Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1178: 1 unsuccessful experiment

Ye Han's whole person is not well, didn't he say that it would last for twenty-four hours? How can you not come?

The reason is also very simple. Philippine Island and Kalidan are the main targets of the northern capital. New Guinea is just raking grass and fighting rabbits. Therefore, the Southeast Fleet is the weakest of the three fleets. Troops are just as small.

Buha Island is not big, but its area is not too small. Controlling such a large island requires a lot of troops. If this group of troops is placed on Buha Island, the troops brought by the Southeast Fleet will be less than one-third.

Originally, there were not enough manpower. If one third was allocated, it would not make much difference if New Guinea did not land.

Moreover, the bug people have been honest since the agreement was reached, and Beidu simply gave up the previous plan and went all out to manage New Guinea.

On the one hand, this is to concentrate the troops into fists, and on the other hand, it also means to test the insect people again. Anyway, Ye Han has already made all the preparations that he can do, even if there is a problem with the bug people, the airborne division will not have an accident.

If it is cultural, it is called killing two birds with one stone; if it is heroic and military, it is called killing two birds with one stone; if it is popular, it is called killing two birds with one stone.

But when it came to Ye Han, it was different. Beidu ordered him to leave him in the big pit of Buha Island. The troubles that had only been for 24 hours became a long way off, making his whole person unwell.

The only consolation was that the worm was honest and didn't cause him any trouble.

However, the fleet was not without indication. When the main force turned to New Guinea, a supply ship was sent to Buha Island to replenish a batch of supplies for the troops on the island, including mobile fortresses and various daily necessities.

This time, Ye Han's guess was confirmed. Damn, he just threw Buha Island to him!

No matter how bad the mood is, he has to continue to stay on Buha Island. Ye Han simply called Ma Hongwei and ran to chat with the insect people about the mountains.

Didn't the bug man say he had information in his hand? Might be able to get something out of it!

Not to mention, Ma Hongwei really lived up to his expectations, and really got something useful out of the bugman. (PS: This is not to "live up to expectations", but to live up to Ye Han's "heavy" expectations.)

For example, the worm who came forward to communicate is called Carlos. This guy is actually not very talented, but because he understands Chinese, he was driven by other worms to be put on the shelves, and he came out to pretend to be a boss.

For another example, there are thousands of worms who are determined to restore their human identity, but many of them were discovered by aliens and controlled by aliens again. Only more than 100 people escaped to Buha Island, and other worms. People are all subordinates to these people, they have no independent thinking, and they can do whatever they want.

For example, why are all the worms male, and there is no female... This is a very obscene question, and Carlos said that female worms are just as unsuitable for fighting as women, and women who originally fell into the hands of aliens Less, after discovering that female worms are not suitable for fighting, the aliens simply transformed them into reproductive machines like ant queens, and those ordinary worms are their offspring.

Ye Han's forehead almost exploded when he heard it, is this really fake?

He didn't want to believe what Carlos said, but no matter how he looked at it, Carlos didn't seem to be lying... But it was too scary. He couldn't imagine what the aliens had transformed into female captives.

Besides, the reproductive worker ants of the queen ants are all females, but the worms are all males... um, man, this is not the same as the queen ant at all, right?

The conversation continued, Carlos talked about his interest, and simply opened the chat box. Except for not mentioning intelligence, he could say anything else.

Through the description of Carlos, the tragic life of the captives is like a vivid picture, which gradually unfolds before the eyes of Ye Han and others.

Ye Han felt that many of the things that Carlos mentioned inadvertently were very important information.

For example, Carlos mentioned that the oxygen consumption of worms is extremely high. Human lungs alone cannot provide so much oxygen, so worms must rely on airbags to assist breathing... Well, this is probably the reason why worms don't like water. After being in the water, the abdomen must be soaked in the water, the air sacs cannot breathe, and the worm will be deprived of oxygen.

Another example is when Carlos mentioned that the worms consume very little when they are not moving, and can enter a state similar to hibernation... The servants also have this ability, it should be some kind of obsession of the aliens, otherwise there is no need to spend this on the worms thing.

There are also the structure of the alien underground base, the appearance and function of various giant insects, and so on.

Ye Han felt that Carlos was definitely not being lied to by Ma Hongwei, but deliberately disclosed this information in exchange for trust or other purposes. In short, he wanted to have a good relationship with Beidu.

It's a pity that the worms don't know the exact location of the alien base, otherwise, it would not be a problem for the northern capital... no, it would not be a problem for countries around the world to supply this group of worms.

In other words, why don't the aliens play Infernal Affairs? If they go out for a few These worms don't immediately break into the interior of human beings?

Ye Han suddenly thought of a question. Aliens can directly read human minds and control the minds of bug people. Can they control human minds?

If aliens capture a group of human beings, control their minds and then release them, allowing these puppets to penetrate into human beings... This is going to be a big deal!

He hurriedly ordered Ma Hongwei to make a cliché and asked if the aliens had any research in this area.

Originally, Ye Han just had the idea of ​​​​just in case, but Carlos actually replied that there is, and the experiment has been carried out for a long time.

Ye Han almost fainted, but fortunately, Carlos added another sentence, saying that the experiment has never been successful, and he can't say the specific reason. It seems that it has something to do with the means by which aliens control their minds.

Ye Han almost didn't frighten Carlos to death. After listening to this sentence and thinking about it, it makes some sense.

Humans captured by aliens can indeed extract their thoughts, but that is after they have been transformed by aliens so that they are neither human nor ghosts; aliens can control the thinking of worms, but only if they are transformed into worms first.

Therefore, transformation is the premise of control. To put it bluntly, the transformation of aliens not only changes the body of the captive, but also opens a back door in the captive's mind. Without this back door, there is no need to control the captive.

It is estimated that the alien experiment has not been successful for so long, and it is stuck on the issue of how to open the back door... But what if one day, the alien will break the door?

Thinking of this, Ye Han couldn't sit still anymore, and immediately contacted Qiongzhou to report the incident.

After listening to the report, Huo Qiang felt sick: "Is this the information that the worm wants to say?"

"It shouldn't be." Ye Han said, "I just said it casually in the chat, and I don't care at all."

Huo Qiang said: "Send the conversation process over immediately!"


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