was the No. 1 target, a warehouse near the dock.

At this moment, on the pier is standing a bug-man with a carefree expression and a white flag in his hand.

Ye Han's eyeballs almost didn't fall out. Although he received the news for a short time, he had already imagined many situations in his mind. Even if Ouyang Ping found out that the insect man was building an atomic bomb, Ye Han would not be surprised, but he would not be surprised anyway. Unexpectedly, the so-called situation is actually a bug man playing a white flag!

What the **** is going on here?

"Ouyang, what's going on?"

Ouyang Ping said: "I also just received this video from Yilian."

"You didn't say anything else in a row?"

"We fought with the bugmen in a row, and when we were about to hit the pier, such a **** suddenly appeared, saying that he wanted to talk to us, and that the confrontation would be temporarily suspended until the negotiation was over." Ouyang Ping had a constipated expression on his face, " Master, do you care if they continue to fight?"

Ye Han suddenly had a toothache, what the **** is the bug person trying to do!

He thought about fighting to the death with the worms, annihilating them all, and even thinking about being wiped out by the worms, but he just never thought about communicating with the worms... What is there to communicate with the worms? There is no such precedent in the world!

But the insect man put on this posture, obviously with the idea of ​​communication.

If the order given to Ye Han above was to wipe out the insects, he would have no hesitation at all. He had already ordered the troops to kill them, but the order above was to find out the purpose of the insects!

Communicate with the bug people, exchange and exchange, it is indeed helpful to complete the task, the question is whether doing so will provoke criticism from other countries.

The three of them have become a tiger and a lot of money. If this story spreads, will it be misinterpreted to mean that the North has to make peace with the aliens?

This is not a joke, it may be a political event that shocked the world.

While hesitating, Ye Han received another communication from Ouyang Ping: "Master, there is another message coming, saying that the worms are willing to use an important piece of information to exchange for a chance to meet."

"Important information? Which one?" Ye Han was heartbroken, his eyes sparkling like light bulbs.

The worms are under the command of aliens. Isn't the intelligence from the worms the intelligence from the inside of the enemy?

Feeling heartbroken, Ye Han still didn't dare to agree without authorization. He thought for a while and said, "Notice, first stabilize the bugman, I'll ask what the above means."


After the communication was over, Ye Han immediately contacted Qiongzhou. A communication found Huo Qiang and explained the situation here. When talking about the intention of the bug man, Huo Qiang stood up abruptly: "What did you say? The bug man wants to negotiate?"

He had never imagined that such a funny situation would occur on Buha Island, and he was not mentally prepared at all.

"That's what it means." Ye Han said uncertainly, "I haven't contacted the bug people yet, so I don't know what they want to do. Chief, you can make up your mind."

"You let me make up your mind about such a big thing? Are you smart?" Huo Qiang was so anxious that dialects came out.

Ye Han looked embarrassed: "Then what should I do? I'm still hanging on to them!"

"Wait, I'll ask." Huo Qiang got up and left, but did not cut off the communication, Ye Han could still hear Huo Qiang's voice, "Ministry of Defense, I'm Qiongzhou, is Minister Qiu here... Yes, in an emergency, The sooner the better... Minister Qiu is in Zhongnanhai? Well, I see."

Ye Han heard the voice of slamming the phone, and then Huo Qiang's voice: "Pick up Zhong Nanhai for me!"

Hearing this, Ye Han grinned and took the initiative to cut off the communication... No matter what the reason was, he didn't cut off the communication, he better not listen to the communication between Huo Qiang and Beidu.

A few minutes later, Ye Han received a communication from Huo Qiang: "Ye Han, the above agrees with the request of the bug people. You can try to contact the bug people and see what they want to do."

Ye Han thought for a while and said, "Chief, what if they make a request?"

"Hold on, no matter what they bring up, you say you have no right to agree, and you have to report it to get results."


"Also, tell the troops to pay attention to the movement of the insect people, and don't fall for the insect people's delaying tactics." Huo Qiang reminded.



At the end of the communication, Ye Han raised his head and shouted, "Luo Qi!"


"You and the guards stay here, continue to surround the hotel, and not a fly is allowed to fly out!"

"Yes... Teacher, how about you?"

"I'll take a look." Ye Han turned around and was about to leave.

Luo Qi quickly stopped: "Master, why do you have to take a class?"

"Then take a class." Ye Han agreed.

After all, this is an enemy-occupied area, so there is nothing wrong with bringing a class to ensure safety.

Luo Qi immediately arranged a class to follow Ye Han. After taking off, everyone flew directly to target No. 1. After a while, they rushed to the pier located in the northwest of Buha Island.

On the pier, Lian Lian was facing off against the worms. The two sides were at each other's throats, and they were in a posture that they might fight at any Ye Han landed directly on the pier. The company commander did not dare to reveal Ye Han's identity, only on the radio. Said hello: "Master!"

"Is there any movement from the bug man?"

"No, I've been waiting."

"As for the drone, give them a walkie-talkie." Ye Han said.

Since the bug people even know how to negotiate, there is no reason why they can't use walkie-talkies.

The first company commander was immediately embarrassed: "Master, we didn't bring that stuff!"

Ye Han frowned, this time he was in trouble.

He hesitated and said, "Find a volunteer..."

"Master, let me go." said Ma Hongwei, who was following Ye Han.

At present, all the transformed people have been transferred to the guard company. It is precisely because they have superhuman special abilities that they are sent by Luo Qi to Ye Han.

Ye Han said solemnly, "Have you figured it out? This mission is very dangerous."

"Think clearly." Ma Hongwei smiled shyly, "The island of death faces upwards, and it will not die for 10,000 years!"

Ye Han said: "Do you have any requirements?"

Ma Hongwei rubbed his left hand around his waist: "Give me another pistol."

Ye Han directly took out his own gun, pulled the sleeve to put the bullet on top, and checked the ammunition in the magazine again, and then handed the pistol upside down to Ma Hongwei: "Be careful, come back alive."

"Don't worry, Commander." Ma Hongwei took the pistol, "I still want to be a general."

Ye Han couldn't help laughing: "I haven't become a general yet, but your ambition is not low."

"A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier!" Ma Hongwei replied seriously.

Ye Han nodded in appreciation: "Go!"

"Yes!" Ma Hongwei turned around and strode towards the bug man.

Seeing Ma Hongwei's resolute back, Ye Han suddenly had a thought in his heart, this kid might be able to become a general in the future if he worked so hard.

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